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Posted on 07 Apr 2023 @ 10:51pm by Ensign Autumn Cole & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

1,757 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Gymnasium
Timeline: Current


It was evening, and Autumn had scouted out where the gymnasium was at. She had things on her mind and figured that the best place for her to come up with some ideas was, on the stationary bikes. With a towel nearby, music playing in her ear, with water to keep herself hydrated, Autumn was set. At least she wasn't going to fall off this bike.

The door to the gym slid open as Thex stepped inside. Her blue eyes looked around seeing it was rather quiet as she made her way to one of the gym mats. " Nice evening." She said to amber-haired human on the bikes.

Autumn caught the sound of the door open and then someone getting her. Taking out her earphones, the redhead quickly zeroed in on the person who greeted her.

"Oh hello, yes it is a lovely evening!"Autumn dismounting from the bike and heading over to where the person who greeted her was. "Hello I'm Autumn, what's your name?"

" Thex. Just arrived here a few days ago." the sapphire girl said as she offered her hand.

Autumn accepted Thex's hand giving it a firm shake. "I've been here for a few days or has it been over a week now." Autumn trying to figure that out. "Things kinda get slightly scrambled when so much has happened in a space of a few days."

" You mind me asking what happened?" The andorian enquired her attend leaning forward.

Autumn thought for a few moments then replied, "Well the Marines and several others are on a mission, and well you arrived with the gel packs being infected. Before that, the captain of this vessel had been kidnapped and several had to rescue her. That is a lot to take in."

" Well that explains why I'm stripping the gell packs." Thex responded having been doing that job for the past few hours.

Autumn nodded, "I am glad it has gotten taken care of. That is a concern when that happens. And it was the first time I've ever experienced that. I was on the bridge being part of the crew, during that."

Autumn tilted her head, as she contemplated Thex. "What sort of exercises do you like to do for a work out?"

" Oh, a little of whatever takes my fancy. Anything you fancy doing that needs a partner?" the sapphire girl enquired friendly.

"Well you know, with you suggesting that, how about we spot each other on the weights there?" Autumn pointing towards the free weights. "I would be rather grateful to have a partner in that. Or could even do some dancing?"

" What kind of dancing do you do? " Thex asked. Even though she was trained in a few different forms she always thought it best to ask first.

"Well I do aerial silk dancing, but I also do some other dancing like, ballroom dancing, and theater type dancing. Like for musicals." Autumn answered. "For aerial silk I have to use the holo suite, its easier to do so."

" I've done some cheerleading at the academy and I'm trained in two forms of Orion dance. Never heard of Silk dancing how does it go?" Thex enquired.

Autumn thought for a moment, then said. "Well you have these very long silk scarfs or material suspended on an apparatus and basically you 'float' in the air using your arms and legs, and can wrap your body in it, lowering yourself down. Heck can even run and holding on you feel like you are flying. Then there is pole dancing I can do as well." Autumn replied.

" Sounds like fun. How did you get into them?" the Andorian asked her antenna leaning forward as she did so.

"A class mate of mine, Noreena, she wanted to have someone go with her and talked me into it. Heck, I was open for new experience of learning another dance style and I found I could do that even though I am clumsy from time to time." Autumn giving a huge smile. "So Orion dancing, I heard that it is much like the dance of the seven veils."

" The most well-known is. I'm trained in two. That of the animal woman style which is the most well know and that of a bladedancer. " Thex replied with her own smile.

"Well I would very much like to see both styles of dancing, and I could actually show you the pole dancing and the aerial silk dancing too. We'll just have to figure out when to do that." Autumn looking a bit excited at hearing of and wanting to see how well Thex danced.

" Sounds good let me know when you can get a holodeck." Thex replied with a grin before looking around. " Now is there anything you'd like to do right now?"

