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Blue arrival.

Posted on 17 Jan 2023 @ 11:12pm by Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi
Edited on on 01 Feb 2023 @ 4:09pm

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Transport shuttle
Timeline: Current


The federation transport shuttle shuddered slightly as it dropped a few warp settings as it reached the route to starbase 51. Not that you could tell unless you had the antenna of the Andorian which quivered slightly.

Her blue eyes were focused on the small computer which she was browsing the latest news. More pirate attacks, politicians arguing over nothing and a new first contact in the federation's southern sector.

She sighed as she leaned back in her chair as moved with her. Pulling out her headphones and a data crystal she inserted the crystal into the armrest.

Her ears started ringing as her dance play track started pulsing through her head bringing her back to happier memories.

She wondered where Nainaa her Orion mentor, friend and mother figure was. She hadn't been in contact with her in over a year the Orion being deployed on yet another long-term operation to hurt the syndicate in the one place it would hurt them the most.

Their bank accounts.

Her mind drifted back to her first days at the academy. From being the confused and angry runaway who couldn't even read, finding a passion in engineering and the Orion woman who had been more of a zhavey and shreya than her own had been.

Of graduating with pride before her mentor whisked her away on a dangerous mission to one of the Orion core worlds. Off listening to her mentor and her team tell her tales from before the Orion civilisations fall and the rising of the syndicate

It did sound glamorous even if Thex had been mostly stuck in the safe housekeeping all of the gizmos and computers up and running. Well besides that one time, she fondly remembered with a grin. That had been a good day especially when she found out just what she managed to do.

" Everyone please collection your belongings we'll be arriving at starbase 51 in five minutes." The captain's voice came through her ears. Nodding to herself Thex did so collecting her computer and bags before joining the line of passengers eagerly waiting to get off the shuttle.

Time to start the next step in her life.




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