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Concerning Mr Silver

Posted on 08 Apr 2023 @ 2:48pm by Ensign Teton & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

1,096 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Security
Timeline: Before away mission


-Security present day-

Teton was amazed at how quickly bad news circulated through the Security department. K’Ruuras was in a deep coma. The Andorian was usually quite non-emotional about these things. But this time he was a little saddened. It had only been a few days previously that he had been speaking with him.

-Security, A few days previous-

Security had been busy when Teton came in. He needed some advice on the recent evidence he had collected on Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver. Up until the age of 9 young Silver had been a wild and stupid child. But then after a near-fatal accident. He became better behaved and a good student. Starfleet personnel had picked up on this. Although why now and not when Silver had joined the Starfleet Academy? Teton was not sure.

He looked around for someone to speak to.

As if conjured by that thought, C'Tirr came around the corner his nose in another file. This one was a hard file. Not kept on a computer file, though a copy was on an isolinier chip to be transferred to a computer needed. This was in an effort to protect anyone from the serial killer Rhys and his accomplices from trying to follow the investigation.

He smelled and heard the Andorian. Looking up, The large anthropomorphic black panther tucked his large paper file under his arm and approached the fellow Security officer. "You look like you could use a hand with something." He said in his friendly way. He was glad to have something else to think about now, besides having to update this file to reflect the most recent and final horrors of Rhys Antako, the interview with his sister, the insertion of a copy of his death certificate plus the interview with the Engineering officers Leland Hawksley and Jarel Haze. It had been jarring to listen to. He reached a hand out in way of greeting as he pushed the haunting thoughts away, "I'm C'Tirr K'Ruuras at your service." He smiled a toothy smile as his one-and-a-half ears twitched.

Teton tilted his head.

“ It is as the humans say good to meet you C’Tirr K’Ruuras. I once served with a Caitian called Z’Rurr K’Ruuras on the transportation and cargo freighter Gaxlay Pathfinder. Are they a relation to you?” Teton asked.

C'Tirr cocked his head as he ran through the list of his cousins from the K'Ruuras side of his clan. His memories were still jumbled in places. He finally shrugged. "It's possible. I come from a rather large family. Plus some of my memories are still fuzzy or missing. I had suffered from amnesia for a few months."

“ He did have almost the same markings as you have. A very good member of the crew as my memory serves.Amnesia. That is a serious condition indeed. If I may inquire how did this happen to you?” Teton asked

"You heard about what happened to Cassandra and that engineer right?" C'Tirr asked before he continued. "The guy responsible had captured Cassie and I then held us under torture. We managed to get Cassandra free but I was shot in the attempt. When I was shot, I fell into a gorge and hit my head. The combination of the bullet wound and head injury made Rhys think I was mortally wounded." He let out a chuckle as he pointed the half ear. "All he hit was my ear because I had slipped at the last second but that slip sent me over the edge."

" I am amazed at your resilience to survive such an accident. If you had been human. I do not think you would have lived through the fall. This brings me to the subject of my being here. It seems that Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver also was involved in such a fall. But in his childhood year of nine. A human child of this age would be a lot weaker in bone construction. The child however was hospitalised for a lengthy period of time. What has piqued Starfleet Personnel's interest in Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver? Before the accident, his behaviour was undisciplined and erratic. But after he was disciplined, well behaved and eager to learn." Teton said

Ctirr gave the information some thought. "From what I am to understand about such things from my experience. And from what Starfleet Medical has explained to me. Sometimes such trauma can trigger changes in personality in some cases. Something about discovering humanity in the face of destruction." He shrugged apologetically wishing he had listened a little bit more to the doctor now.

Teton had heard of this happening to adults. But the Silvers age when this life-changing experience happened. Gave a concern to him.

" I understand that this can happen to most adults. Who escapes death by the shortest of whispers? But our concern about Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver. Is that his age when this happened was only nine years human? Surely this would be too young as you put it. Discover his humanity?" Teton asked

"Sounds like something you might want to run by a counsellor. I bet they could give you something more solid to look at as far as personality changes in regard to trauma. Sorry." C'Tirr offered his tone apologetically. "Unless you think that he got switched or something. " He joked lightly.

Teton wondered about C'Tirr's comment.

" That could be possible he may have been switched or enhanced in some way. The evidence does indeed point to this being a possible outcome. Although he has not shown any enhanced abilities. We need access to Lieutenant Junior Grade Silver's health files. Then we can ascertain if the suspicions are correct or in error." He reported

But before C’Tirr could say more he had to leave for a mission briefing and Teton did not get another chance to speak with him.

- Security -

Now. Sadly it was too late C’Tirr was in a deep coma. Teton decided to close the file on Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver. It was clear by the human’s tendency to have mishaps. That he was no argument. Plus it was 99.95% that Silver would get himself killed soon. The Andorian bowed his head as if in prayer then left security.





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