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Fond Messages

Posted on 16 Dec 2022 @ 11:55pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno
Edited on on 01 Jan 2023 @ 5:14pm

1,276 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: USS Roosevelt and USS Tomcat
Timeline: Shortly after "Letters, Part 2"


Jo had just stepped out of the shower area to towelling her hair dry, another towel wrapped around her. She walked into where she was sleeping, with the others who were bunking there. Most of them were gone already working out strategies or for the most part taking the chance for a little downtime before they went into the grinder.

One of the marines, looked up and said, "Hey Lieutenant, there's a message sent for you. if you want to take it privately there's an area you can do so." the marine pointed the way.

"Thanks, Mab, I'll take it there," Jo told her, heading in that direction.

She opened up the message and smiled seeing Jane, reaching out to touch the image of Jane, the curve of her cheek.

Jo then made her own recording, a warm smile on her lips. "Hi, Jane I couldn't help but send you an answer. We're not quite there yet but almost. I am so glad and very surprised you sent me this message. I miss you greatly and am looking forward to the meal you are planning." Jo pulled off the towel she had on her head letting her hair drift down towards her bare shoulders. "I will once again say that you are very beautiful and seeing you, right now it makes me thrilled."

Back on the Tomcat, after all of her messages sent earlier in the evening, Jane had set up an alarm to alert her if any new transmissions came in for her. But she had thought the Marines were about to go into battle; she didn’t think one would come tonight!

She was swimming laps in the holodeck pool when the alarm went off. She thought about getting out and using the arch, but she was comfy in the water, so she swam to the edge, propped herself on her forearms and elbows, and arranged for the holodeck to display the message in front of her.

Jo’s message hit home perfectly. Jane blushed at the compliment, as she always did when Jo called her beautiful and beamed knowing that her message had lifted Jo so.

“I didn’t expect to hear back from you so soon!” she said, having resumed a recording. She cleared wet hair from her face. “And that’s funny, I caught you coming out of the shower, and you caught me in the pool. I never did ask, do you like swimming?” She grinned. “If we’re ever core ward, I’ll take you to the lake country on Vega. Best swimming anywhere. The holodeck can recreate it, but nothing beats the original. And…I think I’d like to show you home.” She let out a sigh. “I’ll see you in a few days. Miss you.” She clicked to end the transmission and sent it off, hoping it would arrive soon. That they could speak again before any combat action.

Jo heard the ping after a few minutes. She hadn't moved from the spot, not wanting to miss an answering message. She grinned when she saw where Jane was at. "I love swimming, especially in the buff." She giggled, "Something I've not really told anyone before. I miss you as well, and I would love to go see your home. I am looking forward to finding out more about you when I get back. And I'll have to show you where I am from. I wish I was there in the pool with you there. Have you ever been kissed while underwater?"

Jo sent the message back hoping that Jane's answer won't be too long coming back.

Jane was still swimming when the reply came in, so of course, she sent a message right back.

“Swimming in the buff, eh? As you might have assumed, that’s the only way I do it.” The holographic ‘camera’ followed her as she made her way to the ladder and climbed out, confirming any suspicion Jo might have had about her state of undress while swimming. “Hot tub time. I don’t think you’ve told me where you’re from, actually. I’d love to hear all about it, and see it too.” She stepped slowly into the hot tub, letting the bubbly jets do their thing against her back and legs. “Wish you were here too. Being kissed underwater… I think some of my first kisses were underwater, at camp when I was thirteen or fourteen. Just two girls trying to steal a precious moment without drawing attention, so we’d duck underwater in the lake.” She let out a laugh. “I’ve not thought about that in years, thank you. And I’ve not tried it since then. You’ll show me?” She winked and sent the message.

Jo was ecstatic and watched intently as Jane moved to the hot tub. "Oh wow very sexy and I wish I was there with you in that hot tub." having a dreamy look in her eyes. "Looks like we'll get to have more conversations, I would definitely love to show you the kissing underwater. " just beaming. "I will tell you this, I am from Hawaii. When I get back I can show some images of where I have lived, some places I loved going to. And some places I've wished I had someone with me when I went to visit home." Jo said wistfully. She reached out her hand towards the screen as if to touch Jane's hand, "I have time enough for one more message then I'll have to sign off. Hope you are awake enough for one more message."

"I've never been to Hawaii," Jane said, recording her reply. "I've heard only good things, and if it produced someone as amazing as you, it must be perfect." She looked toward the camera wistfully. "I wish you were here too. But I know you'll be safe and rejoin me soon. I'll reload the program when you're back, so you can kiss me underwater in the pool and then ravish me in the hot tub, deal?" She winked and blew the camera a kiss. "Get some sleep before contact, Jo. I'll need to do the same soon. If you have time for one last reply, please send it, so I can go to sleep happy tonight."

When Jo recorded her next message she pantomimed catching Jane's kiss and delivering it to her own lips. "Love your kisses." she purred.

When Jane said she was amazing, Jo blushed slightly and then gave a playful smile, "I will hold you to what you just said sounds like a fabulous plan, having some fun in both the pool and the hot tub. I like that idea very much. And thank you, you are amazing as well. I can hardly wait to get back and sweep you into my arms and kiss you deeply." She kissed her hand and blew a kiss in return, letting her towel slip just a little bit lower, just enough to tease, but not quite showing.

"Good night, my guiding beautiful star. I will dream of you, and your sweet kisses. Sweet dreams." Jo then said "Send to Doctor Jane Sinclair. Jo ended her message and headed off to her bunk, hoping that Jane had received her message. As for Jo, she slipped into her pyjamas and fell asleep dreaming of a beautiful blue-haired woman.




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