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Encouraging Words

Posted on 09 Jan 2023 @ 10:51pm by 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno
Edited on on 09 Jan 2023 @ 10:53pm

2,287 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Roosevelt
Timeline: Nearing the drop off point

Jane written by Doctor Jane Sinclair


Jo was almost in panic mode, Mazal was assigning her to lead a team and it scared the crud out of her. It will be her first time in being a team leader! Will she succeed or will Jo fail. She wanted to talk to someone, about the butterflies in her stomach. They were four hours out, then they will have to deal with a lot of communication due to radiation. There was one person she would love to talk to and that was Jane. However as far as Jo was thinking Jane might be asleep or involved in some medical procedure and she didn't want to disturb her. Jo sat down on her bunk, rubbing her hands together just to try to settle her nerves.

"Gosh I wish I could talk to Jane right now." Jo's thoughts were interrupted by her bunk mate.

"Hey Jo there is a message waiting for you. Its from a Doctor Sinclair?"

Jo almost cracked her head upon the bunk when she got up and she sprinted to go see what the message was. She smiled seeing Jane's face once more touching the screen before she listened to the message.

“Dear Jo, I’ve had to send a lot of messages today, and I’ve saved yours for last because it’s by far the hardest.

I guess I’ll rip the bandage off. I received a promotion. And transfer orders. And I’ve accepted. You’re looking at the Chief Medical Officer of USS Queen Catherine. A whole Galaxy-class ship!

Know that I had to seriously consider whether or not to take it, and the biggest thing making me want to stay was you. I don’t know what we have yet, and it guts me that we won’t be able to figure it out. You brought out my passionate side, Jo. I need you to know that I’ll never forget our time together.

By the time you get back to the Tomcat, I’ll already be gone, but please send me a message back. Please tell me we’ll stay in touch.

I miss you already.

Love, Jane.”

Shock, happiness, dismay, a little bit of pain in her heart at the news and the fact that Jane ended the message with love it warmed her heart. Jo sighed for a moment then she squared her shoulders, she needed to contact Jane. She recorded her answer, there was a shimmering of tears in her eyes but Jo wasn't going to hide that fact.

Dear Jane,

Would you believe that your message came at a great time? Seriously it did. I felt like I was going to go into full panic mode before it came. Thank you for sending me the news and letting me know what was going on. I will miss you greatly. Think you have some time for us to sort of talk or will you have to step into your CMO role right away?"

Love Jo


The computer had routed the message properly. Though the reply was sent toward the Tomcat, the doctor had registered that she was in transit aboard USS Avon and would be until she checked in aboard the USS Queen Catherine. The systems aboard the subspace relay satellites redirected the message away from the Tomcat and to the Avon in transit.

It was midway through the trip between the Tomcat and the rendezvous point when Jane received the message. Alejandra was fast asleep in the bunk room while Jane sat in the office, in uniform because it seemed appropriate, compartment reading tech specs for her new sickbay and preparing herself for her new assignment.

“Computer,” she said, “connect with USS Tomcat medical database and transmit copies of all ongoing pheromone research, including copies of medical samples.” The computer chimed an acknowledgement, and she smiled knowing that she’d still be able to help the crew even from her next assignment.

The computer chimed again, indicating a new message. It was from Jo! She actually hesitated to open it for a moment. What would she say? How would she have reacted to Jane’s departure? Here she was, on her way to new adventures, a woman she’d just slept with in the adjacent room, while Jo was feeling…what?

Only one way to find out.

She opened the message and smiled. Her message had been helpful! Good!

She decided to record a reply right away.

“Hi Jo. I was happy to hear my message found you at the right time and helped. I do wonder what you mean by that though. Helped how?

I will be stepping right into the role but I’m told the ship is still in transit for a few weeks, picking up supplies and personnel before its mission of exploration begins. I’ll have time to talk, even live, ideally.

I’m aboard the Runabout Avon for the next…nine hours or so. Then I land and get settled. I hope to hear from you again before that.

Talk soon! Love, Jane.”


Dear Jane,

I have been put in charge of a TEAM! And it scares the crap out of me, What was Mazal thinking of doing this. What if I fail, what if I get my team killed? I am glad that you are going to be the CMO that ship had better treat you right. Nine hours… oh good I’ve got a few hours before we head into the glitchy area.”

Jo gave a slightly weak smile, then sent the message back to Jane.



You are one of the most competent and skilled Marines on that entire ship. You helped me with my marksmanship, and since I’ve gotten to know you my shot has improved quite a bit. You’re fit. You’re disciplined. You help people in need.

Mazal trusts you with this because she knows you can do it. And so do I.”

The door to the office compartment opened and a woman with dark, messy hair came into view of the camera in uniform pants and a tank top, holding a uniform shirt and jacket. “Have you seen a hairbrush anywhere?”

“Sorry, I have it here,” Jane said. She handed it over and the other woman left.

“Sorry about that,” Jane continued. “But yeah, you got this, Jo. Trust Mazal’s judgment, trust your training, and trust me when I say that you’ll do great.

