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Posted on 24 Feb 2023 @ 12:59pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Mazal Falk

1,159 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: SB51/Roosevelt
Timeline: TBD


- USS Roosevelt -

Mazal looked at all of the notes that she had gathered together in order to get the mission off the ground, her mind wandered back to the news of Captain Somers having been rescued, and she also remembered that Lieutenant Allen had also mentioned she could talk with the Captain. Mazal figured that it might be an evening for Captain Somers, maybe she could contact her before they got into the communications problem area.

Mazal decided to send a message and see if there was a connection

- Starbase 51 -

A nurse came in to check on Somers, checking her vitals and the healing of her wounds, the nurse was still amazed at how fast the Captain had healed, she had seen images of it before and could not believe the improvement.

"How are you feeling Captain?" the nurse asked having a cheery smile.

Sitting up in bed and with a smile, I am good thanks nurse" Somers responded then when the nurse had gone her smile vanished the news that she had been advised to step down and that her career was "murky" so the Admiralty said made her feel ashamed of what she had done but she wanted to step down as TFCO anyways so it was not as much of a punishment in that area, the future of her career was however. It was the spur-of-the-moment thing but still, she was fortunate that High Command was so lenient with her, suddenly her Padd sounded, and she twisted to pick it up and hold it in front of her the screen displayed that she had an incoming hail, curious she allowed the connection and the rotating Starfleet communications emblem vanished to reveal Lieutenant Falk's face.

Putting on a smile, which was genuine she found =/\= hello Lieutenant, to what do I owe this honour? You must be as a key moment in the mission. =/\= Somers asked.

=/\= Hello Captain Somers=/\= Mazal smiled in return, =/\= We are getting there, I wanted to see how you are doing and get some information as to what I could be expecting for this area of space. I know we'll be getting into an area where communication will be spotty.=/\= Mazal took in a deep breath before she continued. =/\= Any words of wisdom Captain? Any tips? We do have a plan of action and what to do to make certain there isn't much loss of life. =/\= Mazal had a hopeful expression in her eyes.

A Little unexpected Jasmine was surprised =/\= I am doing fine thank you, as to the Hydaransz system, I know more data is in the ship files. Still, in a nutshell, it is a system that borders both Klingon and Romulan borders, as it falls within Federation-controlled space we have the majority stake. Still, with the number of resources in the system the other two empires wanted a piece of the action so to speak. Hence, the diplomats worked out an amicable arrangement, you will see the occasional Romulan and Klingon combat ships in the area, as part of the agreement.

Mazal gave the nod. =/\=That sounds promising, but now we have to deal with those who decided they wanted something they shouldn't have. Much to do, so much to do. Cahill has been really good at helping to figure things out, I would like to report on that. And the people whom I've brought in as a team to organize are working rather well. However, Captain, I will confess this can be daunting and it certainly has opened my eyes even more of what it takes to be a captain in any form.=/\= she giving a smile. =/\= I am not going to back down though, it's a lesson in being able to adapt to different situations. =/\=

=/\= Adapting is a good thing, when we first went there there were Pirates with cybernetic implants like what some Orion males have, there were a lot of mechanically augmented Pirates too, none were Borg, but still they were solid and ruthless and we lost a lot of good troops taking the system back. As for the job you are doing, you are doing well considering you have over 450 Rifles to command and assign posts over a wide area of the system, the only accurate advice I can give about the Hydaransz system Lieutenant is to expect the unexpected =/\= Somers said.

Mazal gave a slow nod. =/\= Like my finding myself in charge of this mission instead of Jackson. Very unexpected. I have confidence in being able to accomplish that mission it's just daunting, Captain. I am not one that will run nor think I am a goddess that I can do anything. That isn't a good mindset either. Am I wrong in letting you know of my concerns? Just talking with you right now though, is helping. I hope I am not coming off as an inept person either.=/\=

Jasmine smiled =/\= Not at all Lieutenant, not at all you speak your mind but remain within regulated boundaries, it is appreciated thank you =/\= Somers said in response =/\= However do expect the unexpected out there, Commander Cahill may be a veteran of that system but when we were first there she was in Medical dealing with the wounded that came through =/\= she added.

=/\=Ah okay, and Commander Cahill is in the same boat as I am, and the same for Lieutenant Thompson. As in, a first mission status of both Commander Cahill, and myself are acting in the capacity of being Captain in some form, and Lieutenant Thompson as XO. I have no complaints about what is happening so far. And there has definitely been quite a bit of teamwork. I also requested, Lieutenant Jasmine Allen, to be in the capacity of my executive officer for this mission. She has already been beneficial to me.=/\=

=/\= Sounds logical, so is there anything else Lieutenant? =/\= Somers asked =/\= I am feeling tired and the nurse is giving me the evil eye, I think my medication is due =/\= she added.

=/\=Aye Captain, you do seem a bit tired. I will see you when we get back.=/\= Falk giving a nod. She was catching the long stare from the nurse as well, that woman was very protective over her patient. =/\=Until then, Captain.=/\=

=/\= Until then Lieutenant, give the Rats hell =/\= Somers said with a smile.

=/\=Will do Captain Somers will do.=/\= Mazal giving Somers a salute before signing off.

When the link went quiet she looked at the nurse, "what! She is one of my crew" Jasmine said as the stern nurse came forward and gave her the medication she was due oO I so miss Sinclair Oo she thought to herself.





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