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checking out the report

Posted on 02 Feb 2023 @ 7:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Security -OPs

After arriving back at their new base of Operations, Paul picked up the security forensics report and started to look over what had been found, that for the most part, the food replicator had not been used but a broken glass with a weird smell had been. This had yet to be analyzed but from his training, he knew that the Ambassador had been drugged and been taken somewhere. But the question was where? He continued to read over the report and wondered what Cody made of it,” Hey, Cody what do you make of this?”

Cody had reviewed Paul's notes, "It's definitely a poison, most likely a paralytic, to keep him quiet while he was moved. There wasn't any footage of the kidnapping which means one of two things, There was a device used like an electronic cloaker, or they had help from the inside. We must review all ship departures from the starbase since the Ambassador's arrival. If we're lucky we can find something to use to track them. Like a specific warp signature or something along those lines."

"Then we are going to need a list of every ship that has docked here and left since the Ambassador disappeared," replied Paul looking back at Cody as he noticed Lieutenant Ze enter the room, He called "Lieutenant Ze, Can you come over here a Moment?" as he knew now that this now was a huge pain in the butt, but he also knew that if it was an inside job the three of them would not be happy.

Ze entered the room, his head held high as he walked into the room, straightening up his uniform "Yes I'll be there in a second " He said dropping some of his stuff on the bed "Right I'm all yours" he said walking over to the throng of people.

Once Ze entered the room Cody addressed the team, "Here's where we are so far. The Ambassador was kidnapped, they were professionals, Winchester here found a syringe with some sort of paralytic, most likely used to drug the Ambassador before moving him. We are going to have to crunch some major data. We need to review all departures from the Ambassador's arrival until our arrival. We have to determine which ship was used as part of the kidnapping. Once we can track that down we can mount a rescue operation. Does anyone else have anything to add?"

Hawksley turned to the group, holding his engineering padd. There were breakaway schematics of the star base interior and exterior hull. "This star base was constructed with duranium hexaflexagon latticework at the micron level. A by-product of hexaflexagon latticework at the micron level is a by-product of a static stain. This occurs over time from multiple vessels on emergency beam outs, site to site transportations." Leland paused to ensure everyone followed him, Engineering premise of evidence. "One odd thing I found was that the hexaflexagon lattice work under durod-hydrax scanning techniques is that compounds build up. The type of compound that had built up was from a short-range, site-to-site transport of the most recent. This evidence can only create an imprint if a transporter abducted the Ambassador to a nearby uncloaked vessel. This would take mere milliseconds for carrier to occur and then engage a cloak.

Hawksley passed the padd around for information input from the Officers in the room. "I am presenting the mechanics of what I found, but not any theory. That is left for you all."

Parker reviewed the notes, "If he was beamed out why did Paul find a medical injection device unless it was a red herring? Does either of you have a list of any ships that had 2 beam outs in a short period of time before departing? I'm wondering if the injection was some sort of marker to beam the Ambassador out and then beam the accomplice. If there was a ship with multiple beam outs before leaving yesterday then we have our target."

"Maybe they had to inject something into him so that when they did the beam out" replied Paul looking at Cody, continuing "they had to time it right with another beam out," knowing that a timed one would not raise alarms.

“Perhaps it could have altered the DNA signal of the Ambassador when being beamed off the station. This would allow for alarms not to recognize that the Ambassador was compromised from his quarter’s location. Has the vial been analyzed?” Hawksley threw something to the wall.

"No it hasn't been analyzed yet, I wanted to have it done on the Tomcat just to verify there's no tampering. In the meantime lets review these logs," Cody pulled up the beam out and transport logs from the last 24 hours. "It looks like there were only a few shuttles and a few beam outs. Now we get to narrow this list of 10 ships down to one."

Hawksley narrowed his eyes. "Well if we were to determine a station departure along base guideline corridor perimeter markers... X,Y,Z axis and rate of ascent from the Star Base, two of these..." He let his thumb point to the list, "Class C shuttle variants would do a horrible job." Hawksley's eyes scanned the list that Cody provided.

Ze looked over ever everything that was presented, his brain trying to deduce at realtime "I agree with Liutennant Hawksley" he said with stroking his chin as he looked over all of evidence in front of him, his brain trying to connect all of the dots about the current situation.

"Good call, Ze." Leland chuckled. "Not to say they couldn't do it in class C vessels. They might operate the sub-orbital fissure feed engines to confuse us. They are old, and easily obtainable. But that would be a long shot for an Ambassador." Leland turned to Winchester and Parker.

" I would say to do this would be to start in the morning " replied Paul as he knew that he was getting slightly sleepy, continued " I don't know about you boys, but I could use some shut-eye as it has been a long day," looking back at Parker. he finished WWhat do you say, Cody?"

"Let's grab some shut eye while the computer analysis is running, as soon as we know something we're gonna be moving quick," Cody replied as he stood up and stretched. "Let's go hit the racks boys."


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