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Roosevelt is trying to track the ship that attacked the Rosenthall

Posted on 27 Apr 2023 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt

818 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: NCC- Roosevelt
Timeline: 2395

Captain Cahill was on the Bridge doing everything she could to track the ship that attacked the Rosenthall. She called off orders left and right of ideas and was looking for other ideas.

=/\= Engineering how are you doing with the sensors to determine possibly who the attackers were and what direction they may have gone? =/\=

"Primary and Lateral Hull sensors were set to extraction algorithms I crafted, Captain," Hewitt replied. "Passive data gathering from the Rosenthall energy bombardments have given me an insight." Hewitt read the pool table in Engineering in front of him, taping in commands.

"Triple redundant stellar fields, particulate detectors should light up like a Christmas Tree on our Fighters. Donovan, you see anything yet?" Todd grunted.

=/\= Fighters report have you picked up anything on your sensors or anything to identify the attackers? =/\=

=/\=Nothing yet, however I am taking three of my fighters and will do a grid search approximately one hundred kilometers out to see if we get a nibble=/\= Donovan said as she veered starboard and took herself and two others leaving Racine searching for the Carrier.

=/\= Copy that LT Donovan. Let me know if you see anything. =/\=

=/\= Captain, all personnel that we could find have been transported to the Roosevelt=/\= Thompson reported.

+/\= Copy that Number one when you are ready we can beam you and your team but to the Roosevelt. =/\=

=/\= We are heading to engineering now our team is under some sort of attack=/\= Matt said.

=/\= Copy that Number One, Let me know what is going on. If possible and they are one of the attackers take one alive and we will interrogate them for information. If not, don't take unnecessary risks.

We have a good idea who did this already and can beam you out at any time. =/\= replied Cahill

Serina was suddenly caught in what could be called a jet wash or turbulence. Out of nowhere she was cut off by a single fighter headed like a bat outta hell. oO Where the blazes did you come from?Oo she thought. Doing a high resolution scan for the area just below her, she caught, or something that resembled a possible sensor echo as if there was a cloaked ship. Breaking radio silence and taking a hell of a chance, =/\= Serina to Cahill, not sure of what I stumbled on but it could be a cloaked vessel=/\= she said.

=/\= Copy that all sensors show nothing here. Take up tactical defensive positions.

=/\There was something out there. How you missed that fighter I don't know but it was there. All fighters taking up tactical defensive to formations=/\= Serina said.

=/\= Away team to Roosevelt we are ready to beam back=/\= Matt requested.

=/\=Transporter room one. Lock on the the away team and beam them back.

Lt. Thompson come to the Bridge once back onboard. =/\=

Replied Cahill.

=/\= Aye Captain on my way=/\= Thompson said

Send out a reply to have all fighters return to the Roosevelt immediately.

Matt check in his equipment and then headed for the bridge.

The lift doors opened to the bridge and air ops was busy receiving the fighters back into the bay.

Matt took his seat next to the captain.

"Sorry Captain there was nothing left of her, we did get what was left of the crew back on board only 42 of them, but the ship itself is tearing itself apart from torsional stresses. I recommend we destroy it so it's not a hazard to navigation," Matt suggested.

Cahill smiled. "Understood LT, I agree.

Helm, move us to a position so we are a safe distance away. Weapons lock on and fire on my order.

"Lock onto whatever is left of their primary reactor," Matt said.

"Aye Sir, the weapons officer said, "Torpedoes locked on target."

"Fire torpedoes," Cahill ordered.

What was left of the ship was vaporized.

Hewitt exited the lift doors on the main bridge, taking up the engineering station the aft of the Roosevelt. The station was similar in size and parameters to the Tomcat, so he was comfortable. He tapped a few buttons.

Striking his communication badge, he opened a com with Lt. Donovan. =/\= Hewitt to Donovan. I’ve increased the signal attenuation gains. The mimic in the phase adjustment coils should do the trick.

=/\= Hewitt reviewed the dynamic fighter controls on his engineering computer.

"Helm set course for the Hydaranz System and engage at warp six once the fighters recovered," Matt said.

"Aye Sir 1 2 7 mark 14 warp six", helm replied.

"Fighters recovered, Captain.", Matt said.

Good to hear," replied Cahill

"Helm Engage"

The Roosevelt lept into warp.

A post by:

Captain Cahill
Roosevelt CO






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