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Inside the blue.

Posted on 15 Mar 2023 @ 8:21pm by Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Edited on on 16 Mar 2023 @ 4:17pm

829 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)


Thex was feeling happy with herself. Nothing could make her feel happier than getting her fingers dirty working in a ship's gut to make her feel at home.

Now after a day of pulling gell packs out for replacement, she had just one last thing to do.

Stepping into the ship's medbay with a smile on her face she waited to see who was around.

Dex stood up quickly from under the biobed and, in the process bumped her head. “Ouch,” she said ruefully rubbing her occiput. “What can I do for you, Lieutenant?” She asked the Andorian woman.

" I'm here for my medical checkup?" Thex said politely as she pulled a data crystal from her pocket. " My medical record from my last assignments.

Dex smiled and took the data crystal from her. “Just pop up onto the biobed,” she said as she reviewed the information.

Thex nodded giving the doctor a smile as she hopped onto one of the biobeds with skill and grace that showed her favourite hobbies. " Very nice sickbay you have here doctor," she added.

“It only looks nice when it is empty” Dex laughed. “How are you feeling?” She asked as she opened her med scanner.

" Nervous. Only just got here and I don't want to mess up so early on my new assignment." Thex replied though her voice showed confidence.

“I understand how you feel,” Dex said as she began her scans. “Have you had any illnesses in the past four weeks, coughs, colds, things like that?”

" Pulled a muscle in my leg two weeks ago whilst dancing. Went away after a few days." Thex replied calmly.

She put her sensor away with a snap. “Well, you seem fit and well Lieutenant. Are there any other Andorians on board?” She asked.

" I'm not sure I only just arrived a few days ago," Thex replied honestly.

Dex pressed the panel to begin another scan. “Just keep still Lieutenant, I am now running a scan specifically because you come into contact with gel packs. This brain scan is quite normal as the Andorian brain can be affected by the specific chemistry included in the gel packs. That is looking fine but if you develop an unexplained rash or experience frequent headaches you are to report to sickbay immediately any time of day or night.”

" I understand doctor. I took all the safety precautions whilst handling them." Thex replied glad to have finished that job.

Have you made an appointment to speak to our Counsellor yet?” Dex asked.

" Not yet, but I'll see about getting one done as soon as I get back to my quarters." the blue girl answered.

Dex smiled, “well you check out as a fit and healthy Andorian woman. Try not to overdo the physical and remember sickbay is always open for anything to need. Is there anything you want to ask?”

" Well, there is something I was wondering about. Are you aware of my people's population collapse?" Thex added after thinking it through.

Dex nodded thoughtfully. “Yes Lieutenant I am, I am so sorry.”

" Well, at least I don't have to explain that. I was wondering if it would be possible to have some of my eggs extracted and frozen?" Thex answered the tone of her voice showing how much it had been bothering her even if she was able to bury it deep within her.

She smiled, “yes of course we can do that, more than once if you want to. It will only take half an hour. Just let me know when you want to do it okay? I have done it before for an Andorian I worked with on Vulcan.” She put her equipment away. “You know if you ever want to just talk, let it out then my door is always open. But make sure you access the Counsellor as well okay?”

Thex gave the doctor a smile. " Thank you doctor I'll see what time in my schedule are free and don't worry about me I have my own way of dealing with doubts running in my head."

“Very well but you have to promise me you will share a meal with me sometime soon. I do not know many people on board and would dearly love to have friends. As for your medical, you have passed it with flying colours.”

" Sure doc. Send me a message and we'll get something to eat." Thex said rather happy with herself.

“I will in the next few days, by the way, my name is Shoniara but my friends call me Shon, or Dex if you prefer.”

" Sure thing Dex. " Thex added as she headed for the door. "If you have any tech problems in here call me."





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