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Posted on 02 Jan 2023 @ 9:12pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Captain Mazal Falk

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Timeline: After “Letters”, “Letters Part 2”, and “Fond Messages”


Mazal had a few padd's out on a table in front of her, as she looked between them all. There was also pieces of paper she was drawing out some rough sketches looking like battle plans for strategic entrances. She tossed her pencil down on the table.

"Argh! Okay we do have enough troops to deal with the situations we're going into, still..." Mazal walked over to get some water, with a slice of lemon it it. taking moment to think over things. She was in her quarters, just wearing a grey tank top and sweatpants. Her feet were bare, she walked back over to the table she had set up,to get back to work. Looking at the clock the hour was getting late, a beeping message came from one of the PADD's indicating there was a message. Checking it she smiled slightly, It was Jane, she'll have to see what the doctor wanted to say. Probably wanting to talk to her about Jo.

Mazal stepped over to her computer and fired up the link, sitting down with her glass of lemon water to listen and to watch Jane's message.

As she listened, Mazal smiled, this certainly was a pick me up. Taking a sip of her water, Mazal recorded her own message.

"Computer begin." Mazal giving a smile. "Hey Jane, thanks for the message, it was a much needed break from me working on battle plans and figuring out how to get people home. I would love to get together and do more dance lessons and do some karaoke. Besides seein Tosrol again, it will be great to see you as well." Mazal paused in her speech, "Oh my goodness just seeing you has given me an idea to help us out in the plan I just have to see if it can be done. I'll be back in abit. Mazal signing off for now."

Computer please send this message to Doctor Jane Sinclair of the USS Tomcat."

Jane was back in her quarters and ready for bed when her alert alarm went off again. Two in an evening! And it was Mazal this time!

She changed into pyjamas as she listened to it, and her eyebrows went up at the conclusion. “Computer, begin recording. Hi Mazal. Glad I could be of help but you have me intrigued. What idea did I give you? Also, if it works out, I get partial credit,” she added with a wink. “I had a thought. Maybe karaoke night could be a double date? You, Tosrol, me, and Jo? She and I, well, we haven’t done anything in a group or social setting yet, and, well, I’d like to change that.”

Part of her was suddenly tempted to ask that she make sure Jo come home safe. But it was selfish to single out anyone. She wanted everyone to come home safe. But that she had even thought of it made her feel something nice. Her own feelings were getting clearer.

“We can make it wider too. A bit of gossip for you, I think something might be happening soon between two people of our acquaintance. Can’t be more specific yet. Very hush hush.” She pantomimed locking her lips with a key. “Anyways, talk later. Good night, Mazal.” She sent the message and lay down in bed with a book on a PADD.

A ding announced another message from Mazal. "You caught me before I went into the next meeting. I am thinking, if it gets approved, getting a sort of bomb filled with Anesthizine gas. I've got to see if I can clear it with Cahill. I hope that is a feasible plan of action, but if it is found a worthy plan then all that needs to be done is set one on the different places we need to deal with. Sure, there will be those who won't be affected by the gas but, its one way to cut down on injuries and possible casualties." she sent the return message to Jane.

Jane was about ready to put the book down when she heard another chime.

“That’s a good idea. Anesthezine works well for that. A lot of anesthetics depend heavily on body mass and we’re incredibly toxic if too much was administered. A certain amount might not affect a large person at all but would be almost instantly fatal for a someone tiny. For centuries using anesthetics as a weapon was illegal, but Anesthezine works differently. Flood a room, everyone is knocked out, but no one dies.” She smiled. “And wouldn’t you rather take prisoners than count bodies? Even if the enemy doesn’t afford you the same courtesy?” She idly wondered about the status of her official complaint about Fleet Captain Somers’s murder of a prisoner. “You’ll want the ship’s engineers to make you a good dispersal device. Rely on them, not just the bomb techs.” She sent the message, set her PADD down, and dozed off, wondering if she’d get another reply in a couple of hours.

Another message came back, Mazal seeming like she had been climbing a mountain with a few strands of hair sticking up. "Hello Jane, when it comes to facing off with the enemy, I won't kill those who are asleep under the influence of the gas. I won't be going stark raving killing machine mad either. I also will not be allowing any more people being prisoners either. Also I am going to be assigning Jo a team of her own to go and take care of one of the orbitals. I know she can do this. I am going to endeavor to keep any casualties if at all to minimum. It is a given that there will be the probable casualty amoungst the Marines. It is our job to go in and do clean up and do the hard stuff. I do have concerns, I do have worries but I am going to have to shove that down deep and keep my head in the game and make certain I can get back to the Tomcat. Rest well my friend, and I look forward to our get together when we get back. Good night."

“Don’t worry, Mazal, I never thought you capable of the violence you and I both described,” Jane said in her final message. “And I wish I were there, ready to treat casualties, help make sure everyone comes home. But you’re in good hands. Rest well, Mazal, and bring the team home. Good night.” And with that, she sent her last message and fell asleep, to dream about the safe return of the Marine units, especially Josefina Macapuno.





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