Meanwhile, let me show you this. It’s a diagram of the sickbay I’ll be responsible for. Look at it! It takes up most of a deck! I’ll have a staff of over one hundred and fifty! I’m nervous about it, but I’m looking forward to the challenge!”

She gave the camera a little wave, blew it a kiss, and sent the message.

Jo’s eyes went wide seeing that gorgeous woman coming into view. Could it be someone, that special someone that Jane had spoken of on their date?


Was that gorgeous woman the one you still love? She is absolutely beautiful. And a staff of a hundred and fifty. That is amazing.” Some tears trickled down her cheek as Jo realized she was going to miss Jane very much. “I want you to know, you’ve opened my heart to the possibility of letting someone inside my heart.”


“You still love me?”

Alé had walked back in to return the hair brush right as the message began and had heard the entire thing. Jane’s face went beet red as she turned to face her. “I, ah, I was hoping to figure this out a bit more before I said anything.” She shifted in her seat. “A few of my friends made me look into my subconscious desires in a few different ways. It was confusing as hell. The only things I really came away with were that I still had strong feelings for you, and that I was developing strong feelings for her.”

She wiped a tear from her eye. “I suppose I’ll never know what might’ve happened with her.”

“Well,” Alejandra said, stepping closer. “It looks to me like you had a strong impact on her too. She loved you, and she’s saying she’s able to open her heart to others because of you. That’s big.”

Jane nodded, tears now streaming down her face. “Can you give me some privacy please?”

Alé smiled and walked out, closing the door behind her, and Jane wiped her cheeks before starting to record.

“Jo, I’m so glad you’re able to let others into your heart. I’m sad that the person couldn’t have been me, but I know there’s someone, whether on the Tomcat or elsewhere, that will soon find themselves the happiest person alive to know that Josefina Macapuno is in love with them.

And yes, that was Alejandra Rios. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure when I took the assignment but when I saw her it all came back to me. I love her. I think I always did. But know that I also love you, because I do, Jo. Alé asked me if there was someone special on the Tomcat and I told her it was complicated, and it was, but there was definitely love there. And I’m sorry we won’t know how that love might’ve developed, but it pleases me to no end that you’ll find that love with someone else.”


Jo’s heart was overflowing and tears streamed down her cheeks. Jane loved her! It was sublime shock and joy intermixed. Jane was so happy, and it radiated from her eyes, even her face. She also could see that Alejandra was in love with Jane as well. Jo wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve and sent another message.
“Holy cow Jane, you have uplifted me even more, we both had some growth to make. Yes it would have been great to have found where our path would take us but, Jane, even if we weren’t able to take that path, I am going to say in what time we had together, we loved a lifetime in such a short time. You brought me back to life, you woke me up inside. I was lost and you helped me find my way and I suppose I helped you find your way as well. You arrived when I needed someone and I didn’t even realize that either. I needed you and you were there.” she brushed back her hair from her face. “Jane I will always love you as well, be well, be happy. And so glad you are with the one who still lingers in your heart. You and I both have been honest with each other, with communication. I won’t lose contact with you, I want to keep in touch.” she kissed her hand and sent a return kiss to Jane, then she sent that message,

It was drawing near that time for her to depart. Maybe she had time for one more exchange with Jane, but Jo did feel more stronger for talking with Jane.


Jane watched the reply in private, but then asked Alejandra to join her, so she could see it too. By the end, neither had a dry eye. This was a break-up, sure, but one done amicably and out of mutual love and respect for the future of the other. In some ways echoing Jane and Alé’s separation all those years earlier.

They were due to dock soon, so this would likely be the last message for a little while. The two decided to record the reply together. Jane sat on Alé’s lap so they could both be seen easily on the camera.

“You’re right, Jo,” Jane began. “I am once again with the one who lingers in my heart.” She gave Alé’s hand a squeeze. “And you helped me see it, so thank you.”

“I should thank you too,” Alejandra added. “Jane told me about the marksmanship and survival training you gave her. You helped make sure she came home safe, and you made her feel loved when I left.” By this point, tears were pooling in her eyes. “A mistake I won’t make again.”

“Write to me when the mission is done, Jo,” Jane said. “I’ll want to hear all about it, and I’ll want to know you’re safe. Be well, Jo.” Both waved and then closed the recording and sent the message.

“C’mon,” Alé said, nudging Jane off of her lap. “We need to get back to the cockpit.”

Jo watched that message a couple more times, tears streaming like a river down her cheeks. She was happy for Jane, happy for Alejandra. Jo was slightly sad for herself but Jo shoved that to one side, the happiness for Jane outweighed her own momentary misery. The lovely blue haired doctor had helped to heal Jo of the hurts and pains of the heart that had sat there for years causing her anguish. One more kiss on her fingertips, placing it upon that beautiful face.
“Thank you Jane, our time together will always be cherished.” Joe whispered.

The door opened from behind her and a marine stuck his head in. “Lieutenant, it's almost time Captain Falk needs us.”

Jo nodded, saved the messages and sent them to her own area. “Right lets do this.” closing up the computer. She glanced out towards the stars when she went to join the others. “Thank you Jane. I love you.”



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