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New Security Officer

Posted on 03 Feb 2023 @ 1:52pm by Ensign Drevas & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51

2,261 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: SB51/Various
Timeline: Current


Samantha had not long finished with the new DCEO, when an alert came up she looked at it "damn another one!" she exclaimed so she called up the officers file and her eyes widened in surprise "a Kelpien, that is going to be a first for this sector" she said to herself and left her Office and headed straight to the nearest lift, as she entered and the doors closed.

"Arrivals" she simply said and the lift whisked her down and across to her requested destination.

- Arrivals -

As the lift came to a stop the doors opened and she exited the lift and looked around, the Kelpien would be the tallest person there and lo and behold as she scanned the area, a Kelpien was exiting the transport he came on, tugging down her tunic and walked forward "Ensign Drevas!" She said stopping in front of him and slightly looking up.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson Station Security Chief and I will be handling your Orientation today, it will be a quicker one than normal as I have already two new officers waiting to be shuttled to the Tomcat, so you will leave with them," she said then tapped her Commbadge =/\= Smithson to Flight Operations =/\=

=/\= Flight Operations here Commander =/\=

=/\= I need you to hold back the transport that is going to the Tomcat, I am about to process a new officer for the crew and would appreciate it if you can hold the transport for me. =/\= She asked the controller.

=/\= Will do Commander Flight Ops out =/\= with that she turned to look at Drevas again "your travelling companion will be a Lieutenant Jg Thex sh'Zoarhi the new DCEO and Lieutenant Jg Shoniara T’ghann Dex who is the new DCMO, so if you will follow me we will get your orientation done so you can join then on the transport" Smithson said as she led the way "any questions?" She added as they left arrivals.

Well, there went his hopes of having a delicious Japanese lunch. The ship needed personnel quite badly if the starbase was rushing new arrivals there in double time. Oh, well. There wasn't very much he could do on that front; he'd just have to settle for lunch on the Tomcat, whenever it was convenient. "None currently, Commander," Drevas answered smoothly. "Where shall we be heading?" He shouldered his duffle bag and the travelling case he also carried and trailed behind the senior officer.

"My Office, I have to sort out extra clearance and the like, also when you get back from the mission I encourage you to find some Starbase-side quarters, those on the Tomcat are not as plush as a Nebula or Galaxy class, the Tomcat is a warship and is equipped as one. She has three Squadrons of Gryphon class fighters twelve per Squadron not including replacements, she also has 467 Rifle Regiment on board, although they are on a mission off the ship, the only Rifles you will see remaining all wear a white cord of courage and at the base of their shoulders, number twelve and are the Captain's bodyguard. Oh, one of the Fighter Squadrons is Klingon, now as we walk have you any questions? I will answer what I can" Smithson said.

As the pair entered the turbo lift and the doors closed "Security complex" she said and the lift began to move, she remained silent giving the Ensign the option to ask questions.

Part of Dunamis wondered if she thought that, as a tactical officer, all he'd be interested in would be the tactical capabilities of the vessel he'd be serving on - the fact that she'd chosen to tell him that first and foremost out of anything else suggested so, anyway. Nonetheless, at least she'd given him the chance to ask about his assignment... which, after mentioning that he ought to find quarters on the starbase, he had a few of.

"Since you mentioned finding quarters here post mission - will I be stationed here or on the Tomcat itself daily?"

"Yes, your main post and billet will be the Tomcat, the starbase quarters are larger and more luxurious and an officer can have more personal stuff" she paused as she looked at him "Security on the Tomcat is a lot tighter than most other Starfleet ships, so you will be given a unique ID extra clearance codes and such" another pause.

"Your Department Head is Lieutenant Jg Tosrol Ze, the Deputy Head is Lieutenant Jg Faith Benson and the other noted Security Officer is a Caitian Ensign K'Ruuras, so upon initial arrival at the Tomcat, you will need to report to Lieutenant Commander Dodd ships First Officer, I am telling you all this now as it will save time at the end of your orientation and the fact that the fast transport is waiting to take you to your posting as I mentioned with two others," Smithson said.

- Security Level -

Eventually, the lift stopped and the pair got out on the Security level as Smithson led the way she noticed that her team were still uneasy even after the Sehlat had left, she did not think that her staff would quickly settle down. With that they entered her office, "please have a seat Ensign" she said sitting behind her desk and pulling up the assignment orders and tapped something into the computer and the wall to her left began to make a sound, she was giving the Ensign time to ask anything while the next stage is underway.

Drevas glanced at the wall for a moment, wondering what exactly was going on behind it. Perhaps it would open, he reckoned, and reveal behind it a personalized phaser rifle, and possibly some kind of identification. Something like that. He wouldn't put the technology to put out such items like that on short notice hidden somewhere behind that wall. Anything was possible - or perhaps not. He'd just have to see. He took a seat as requested, bags placed neatly on the floor by his feet.

"If I may ask. Is there a reason why the Tomcat requires a higher level of security clearance? I perfectly understand that she is a warship by classification, but even then I have friends on other ships that don't receive such things as extra security clearance." He asked, ignoring the quiet growl that emanated from his stomach.