"Well" Autumn looking around not seeing really anyone there where she and Thex were at, "You know we can put a piece of music on and can do some dance exercises on the mats instead of weight lifting. I prefer the dance exercises than lifing weights." Autumn chuckled. "I just have to figure out which genre of music to play. I like to listen to the old style dance music from old earth like the 1980's or even the 1990's sometimes I go even further back to other music genres."

" Have any favourites?" Thex added as she head for the exercise mats.

Autumn thought for a moment. "I think I am in the mood for some Disco sort of music. Catchy beat and I had dedicated a song to someone who I do not see anymore." Autumn looked up at the Ceiling. "Computer please tap into Autumn's Dance Beats, Number 5"

She then said to Thex. "So I have some songs I love to dance to. Nothing frenzied well not at first." She giggled. "The song I like to first dance to is Dancing Queen, a group called Abba sings it. Then next will be the song titled, I will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, then next would be Le Freak, performed by CHIC. Final song would be Thriller sung by Michael Jackson. " She paused to look at Thex. "Ready to start?"

Thex gave her hair a shake to loosen up the muscles in her neck. " Hit the music." She said with a grin.

Autumn undid her hair from its pony tail as with this music, she felt she needed to let her hair be loose and flowing. The beginning chords of the music hit the air, Autumn let her body flow with the music, having had danced to this music quite often. Her hips shook and her shoulders swayed as she had closed her eyes to lose herself in the song. She did open then though to see what Thex would do with this music, what sort of moving she would do.

Thex had closed her eyes and let her herself breathe in and out a few times as the music started. Her limbs started moving as she used an Orion trick her mentor had taught for when you didn't know the dance moves. In her mind an image of an ocean began to form, the beats of the music moving as waves which her body began to move. Carefully moving to dodge out the way and turn and move with the beat.

Autumn did her own thing, as she was a free form dancer when it came for her enjoyment of dancing. She kept this up during the next two songs until Thriller came along. Now this was something she loved doing the choreographed movements when the part of the Zombies came in, she even did a moon walk, just for fun.

"I love the part with Vincent Price in his speaking part for Thriller." Autumn said grinning. "He has such a wonderful voice to listen to."

" He's a human actor from before WW3 right?" Thex enquired. Her knowledge of terran entertainment wasn't the best.

Autumn nodded, "yes he was." she exclaimed. She took her towel and wiped the perspiration from her brow. "That was fun." giving a chuckle, then walked over and took a drink of water. "Used to do that a lot with some friends of mine back at Academy. Dancing keeps me from being too klutzy."

" It does do that doesn't it." Thex said as she walked over and took a drink from her own water bottle.

"A little trick that I have put into play is having a bit of a song or tune that can help me walk in rhythm. This way I won't trip over invisible cracks. However I still at times find an 'invisible crack' where I stumble. Fortunately I've not completely embarrassed myself yet. Though there was this one time, I wasn't watching where I was going, caught sight of someone I thought was really handsome, ended up with a cake all over me." Autumn giggled. "Happily, it was a chocolate cake."

Thex chuckled. " At least you had a soft tasty landing. Have my own embarrassing dancing story though I can't go into the full details. Most of that mission is still classified."

"Yes it was tasty indeed." Autumn giving a grin. "In fact, speaking of that cake, I am now getting the desire for some cake and icecream. Chocolate Cake, want to go get a slice?" the redhead giving a cheery smile.

" Sounds lovely. " Thex replied as she started packing up her stuff.

"Fabulous!" Autumn replied enthusiastically. After picking up her belongings she led the way to the smaller mess hall that was near by, well maybe sort of a break room. "We can get our cake here and do some chatting. Any questions you might want to ask?"

" None that i can think off. You have any for me?" The sapphire girl replied.

"Well maybe at a later time, you can show me your cheerleading routines I think that would be fun. As for any other quiestions. I don't know of any else, though later on I may have more. So lets go eat cake and call it a day." Autumn giving a laugh.

" Sounds good." Thex said running her hands together.

With a chuckle, Autumn linked elbow with Thex like a friend would do and off they went leaving the gym behind.





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