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Posted on 28 Jan 2023 @ 6:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

1,719 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: SB51/Various
Timeline: Current


- Security Office - SB51 -

The alert of yet another new Tomcat crewmember sounded on her screen while she was with Lieutenant Dex, now she had the Lieutenant go straight to the fast shuttle that was going to the Tomcat and wait, as another new officer would be joining her.

Now she was alone she check the name and sighed as she stood up and tugged her tunic down "that ship goes through engineers as a knife goes through butter so heading out she goes to the nearest turbo lift remember her team's reaction to a tame Sehlat and smiled as she entered the lift and when the doors closed "Arrivals" she said and the lift whisked her to her destination.

- Arrival's -

Finally, she stepped out onto the deck at the Stations arrivals walked over to the nearest terminal, tapped in command and got the passenger manifest and pulled up the list and studied the officer's face on the screen "hmm and Andorian, after memorizing it she signed off and cleared the log and headed into the arrivals looking for a particular Andorian, finally locating her and headed in that direction.

Eventually stopping within earshot "Lieutenant sh'Zoarhi!" She called to get her attention and when she did she approached her "I am Lieutenant Commander Smithson Chief of Security on this starbase, I will take you through your orientation, it will have to be a quicker than normal one as the Tomcat is needing a dedicated engineer as the others are all out on missions, any questions before we go to my office?" Smithson asked.

Thex had been waiting in line for her record and transfer details to proceed when she heard her name being called. Snapping to attention and giving a salute Thex gave a quick " What mission is so important that the other engineers are away." She enquired calmly as she began following the Lieutenant Commander.

"Good question, the mission is standard, well for the Tomcat it is, but the CEO is on an away mission and you are the first DCEO they have had in a while I am told the Chief Counsellor is covering engineering, she has limited experience but the ship has not yet blown up so she must be doing something correctly, but a dedicated engineer would not go amiss," Smithson said.

" She goes through deputy engineers that quickly? " Thex added in surprise. " Hope I can tame her appetite."

The pair entered the turbo lift and as the doors closed "Security" Smithson said and the lift began to move. "You would be the first new DCEO since the last CEO was made First Officer and his DCEO was made CEO. The Chief Engineer is Lieutenant Leland Hawksley, he will be your direct superior, but upon arrival at the Tomcat you will need to report to Commander Remington Dodd, the former CEO and now the First Officer, you two may get on like a house on fire!" Smithson said, falling silent to allow any questions to be asked.

" I hope we will ma'am. I'm excited about the promotion and from what I've heard the sector is going to be one keeping me on my toes." The Andorian replied her antenna moving slightly in rhythm with the turbo-lift.

"I would not know, I have been stuck on this station since it went operational, and I have accepted my lot in life" *sighs* with that the lift opened onto the Security level "Okay let's go," Smithson said and stepped out of the turbo lift.

- Security -

The moment they exited the lift Sam led them to her office and she entered the Lieutenant close behind "please have a seat Lieutenant, she indicated to the chair in front of her desk as she took her seat behind her desk. She pulled up the Lieutenant filed and sent the command to produce the relevant items, without looking up "any questions while we are waiting Lieutenant? I will answer what I can about your new assignment" she asked as a section of the wall to her right produced an item.

" None that I can think of ma'am. " Thex responded as she took the seat placing her bag down at her side.

Sam studied the officer "indeed" she simply said and pulled the card out of the dispenser and held it to the Andorian "this is your ID card, it is to be worn at all times when on duty or when going from quarters to the lounge, it is more than a simple ID it is keyed to your biometrics, the only time the ID card is left on the ship is if you are on an away team, an enemy can do a lot with a captured ID, so if assigned to an away team or mission please remember to leave your I D card in security" she said holding it in a way so as the Lieutenant could take it.

While this was going on a data crystal which looked like an isolinear chip popped out as did a long strip of red paper.

" Will do ma'am this isn't my first time on a Federation starbase. " The Andorian said taking the ID card before tucking it into her uniform's top pocket.

"Also, you will not have time, but when you return here after the current mission you will be joining organise some starbase-side quarters your quarters on the Tomcat are utilitarian at best and it is not built like a cruise ship," Smithson said as she took the data, Crystal.

" Just like my other postings then," Thex replied leaving out her special operations posting.

"Okay, here is a data crystal it is in the shape of an Isolinear chip as it is compatible with such slots on the Tomcat, I know you have your standard clearance codes given by Starfleet, but what is on here is unique to the Tomcat when you get aboard and have the chance slot this into the right port in engineering and it will transfer the specialized codes assigned to you into the ships computer, any questions so far?" She asked holding the item to her.

Thex shook her head as she took the chip. " A little more security than my last posting, but in this sector, it can't hurt but to be extra careful."

"We are out in the Mira Sector Starfleet Presence is scarce out here, such precautions are required," Smithson said and got the strip of paper it was a long red strip of paper, she looked at Thex "okay Lieutenant this may be a bit old fashioned but this strip of paper has a long one-time use code, memorize it and then destroy it, this is the ultimate safeguard against intruders trying to take control of the Tomcat, if all other Officers, Ensign on up are unavailable and the ship is about to be captured enter this code and only you will be able to control the ship commands until a Senior Officer can arrive, it will lock the enemy out of the computers on the ship, it can only be used once then it is non-effective so only use in an emergency and when the shit has hit the fan so to speak, okay?" Smithson asked.

Thex swallowed slightly as she took the bit of paper. That was a lot of responsibility. " I'll make sure to memorise it and dereplicate it in the replicator." She replied. " Are the Orions really that strong in this sector that we have to consider them gaining control of federation vessels?"

"It is not the Orions so much it is mainly pirates and the Syndicate, not the Orion Slavers, not much for them out this far on Federation borders the Slavers tend to stick the areas where they can acquire slaves. But you're right if any Pirate gained control of the Tomcat they could do some serious damage to the Federation's outer sectors" she paused.

"Okay we are about done here, when you return with the Tomcat I would encourage you to find Starbase side quarters as those on the Tomcat are not built for extended comfort, are there any final questions you have before I give you final information and send you to the transport that is waiting to take you to the Tomcat?" Smithson asked.

" None that I can think of ma'am," Thex said as she reached into one of her pockets pulling out two padds. " My phaser and TR116 qualifications both are up to date," she explained as she handed them over.

Sam took the Padds and transferred their data to the Lieutenant's file then handed them back "okay Lieutenant your files have been updated on the system for this sector. There is a transport docked ready to take you to the Tomcat, the ship will be delayed as there are two new Officers also going the same place you are, so you will have company on route to the Tomcat" she paused.

"Okay when you get there, report to Lieutenant Commander Dodd the First Officer, he is the former CEO and he will be on the bridge, when Lieutenant Hawksley returns from his away mission report to him and when the mission is complete and before you start on your next mission report to Medical so the ship has updated files for you, any questions?" Smithson asked.

" No ma'am. Report to Commander Dodd, then Lieutenant Hawksley and make sure to see the doctor. Anything else I need to know." Thex said professionally.

Thinking a moment "not from my end, any further questions will need to come from Commander Dodd, your other two travelling companions are Lieutenant Dex and Ensign Drevas a Kelpien, so if there is nothing further head straight to departures and onto the transport called SS Coe, good luck on your assignment Lieutenant" Smithson said.

" Thank you ma'am I hope to see you again," Thex said politely giving her a salute before picking up her bags and heading for the door.

She watched him leave and then returned to her tasks





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