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In Mind And Body

Posted on 12 Jan 2023 @ 10:49pm by Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Edited on on 12 Jan 2023 @ 11:09pm

582 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Current


Shoniara felt the shuttle dock at the station but remained in her seat staring into the deep velvet blackness of cold space. This moment seemed to be a stop in time. One of those stops seems to play a significant part in the severing of one life and heralds the beginning of another. She turned to the next seat watching her child look at her with that sweet face of a five-year-old excited for the next adventure, one that she was already on, where no mother could follow. Shon closed her eyes to let a single tear squeeze through her lashes before she opened them to find the seat occupied by her Sehlat who looked up at her for a moment whilst licking his paws. She sighed deeply, shouldered her bag and stood. She thanked the pilot as they disembarked into the Starbase and walked down the corridor.

She noted her new ship docked through the large windows, the USS Tomcat a modified Akira Class Heavy Cruiser/Light Carrier. She looked a lot larger than the simulation she had called up whilst on Vulcan. It looked almost as dark as the space around her but punctuated with tiny pinpricks of light. She had never been on a ship full of Marines before and was looking forward to doing something different with her life. Now, as an Assistant CMO, she finally felt she was on her way to a life that mattered, something she could settle down and excel at.

She thought briefly about the offer she had turned down to end up on the Tomcat. Head of a small Vulcan team looking into the morphology of viruses, for a brief moment she had thought about it but she knew from her point of view more could be gained from being ‘out there’. There would be more chances of encountering new virus clusters, who knew what was out here? Shon smiled, she also knew she wanted to use her clinical skills and, most of all find a family, people she could get to know, and make friends, yes friends. She bent and ruffled the Sehlat's large unruly mane.

Entering a large open area seemingly filled with shops and bars she decided on one mostly filled with people in uniform and walked in. Sitting down she ushered ‘Puss’ under the table as several people had noted the large cat and had given it a wide birth. She pushed back her chair and ordered an orange juice from the Bolian server. Whilst she waited she took her PaDD from her bag and checked her orders. She already knew she was meeting the Chief of Security but wanted to check again. She presumed he would recognize her but, just in case she had booked a room overnight.

The bar was lively, full of many species she knew and a few she did not. Her orange juice arrived along with an offer to join the gaming tables which she declined. Her new uniform began to itch the scars on her back and she pressed her back into her chair and moved around. The feeling was wonderful and so satiated for the moment she waited. Puss began to snore loudly underneath the table drawing more attention yet so she nudged him gently with her toe, he grumbled seemingly dreaming and she took another sip of her juice.




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