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A Call home

Posted on 27 Jan 2023 @ 1:32pm by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

756 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: Marine Country USS Rosevelt/USS Tomcat
Timeline: MD: 06


Chris had some downtime and decided to contact his Fiancee he just hoped that he would not catch her unawares as he currently had no idea what was happening on the Tomcat. So he opened up a secure channel and applied all the security codes and contacted Lamia, he had to wait a bit, but for the moment the ship was not in action.

Fortunately, Lamia was on downtime from her duties in engineering, eating her lunch alone in her and Chris’ quarters. Being alerted to an incoming call she smiled as she saw Chris on the other end.

=/\=Hey! It’s so good to see you!!” Her smile practically shone. “How are things going on your end?=/\= Lamia asked.

Kildare smiled =/\=We are just about to do a mission brief for the upcoming retaking of the mining facilities. How is that engineering qualification serving you, scuttlebutt said they had the ship's Chief Counsellor working in engineering, so how are you holding up?=/\= Kildare asked.

Lamia shrugged her shoulders.=/\=It’s so so, we had an outbreak amongst the gel packs! I ended up having to inoculate every gel pack in sight!=/\=

=/\=I bet that strained your skills but was it challenging for you and easy enough for you to pick up the task? =/\= Chris asked.

Lamia nodded. =/\= Luckily I spent enough time helping out in engineering, when I was Chief Ops, to know my way around. This was a good brush-up on my skills, but I much prefer being a Counsellor. =/\=

Chris nodded =/\= I can understand that engineering is not your first option, what did they have you do exactly in engineering, what happened? =/\= Kildare asked.

=/\= There was an infection in the bio-neural gel packs, we only discovered it when the ship’s systems started acting up. Being acting Chief Engineer, I had to do what I could to keep the ship up and running while Sickbay came up with a vaccine. Ultimately, we had to vaccinate all of the packs in the nacelles! =/\=

=/\= Makes me so glad I am a Rifle, not an engineer, happy as I am, still despite all that did you actually enjoy going out of your comfort zone? =/\= he asked smiling Mia was being a proper trooper.

=/\= Actually ... Yes, I did. I felt totally out of my depth, but the Engineering personnel were a gigantic help. I couldn’t have done it without them. =/\= she smiled warmly.

=/\= I am so happy for you Mia, it is always good to get out of one's comfort zone now and again, I was always out of my comfort zone when they teamed me with the Colonel, talk about a wild card=/\= Chris responded with a resigned sigh.

Lamia nodded. =/\= Well you made a friend out of it, plus it was added experience in dealing with awkward assignments. =/\= she couldn’t help but grin, before becoming more serious. =/\= Promise me you’ll take care out there okay? I want you home safe and sound. =/\=

=/\= I would hardly call Colonel Somers an awkward assignment, more like a dry tinderbox that could explode any time *pauses* I promise to try Mia, you know as well as I do that my safety is not guaranteed but I will promise to take care, as long as you do the same, okay? I do not want to come back to an empty quarter because you took a risk that you should not have taken =/\= he said more soberly.

Lamia nodded. =/\= I promise you that I won’t take any unnecessary risks Imzadi. I plan to be in our quarters waiting for you when you get back, it’ll be a night you won’t forget =/\= She grinned a wry grin.

Kildare gave a look to the reader a raised eyebrow then looked at the screen and responded to Mia =/\= well that is something to live for, that is for sure =/\= he paused and looked back then back to the screen, =/\= Okay I have to go the Rifles are mobilizing, I will speak to you when I get back, take care my Imzadi =/\= Kildare said.

*Blowing a kiss* =/\= You too Imzadi. I love you! =/\=

*Smiles and returns the kiss* =/\=Love you too =/\= Kildare said and signed off and grabbed his gear and headed for the assembly that had been called.





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