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Walking Into a New Chapter

Posted on 25 Jan 2023 @ 3:58pm by Ensign Drevas
Edited on on 25 Jan 2023 @ 4:12pm

433 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Current


"Hey, buddy. Wake up, we're almost about to dock!" The Bolian shuttle pilot's overly peppy voice stirred the Kelpien from his brief nap, which he'd been taking on the passenger seat in the back with his duffel bag as a pillow. Not the most comfortable sleep, but it was rest at the very least. He needed it if he wanted to make a good first impression on the Tomcat's chief of security and tactical.

No longer was the view out the window the endless black expanse of space dotted with gleaming diamond stars. Instead Starbase 51, gleaming and gargantuan in size like her other counterparts scattered across the quadrant, took up most of the view. Drevas would've loved to have it as his new assignment, but alas, his actual new assignment waited for him at just one of the many airlocks in the base's upper decks. He'd always envisioned himself serving aboard a starship, following it and her crew on their gallivants and missions throughout the stars, discovering new things along the way. Of course, in his short service so far he'd learned that that was rarely ever the case. A Starfleet vessel's adventures were hardly ever peaceful, and simple even more rarely.

Rilaxa, the experienced pilot that she was, got them clearance and landed cleanly in the middle of the shuttlebay. "We're gonna miss you, mister beanpole. Take care, okay? Write back whenever you can!" The Bolian woman wrapped her Kelpien friend up in a warm hug before letting go. "Now go, don't keep the Tomcag waiting. I'd be mad too if I had to wait for someone like you." Drevas could not help but feel heat spread its way across his cheeks as he picked up his bags, averted his eyes from her smiling face and descended the landing ramp to the new and unfamiliar.

"...and how long will I need to wait?" "Not long, sir. We'll have your transport there arranged. You just sit tight and wait till you're called, alright? Go grab lunch or something, there's a lovely Japanese restaurant seventeen decks down." Just his luck - he'd arrived at a rather inconvenient time, it seemed when the ship had taken off on a mission shortly before his arrival. Well, that was fine. At least he could enjoy an excellent bowl of ramen first. Drevas thanked the young shuttlebay worker he'd spoken to and made his way out to the corridor. God, he could already hear his stomach growling.




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