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Posted on 29 Jan 2023 @ 8:00pm by Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51

3,116 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Starbase 51/Security Office
Timeline: Current
Tags: Smithson


Sitting at her desk commander Smithson jumped as an alert suddenly came in, she pulled up the file "dammit, talk about a delayed notification!" Smithson exclaimed. she quickly stood up tugged her tunic down and headed out. she got to the nearest turbo lift and entered and when the doors closed "Arrivals" she said and the lift whisked her to her requested destination. She looked at her small Padd which had the new officer's face and sighed Starfleet was getting slower in notifying her when new crew are assigned,

- Arrivals -

The lift stopped and she stepped out into a busy area and looked around for her target, finally spotting her Sam walked up to the Officer.

"Lieutenant Shoniara T'ghann Dex!" She said standing in front of the new officer "I am lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson Security Chief of this Station and I will be handling your Orientation before having you shuttled directly to the Tomcat" Smithson said.

Shon stood to attention glad to have been found, to be honest, she had begun to feel a little lonely. Thank you, Lieutenant Commander, I am keen to get on board with Puss.” The huge Sehlat stood from underneath the table and purred wrapping himself around the Officer. “I am sorry,” she said as Puss sat his large liquid eyes watching his mistress as she shouldered her bag. “Ready Sir,” Shon said.

Looking at the pet, the thing seemed timid and house-trained "sorry Lieutenant but you will have to find a place for your pet on this Starbase, we do have a Kennel of sorts. The Tomcat is not equipped for such a large pet and after one DCMO had their two dogs on the ship, the Captain disallowed any more pets, last I heard the only Pet on the ship was a holographic dog" she paused as they headed to the nearest turbo lift.

"The Tomcat is an Akira class ship, that has three squadrons of fighters with twelve per squadron and one of those squadrons is Klingons, she also has 467 Rifles on her I would say the most comprehensive systems on the ships are weapons, defences and the Med bay," Smithson said.

Shoniara stood to attention, “I am afraid Puss must come with me, he is a service animal whom I must have with me. He helps me meditate, without him I am unable to do so. I have a service waiver. His brain patterns are sympathetic to mine. Put simply I am unable to do my job otherwise. He will stay in my room and I will walk him at night, Sir.”

Smithson looked at the Lieutenant, "that is not for me to decide, as it so happens the ship's main CO is here for medical reasons, I will give her a call" Smithson said as they entered the turbo lift, the moment the doors closed "security level" she said as the lift whisked them to their destination.

While the animal made her edgy the thing did seem placid, perhaps the Captain would accept, which reminded her!

Tapping her Commbadge =/\= Smithson to Captain Somers =/\=

- Medical SB51 -

Jasmine had just finished an examination and she was now allowed to use a stick, so with some newfound freedom Jasmine put on her uniform for the first time in a long time, she was about to pin her Commbadge on when it bleeped, startling her, she tapped it.

=/\= Smithson to Captain Somers =/\=

The Chief must have wanted something from her, she could not imagine what it was so tapping her Commbadge

=/\= What is it, Commander? =/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Captain it seems that you have a new Deputy Chief Medical Officer assigned to the Tomcat, it seems the assignment was short notice. There is also another issue that only you can decide upon =/\= Smithson said.

=/\= Why do I suddenly need one?=/\= She asked =/\= never mind, what is this issue only I can solve? =/\= Somers asked.

Looking a little concerned at the Sehlat with her in the lift=/\= it seems Captain that your new officer comes with a very tame it seems pet Sehlat, apparently the new officer needs the animal she affectionately calls Puss to help her meditate, she has given me assurances =/\= Smithson said.

=/\= Will be right there, Somers out =/\= she said and left medical as quickly as she could "I just got to see this" Somers said to herself making sure she had her Padd.

- Turbo Lift -

Sam was aware that the new officer could hear all this she looked at the woman "okay, the CO is on her way" Smithson said as the lift opened and they exited the lift.

"Orientation Lieutenant, means you get to ask some questions
make them good and I will answer what I can" Sam said.

Shon nodded, “most of my questions spring on the medical side of things Sir but what is the ship's complement, how old is the Tomcat and what was her last mission? I have many more questions however as I have stated they are medical.” Puss stood and began to rub himself around Shon’s legs in and out, in and out purring loudly and softly growling. “He is hungry Sir” she

"Ah Medical side, you will need to speak with Lieutenant Commander Cahill on that, as for the age, there were a few commanders before Fleet Captain Somers who has commanded the ship for fifteen and a half years, the ship was one of those in the 5th wave of anti-borg related combat ships, you will still see such ships around, but production has been scaled back, well so I have heard" Smithson paused.

