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How did this Happen? PT 2

Posted on 06 Jan 2023 @ 5:20pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

614 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Starbase Sierra 39
Timeline: after How did this Happen


As Paul and his team stepped off the Transporter Pad, Paul knew that he had to remind his team of their plans, "Right Ensign Douglas and Lieutenant Hawksley Search the Ambassador's room," continued" Lieutenant Ze, you and Ensign Nillson go and get us some Quarters" Finished ". In contrast, Commander Parker and I get to see the Base commander and start the investigation," as the group exited the small Transporter room.

Ze looked at Nielson "Come on my little minion lets go and secure these rooms and look over some of the mission evidence whilst we're at it ill check in once we have the rooms lieutenant Winchester"

Hawksley nodded at his orders from the team commander Winchester. “Aye,” Leland replied. Stepping off the transporter, he walked along with Ensign Douglas. “All right, Doug, we may be presented with a secure shortstop of entering the Commodore’s suite. If so, I have this” He gestured, holding his schematics padd of the station’s door lock mechanisms. “If we need it, I have a bunch of pre-downloaded keys which should get us in. I have two-phase transition ID scanners. With the two of us, we should be able to find any needle in a haystack.” Hawksley grunted.

= Commodore's Quarters =

Once Douglas and Pratt had arrived outside the commodore’s quarters, he quickly began to work on the door-locking mechanism.

The Lieutenant had checked over the commodore quarters’ codes. The Lieutenant derived the computational quarter spectrum rather than deciding to line up the standard essential lock routine. He found this method far more agreeable.

After cracking the key to the commodores’ quarters, Ross, head of Science, was more than ready to start detailing what had happened when they weren’t there.

“Douglas. I want you to set your scanner for forensic DNA in the -1000 spectrum.” Which would be able to detail the Commodore’s actions.

Setting up the scanners, Hawksley and Douglas began to walk around the room. The scanners first started to pick up on faint erroneous energies from past activity, but nothing noteworthy.


After leaving his team members to go their separate ways, Paul and Lt Cmdr Parker made their way to the nearest turbolift, Parker had not said a word since leaving the Tomcat to him, which worried him a great deal. he thought to himself oO Am I being tested? Oo since he had lost his rank of Lieutenant due to disobeying an order as both men stepped inside the lift.

Paul said " Operations" as the lift doors closed behind them both.

Upon stepping off the turbolift, Paul was greeted by a young Ensign, who said " Greetings, Sirs welcome to Operations, What can I do for you both?" as she looked back at both the senior officers standing in front of her.

Paul replied " I am here to see Commander Noire about the Kidnapping that took place at this station," he looked back at her as Cody stood next to him, He asked, " Is he in?"

"Yes Sir, he is," replied the Ensign, " if you care to follow me?" as she started to head towards the Commander's office, Paul and Cody followed as he knew that this was going to be difficult.



2nd Lt Douglas McDougall
Security/ tactical officer
Starbase 39

ZiYKTHP.png Lt Jg Tosrol Ze

Ensign Penny Nielson
USS Tomcat


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