Not missing the quiet growl from the Ensign's stomach "did you not eat something on the trip out here, Ensign?" She asked as she looked at his file again "I see you have gone through your Vahrai, is that how it is pronounced?" She asked another question "as for the Security clearances and what you are getting is due to the location the Tomcat works in, cannot allow a warship like the Akira to fall into hostile hands" she finished

Sam took out the newly created ID Card registered it with the sector systems and placed it on her desk she was giving him time to answer her questions. While she waited out came the data crystal in the form of an Isolinear chip and finally a long strip of paper.

"Well..." Drevas' cheeks flushed briefly with embarrassment. "Yes. I was rushed off Babylonia by my department head, who said that the Tomcat would not be at the starbase for long. Hence I packed my belongings and left the ship immediately." Which was admittedly still no excuse to not eat, mind. "And yes, I have indeed gone through vahar'ai - and have done for a few years now." Part of him wondered why she felt the need to confirm that. He wouldn't have been any less of an officer if he hadn't, nor would any other Kelpien in his shoes.

Looking at him "apologies if I embarrassed you, I only asked about the vahar'ai as the Tomcat is more tactically active than most ships, so having a Security officer going through a natural event for his species would hinder the ship. You may get questioned by the CMO as we have never had a Kelpien before so I hope you can steel yourself for some questions from her!" Smithson said.

"Of course." Drevas was used to the usual round of questioning from medical officers who had never dealt with his species before. Some went about it in a tone that implied curiosity at least. Some acted as if they were interrogating a newly captured prisoner. He hoped the Tomcat's CMO would fall into the former category.

She picked up the ID card and held it out to the Ensign "This ID card is your lifeline on the Tomcat. Off duty on the ship it is to be worn, on duty, it is to be worn, but if you get assigned to an Away Team, then it MUST remain on the ship in Security, that ID card is more than it seems, any questions?" She said.

Drevas eyed the little piece of plastic in the commander's hand. What did she mean by 'more than it seems'? What could he possibly need to use it for other than the usual functions of other cards like it? "No questions, ma'am." He said, accepting the small plastic card and slipping it into his pocket. He'd have to replicate a cardholder for it later. For now, he was eager to depart for the Tomcat and start his new assignment.

*Gives him a look* she picked up the data crystal shaped like an Isolinear chip and held it out to him "this has added security codes on it unique to the Tomcat, I know you have your standard codes, but these can only be used on the Tomcat, the ship operates on the fringes of Federation space most of the time so the added security is required, any questions on this?" She asked still holding the item out to the Ensign.

He accepted and pocketed the isolinear chip as well. "No questions, ma'am." He replied. Part of him wondered if that was a lot more to the Tomcat's mission than met the eye. Why did the ship and her crew need so much security? Was there something on board he would not learn about until he arrived? He decided not to ask the Commander this, at least, for the time being.

Again she gave him a strange look oO no questions, very unusual for a new officer Oo she thought to herself "okay this strip of paper is a one-time use code, it is keyed to your voiceprint, and you are to memorise it then destroy the piece of paper. Should the Tomcat get boarded by hostile forces and you are the only one remaining on your feet you are to speak or type in that code and it will lock the system out and no matter what the hostiles do they will not be able to unlock it, that would have to be done by one of the Command Staff" Smithson said holding the piece of paper out to the Ensign as she looked at him "if you have questions ask them now as you will have little time to ask, as the moment you report to Commander Dodd on the Tomcat you will be put to work and will not have time to ask" she added.

"I expect no less," Drevas said, accepting the piece of paper from her, reading the code and stowing it in his pocket. Surely she didn't mean for him to read and destroy the piece of paper on the spot. Speaking of questions. "How often has that protocol had to be enacted?" He asked. "The protocol the code on this piece of paper sets in motion."

"To my knowledge, it has never been enacted, but it is a one-time use code, so are there any other questions? I have mentioned about obtaining Starbase quarters when you get back, I have done the rest, so now any final questions are down to you Ensign" Smithson said.

"No further questions." The fact that the protocol itself had basically never been used told him a lot about the ship's operations. At least it'd never run into a situation where things had gotten so desperate - which meant that perhaps the Tomcat's operations weren't quite as dangerous as the numerous layers of security and tactical resources on board would suggest. Hopefully, now he could get to making his way to the ship itself... hopefully with some food in his belly beforehand.

*Looking at the Kelpien and inwardly sighing* "okay Ensign, we are done here, head to SS Coe the Transport that will take you to the Tomcat's location, do not mind the Tellerite transport Captain, he can be disagreeable as his species like to argue and insult, but we are done here, good luck on your assignment Ensign Drevas you are done here" she said.

"Thank you, Commander." Drevas nodded, stood and made his way from the room in silence. How much had really been placed on his shoulders, he wondered, with all the extra security measures he'd been given. How much was the Commander really not telling him? Those were questions he would have to have answered as he went along for the journey, he reckoned; for now, he had a transport to catch.




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