"As for her last mission, she is currently in the middle of one, last report I got was that with the Nebula class on loan to the Tomcat command staff, the Roosevelt was put under the command of your Department Head Commander Cahill who is also Second XO apparently the Captain wanted her to get some command experience. The main team is investigating the disappearance of a Federation Ambassador, the acting commander Lieutenant Colonel Somers has taken a team to deal with a Terran Listening post from the mirror universe, while Commander Dodd the ship's First Officer is overseeing the investigation from the bridge" Smithson answered.

"As a fact, when we are finished here, you will be shuttled to the Tomcat at Starbase 39 Sierra where you will report to the First Officer and take direction from him, you will also be able to throw non-mission related questions towards your CO when she joins us" the Security Chief added

After a lengthy walk, Sam found it amusing how the Security staff were giving the tame Sehlat a wide berth, eventually, they arrived at the Security office "okay Lieutenant your pet will have to remain here for now, my office is not that big and a large Sehlat will take up most of the space" Smithson said and assured her staff the animal was quite friendly as she waited for Dex to respond.

Shon also smiled at the attention, or rather pointed lack of attention ‘puss’ was receiving. She gave him a look and a hand movement and he lay down and went immediately to sleep. “He is not really a pet per se, but he is very well trained and anyway he loves to sleep. After all, he is fifty-six years old, in Terran years of course. I am at your disposal” she replied.

Smithson simply smiled and nodded and she led the new CMO into her office, the security officers made a point to leave the Sehlat to sleep "I think that is the most behaved and quiet my team has ever been" she said referring to, to the Security staff she had on duty at the moment.

She indicated a chair in front of her desk while she sat behind it, she pulled up the Lieutenant's file "okay" she said and tapped something in and the machine in the wall to her right made a sound and a few minutes later it produced an ID Card "this will have to be a quick orientation as the Tomcat needs an acting CMO" Smithson said taking the card registering it with the Lieutenant's bio and holding it out to her.

"Okay this is a standard issue on the Tomcat, it is an ID card and it is ONLY to be worn on the Tomcat, should you be assigned a mission on an away team then you leave the ID in a secure place on the ship, any questions?" Smithson asked still holding the card out to Dex.

Shon took the ID card. “Did you say “acting CMO?” She questioned surprised. Not that she was not up to it. “Understood Sir. When am I leaving?”

"Shortly, but there is some more stuff to do," Sam said and looked up to see the Fleet Captain enter, she was on her feet in uniform with a white cord around the base of her shoulders and her Rifle Officer cross belt and she had a walking cane.

"I bet that Sehlat out there caused some panic among your team Commander?" Somers asked as she sat to the DCMO's left with a sigh.

"Yes, Puss did, but he seems tame," Smithson said "Lieutenant Dex meet Fleet Captain Somers, your actual commanding officer on the Tomcat, Captain meet your new Deputy Chief Medical Officer," Smithson said.

"I will ask you about that later!" Jasmine said then her Padd beeped she pulled it out "Ah no need, then her look became serious, why was that annoying good for nothing unknown officer speaking about stuff she has not one idea about, I will deal with that later, now please meet you, Lieutenant," Somers said looking at Dex and holding out her hand.

Dex stood stiffly and took the extended hand and shook it briefly, it was warm. “Thank you, Captain. I, we, that is Puss and I are looking very much forward to our time on the Tomcat and, I believe I am to be the acting CMO ?” Dex wondered why the Captain had a cane.

Jasmine did not miss the look of confusion she guessed it was at the cane she had "be seated Lieutenant" Somers said. When the Lieutenant was sitting "yes you will be the acting CMO as the CMO Lieutenant Commander Cahill is getting command experience by commanding a ship for the Tomcat's current mission in a system called Hydaransz system, it is refilled with Pirates so I sent a team in with all available marines on the Tomcat" Somers said.

Jasmine shared a look with the Security Chief and then looked at the Lieutenant "I have a cane because on one mission back when I was TFCO I was on my way back from launching the USS Leto when my runabout was disabled and I was captured, it was by someone who had an issue with a BDZ order Starfleet issued. When that order was cleared I was not on the Tomcat, so I figured they lashed out at the first Starfleet officer in the sector, it just so happened they netted a Fleet Captain, me" Somers paused pointing at herself.

"This cane will be gone soon, but when I was captured I was tortured, beaten, and abused both physically and mentally there was nothing pleasurable about it, by the time I was rescued I was barely hanging onto what sanity I had remaining, I do not know the full extent of my injuries I know I had a lot of internal injuries broken bones, I was caked in dirt and dried blood. The officer you are replacing Lieutenant Sinclair operated on me to save my life" Somers said.

Dex looked serious slowly taking in the person standing in front of her from her medical point of view. “I am very sorry for what happened to you Captain. I do have particular skills in pain management derived from Vulcan medicine if you are ever interested. But for the moment I am pleased to be taking up my post on the Tomcat. I hope you will come and meet my Sehlat, he too is skilled in pain relief.” Dex raised an eyebrow waiting for the usual laugh and dismissal.

