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A mental break

Posted on 13 Mar 2023 @ 9:16pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

1,871 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Marine Office/Holodeck
Timeline: Before the Marine Mission


Mazal looked at the ever mounting pile of notes and padd's she'd been going over, and had the greatest desire to just tip the table over in a bit of a huff. That is when Mazal realized she was showing the signs of stress. Taking a deep breath she tapped on her commbadge and contacted Lilliana.

=/\= Sergeant Hawksley, do you have a moment or two to spare for my coming to talk with you? And where can we meet up at?=/\=

Lilli was sitting in marine medical, there wasn’t much to be doing right now so she was glad that Mazal called. She tapped her comm badge. =/\= I’m currently in marine medical if you want to come to me, or I can come to you whichever is easier. =/\=

=/\= I will come to see you shortly.=/\= Mazal deciding that stepping away from the planning would be the better choice.

A few minutes later, Mazal stepped in where Lillli is at. "Hi thank you for agreeing to seeing me." the Marine taking a seat. Mazal huffed just a bit,then she looked at Lilli. "How are you doing?" deciding to start with that line of conversation. She didn't want to start with her own stress yet.

Lilli offered a melancholy smile. “I’m okay, or should I say we’re okay!” She grinned as she motioned to her stomach. “Just missing Leland. I get the feeling you’re not doing so well though.”

Mazal knew of the feeling of missing someone, she missed Tosrol at this moment. "I can understand your feelings of missing someone you love." giving a warm and gentle smile. "But yes, I am a little bit tied up in knots. This mission that we are facing, its going to be a big one. Which speaking about it, were you able to find out which corpsmen you are going to send with the marines?" Mazal seeming to not shut off her brain for the moment where the mission was concerned.

Lilli nodded. “I was about to send you over the names, but now you’re here...” she pulled out a PADD. “Here’s your corpsmen, they all have the necessary medical clearances to be able to deal with any injuries that might occur. They’re not specifically field medic trained, but they’ll cope. I wish I was going with you, but as per Corps regs, and my baby’s safety I’ll be right here. Have you thought about just taking some time to relax while you’ve got the chance?”

Mazal leaned back in her chair, "At this time I don't know if I can relax. I still have a few details to hammer out. And hoping that we don't lose anyone." Mazal leaning forward and placing her head in her hands just to center. "I've got people working on projects to make certain of that, I've even spoken to both Cahill, and Lieutenant Thompson, plus Hewitt and um even Captain Somers. A whole list of people I've met with in order to make sure we can go home in one piece. I still have one other meeting with all involved to hopefully finalize things. The brain will not settle enough for me to relax."

Mazal paused realizing something. "Well, talking to you right now, that is helping. You were the one that came to mind for me to come talk to."

Lilli nodded. “That’s what I’m here for, I’m not just a medic I’m also Counsellor for the marines.” She relaxed back in her seat. “You’ve got a lot going on, it’s not surprising you’re wired, for want of a better word, the thing is if you don’t relax and sleep you won’t be fit for duty because you’re too tired. I am permitted to prescribe sleeping aids if you need them.”

"Also I think that another reason why I am a little bit wired is that, well a friend of mine ended up leaving the Tomcat. That was Doctor Jane Sinclair, and then another two marines had left as well, they were called on another assignment. Not that I am worried but its just that, well, I feel I am losing people yet again. Thankfully they are not dead though." a slight frown appeared.

“Indeed” Lilli nodded. “At least you’ll be able to keep in touch with your friends. How soon are we expecting to arrive at our destination?”

"Barring any sort of encounters, should be there in a couple of days or less or more? The days have sort of jumbled themselves together." Mazal replied. "And I don't know if I want to have some sleeping aids to help me to get to sleep. I worry that I won't be my best the next day. And I can't have anything that has caffeine in it, to perk me up, if I have an after effect from a sleeping aid."

Lilli nodded. “Fair enough, it’s an option if you should change your mind. I’m trying to cut down on Caffeine myself, it’s not the best thing to have during pregnancy.”

Mazal nodded "That is what my sister said about her pregnancy. No caffeine. I'll figure out a way to get some sleep and turn my brain off to get some rest. I am glad that you came along on this mission, even if you are not out there with the rest of us, however you will be here keeping watch."

