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Posted on 16 Mar 2023 @ 12:54am by Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze

1,284 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Security Office
Timeline: TBD


Alexi had studied the layout of the ship during the transport and was fairly confident she knew the way to the security office. She rode the lift with the other new officers, exiting on the correct deck and briefly wondering oO will I ever see those certain members of the crew again, or if hers and their tasks would take her out of their social orbit. Oo Not that it really mattered one way or the other, but it was just a vague thought that had passed through her mind.

MCPO Michelle strode down the corridor until she reached the Security Office. She checked that her uniform was still up to specs before she entered. Looking around she moved to a desk expecting to see either a non-com or jr. grade officer. She didn't really look to see if anyone was seated there before she called out, "MCPO Michelle, Reporting for assignment in Security."

Ze had been in his office getting most things ready for the away mission, most of his bags packed, he just needed to complete one more meeting before shipping out, he was dressed in his uniform but it was unbuttoned at the top two holes, he was pouring over the new entrees file, he grabbed his warm cup of coffee and returned to his pad.

As his blast door was retracted, he saw MCPO Michelle standing in his door way "Well come in and make yourself at home Chief Please take a seat and we will get started in due course please help yourself to any drinks you'd like" he said looking at her.

"Yes, Sir," Alexi said as she entered the room. Moving over to the replicator she ordered an ice water before she moved over to take a seat in front of his desk. She slowly sipped the water as she watched him and waited for him to finish with whatever he was looking at. From her observation thus far, it would appear the Junior Lieutenant was not a stickler for regs, preferring comfort to a more official look.

Ze looked up from the file ad gave the cheif a hearty smile "Relax chief im not the type of department head thats gunna bust your balls for a bit of ease" he said pushing her file away and into his draw "So first and foremost welcome to the USS Tomcat its my pleassure to welcome you" he said as went to the replicator him self "Computer Coffee hot" he said as grabbed the mug infront of him and returned to his desk.

Alexi nodded at the welcome, "Thank you, Sir. I look forward to being a member of this crew. I am honored to be chosen for this position and will do my utmost to perform my duties admirably and honorably." She took another sip of her water as she tried to gauge her superior's temperament more accurately. "I know I have only just arrived, but I would like to get started as soon as possible. I think the best way is to review personnel files for all members of the crew and observe any that you feel are not acting as they should."

He sipped from his coffee and looked at her "Well we do like an eager beaver" he said with a slight laugh and a wink. Ze was half comedian half business you got both simultaneously if you were lucky "Well actually I've been meaning to do an overhaul of admin work myself but that will have to wait till after I'm back from away mission" he said with a large smile "That being said I would like you and lieutenant Benson once we are back to do an overhaul and pick through of our current staff see who these people are underneath the stories they tell" He said drinking some more coffee.

Alexi lifted an eyebrow slightly at the comment but did not comment. She found it interesting that he was about to embark on a mission apparently with the person he was assigning her to work with on this project of his. "Have you a projection of when you will return? I only ask as I would prefer not to have to wait if that can be avoided," she said as she placed her water down on the edge of his desk.

Ze smiled "Well collect what you can whilst I'm away and then report as soon as I'm back on the tomcat it should be a few days maybe weeks if things go a little pear shaped but I don't envision us being longer than 5 days" he said smiling.

Alexi nodded to Ze, "Understood, Sir. And are there any crew members you want me to investigate first, or shall I just start with whoever seems to be ... hiding something?"

Alexi knew that everyone had something to hide. For some it was more personal events, for others ... well she knew that sometimes good intentions had a way of going out the window for less honest people. That was why there was a need for the investigative services in the first place. And more often than not, those in her position were treated with disdain from many members of their assigned ship's crew.

Too often Investigators seemed to get a thrill from taking anyone down they could. Alexi was not of that ilk. Honest mistakes and lapses of judgement did not make someone a bad person. It meant they were not perfect, and neither was she. All she wanted was to do her job to the best of her ability.

Ze looked at her "Well start from the top and work your way down, you have my full permission to investigate as you see fit and to make any reports you need" He said sipping from his coffee "As for now Chief, you are dismissed to start your duties" he said with a wide smile.

Alexi nodded as she heard the instructions. She stood from her seat and replied, "aye, Sir. I will get started right away. May I inquire before I leave the room if there is an office I will have use of? For security and privacy reasons I would not want others to see who I may be looking into at any given time."

Ze Smiled "You can use the nook the armory chief no one uses it so it is yours to do with as you wish" he said with smile "I look forward to hearing about you findings when I return from my mission"

Alexi came to attention, "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," She replied then took two steps back before she turned around. Old habits tend to die hard it seemed. Especially when they were drilled into her since she'd enlisted.

She paused before the door and looked back, "and may you have a safe and successful mission, Sir." She turned and exited the room and went to find this 'nook' and get settled in and get to work. If it had a terminal she could access right away that would be a bonus.

He smiled as she lingered by the door "Live Long and Prosper Master Chief May your endeavors steer you well for when I return there will be a staff meeting so I will see you at the security meeting when I return. Gods speed to you" he said with a wink as placed his cup down and looked on.



TT2oFvs.png MCPO Alexi Michelle


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