*Looks at Dex and points to the outer office* "That big hunk of muscle and sinew!" damn *looks at Smithson* "Why am I here Commander, I know it is not to meet my new DCMO?" Somers asked the Security Chief.

*Sighs* "You know that Sehlat out there?" The Captain nodded "Lieutenant Dex here is requesting that she can have it on the Tomcat, the animal assists her in meditation, now I said there is no room, but she has made assurances, but I thought it best to ask you?" Smithson said.

"Have you managed to get hold of Colonel Somers on the Tomcat?" Jasmine asked.

"You know she is on a smaller mission and thus gone dark out of operational requirements," Smithson said then looked at Dex "okay Lieutenant ask the Captain what you asked me about Puss out there and why you want him on the Tomcat," she said.

“I am only half Vulcan and that half needs to meditate. Do you know what happens when a Vulcan is unable to meditate Captain?”

"I have seen what happens in a full Vulcan, but never a half Vulcan, but I can only assume the results are the same, you were asked to ask me what you asked Commander Smithson, what is it?" Somers asked.

Dex nodded, “Yes Captain the results for me are the same. My sehlats brain waves are able to mimic and focus mine when I meditate. Without him, I am unable to do so adequately and am unable to do my job. He is my ‘service animal’.”

She thought a moment and looked at Smithson who simply shrugged Jasmine simply raised an eyebrow at the Security Chief, then turned to Dex. "Okay, if you can assure me your pet will remain in your quarters when you are on duty and when you socialize and he will be calm and not hurt anyone I will allow your pet to stay on the Tomcat. The moment he becomes a nuisance I will ship him back here to SB51 got that?" Somers said "if you feel that the crew will not get scared you can slowly introduce him to the crew" she added.

Dex nodded, “Yes Captain I understand fully. I am looking forward to serving you and the crew to the best of my ability.”

"Good, I will leave you to the tender mercies of Commander Smithson now that is done, I got an appointment with the Station Counsellor," Somers said and stood up "I will see you at the next Mission briefing Lieutenant" Somers said holding out her hand.

Dex took the proffered firm handshake. “Yes Captain, I look forward to it.”

Now the Captain had left Smithson turned to Dex, okay Lieutenant let's complete your Orientation and get you onto that transport SS Coe" Smithson said and tapped something into the computer and the wall to her left started to make a sound.

"A short time later an ID card popped out Sam registered it with the station and held it out to Dex. "This is your ID card it is keyed to the Tomcat, this ID is to be worn outside your quarters on the Tomcat, on or off duty except when you are sleeping or in your quarters, BUT it remains on the ship should you be assigned to an away mission, any questions on the ID Card?" Smithson asked holding the card out as the next two items bleeped that they were ready.

“No questions Commander Smithson.” Dex took her card and picked up her bag. I need to collect Puss?” She questioned.

"Bag down Lieutenant we are not quite yet finished, almost, not quite she said and picked up the chip and held it out to the Lieutenant "This data crystal is compatible with an isolinear chip socket thus its shape has your extra clearance on, I know you have your standard Starfleet clearances, but these are extra and only for the Tomcat," she said holding the chip out for the Lieutenant to take.

Dex put her bag down again and held out her hand, taking the data crystal and nodding. “Sorry, thank you, Commander Smithson.” She said somewhat embarrassed. Sick bay was where she felt the most at home and the most comfortable, currently, she felt as though she was walking on ice and any minute she might fall.

After the lieutenant had taken the crystal Sam picked it up and held out the strip of paper. "This is a one-time code memorize it then destroy the paper, that code is keyed to your use only *pause* the code is to lock out any invading forces that might board the ship when on a mission. It will lock out the computer but still allow you to move about the ship only the Captain, First Officer, Second officer or Security Chief can unlock the ships command systems it is the ultimate up yours to any hostile invading parties" Smithson said smiling as she held the strip of paper out.

Dex smiled and took the slip of paper. Excellent, I need to cover any wounded out of the sick bay. I will remember it when I next meditate and destroy the paper. Thank you, Commander.”

"Right, that is about it, upon arriving at the Tomcat you will report to Lieutenant Commander Dodd, and from there on he will give you, your orders and such, you will have three other travelling partners with you. The new DCEO Lieutenant Jg Thex sh'Zoarhi, a new Security Officer Ensign Drevas, is a Kelpien and finally MCPO Alexi Michelle, my next appointment is the Ensign and then the MCPO, all will be on the same transport as you, have you any questions however insignificant before I let you go to the SS Coe?" Smithson asked.

[TAG:] Dex

With that Sam watched the Lieutenant leave her office only pausing to collect Puss and as her team sighed in relief the Lieutenant was gone. She did not have time to linger she stood up called up the Ensigns file tugged her tunic down and again she was off.

Dex smiled eager to be off. “No Commander, no further questions. Thank you.





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