“I will indeed” Lilliana nodded. “I’ll be ready up here if medical intervention is needed, but I’m hoping we don’t have any casualties.”

"I feel the same way, as to not having casualties. I can't discount the fact that there could be some casualties. I'm just hoping that there won't, hence my carefulness in trying to make plans to counter that possibility." Mazal getting a rather determined look in her eyes.

Lilli nodded. “I know you’ll do everything you can, we all have trust in you don’t worry about that.” She smiled warmly. “You have a lot ‘on your plate’ so-to-speak, it’s not surprising you can’t sleep, I’d be the same!”

A thoughtful expression appeared, "You know, I am wondering if there is a massage program in the holo suite. That might actually be an idea that could help me relax enough to sleep. And maybe you could use a massage, my sister said that helps when a woman is pregnant." Mazal looking at Lilli. "What do you think?"

“Actually I think that’s a good idea!” Lilli grinned. “It’s been a while since I last had a massage. It would certainly help us both to relax.”

"Yes, lets go. I am sure there is something there." standing up and offering a hand up to Lilli. "I knew this was a good idea to come see you. I wouldn't have even thought of it before." Mazal chuckled. "Come on, and lets figure out a setting, and I can't remember the last time I've had a massage." Mazal glanced at Lilli, "What would be a lovely setting for a massage?"

“How’s about Tahiti? Overlooking the beach and the ocean.” Lilli smiled warmly. “Nothing more relaxing than the sound of the waves lapping at shore.”

"That sounds fanatastic. Let's do it" heading out to the holosuite with Lilli. When the archway closed behind them and the sound of the ocean came to her ears, Mazal felt some of her tension already melt away. "Just to let you know, I've not really had a massage in Tahiti, nor in a luxury setting. This will be my first time. Any recommendation?" turning towards Lilli.

“Not really, that makes two of us!” Lilli grinned. “It’s my first time in Tahiti so I guess we wing it from here.” She motioned towards a very posh looking hotel. “I’d imagine that hotel would have a spa for its guests, let’s go and see.”

Mazal nodded, then headed to the hotel. Stepping, Mazal was amazed at seeing how luxurious the hotel lobby was. Mazal drew Lilli's attention to the sign which read spa, "looks like we are heading into that section." Mazal said, following the signs there. Upon reaching the area, they were met by two men and two ladies. "Welcome, may we help you?" the four smiling.

Lilli looked at Mazal, then at the four. “We’re looking for a relaxing massage.”

"Right this way, we have massage meant for pregnant women, and those not." the four people moving to one side. "which would you prefer to give you a massage, male or female?" the question was asked.

Mazal looked over at Lilli, not knowing what she would choose. Mazal had no clue, the last time she had a massage was by a woman. "I would like the woman massuese." she responded. Just the fact of thinking of a male masseur just wasn't making her comfortable.

“I would prefer a female as well please” Lilli smiled warmly. “I would feel more comfortable that way.” She gave Mazal a warm smile.

And the two women were led by the massuses to where they could get their massages. The area where they were taken looked out towards the ocean, the sound of the waves could be heard along with the sound of the rustling of the palm trees. Mazal decided to get the full body massage, while the massage table that was being used for Lilli accomodated her pregnancy.

Soothing music was being played, while the oils were being applied. Mazal groaned out in pleasure as the massuese began her work. "This is feeling incredible" she said.

“Mmm I have to agree” Lilli smiled warmly. At this point in her pregnancy her stomach was only showing a small rounded area but she appreciated the table that was specially used for pregnant women.

The attendants had the women disrobe and began their work on Lilli and Mazal. Mazal groaned out slightly, the kneading of her muscles was feeling rather good. "Its been too long." Mazal turning her head towards Lilli to check on her. She could feel her tension seem to ease as the masseuse ran her hand along the muscles, doing pressure points to release the tension even further. "If I am not too careful I'll fall asleep right here."

“Mmm you’re not the only one!” Lilli grinned as she looked towards Mazal. “There’s nothing like a nice gentle massage for relaxing you. They’re probably used to people falling asleep!”

Mazal smiled drowsily, "Maybe I can get away with a small nap. Will help me out at least a short nap?" her eyelids drifting down wards. "wake me up massuesse in about ten minutes." she murmured softly.

Lilli grinned. She wasn’t going to fall asleep anytime soon, she would simply lie and enjoy the massage while Mazal slept.





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