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A malfunctioning problem.

Posted on 16 Apr 2023 @ 11:51am by Ensign Teton & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

1,686 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Current


-Shooting range-

Teton placed his eye in the scope and pointed it at the target. He pressed the trigger and a beam of energy shot out. It hit the target but not at the area Teton expected. He picked up a second phaser rifle and tried again. This time he hit the target dead on. He put it down and picked up the first phase rifle again.

From marines to security officers. Nearly all of them had their own personal choice of phaser rifle. Teton liked this one because it fitted perfectly with his shooting stance. He glanced at the scope site from the other side. He could not see anything off. He needed a more practiced pair of eyes.


The Andorian walked into engineering carrying his phaser rifle. Everyone seemed to be busy. He walked over to one of them.

“ Excuse my intrusion. But I need some assistance with this defective phaser rifle. Are you able to assist me or should I try another one of your colleagues?” Teton asked.

Thex turned her head pulling her goggles up above the headband she had around her white hair. Giving the andorian a warm smile replied with a " Just give me a second and I'll be right with you." as she started to gather up her tools.

“ The telescopic site on this phase rifle is off by two inches. I understand this does not seem much. But if it was used in a combat situation those two inches could mean life or death.” Teton explained.

" Sure put it on the workbench and let's take a look." She said as she finished packing away her tools. Her figures remained griped on the big heavy soldering rod for far longer than she'd intended. Shaking her head she put it away. He was in Starfleet they'd have found out long ago if he was one of them. No Andorian in a Starfleet uniform was going to drag her back to that pit. " Sorry about that..." She said as walked over giving him an apologetic smile.

Due to his personal history Teton made it his business to access all his fellow Andorian crew members bio’s. This was to insure he could trust them. Not to inform his older brother or uncle that he was still alive. One day when he finally returned to the Andorian home world. He wanted to see surprise in their faces before he beheaded them for killing his parents. So he could understand her mistrust of him.

“ I can assure you that I mean you no harm. I too have no wish to be dragged back to our home world just yet. The time of my vengeance against my brother and uncle for the deaths of my parents is not yet at hand. Until then it is better they did not know that I live.” Teton explained.

Thex paused as she heard him say that. " Thank you for sharing that. At least I know I'm not the only one that planet given a messed up childhood to." She replied honestly as it was true. She did feel some relief knowing she wasn't alone.

“ It seems the way of most of our people who now serve in Starfleet. So as our human colleagues say on to the business at hand. The phaser rifle telescopic site. This has not been the first occurrence of this technical problem. I have had this particular defect occur on several occasions I believe the underlying problem could be the connection between the sight and the power array. Being incompatible with each other . But as engineering is not really my field of expertise . Please feel free to disagree with my theory.” Teton said.

" Well let's get her on the table and take a look. " Thex said indicating one of the workbenches to place the phaser on. Pulling one of the magnetic screwdrivers from the belt she began to disassemble the top of the phaser.

“ I am curious about this tradition of calling an object that has no sexual classification a she. A weapon such as this has no male our female genitalia and yet it is referred to as a she. The same can be said for Captains and pilots who call their vessels a she. Judging by the destructive power of this weapon. Personally I would be more in favour of referring to said phaser rifle as a male.” Teton said

" Well if I remember correctly humans believe they call their ship's she due to some ancient culture mother goddess being called upon for safety before a voyage. Over the centuries it just stuck with calling their maritime then space vessels as she's. " Thex added trying to wrack her brain at where she'd heard that.

“ When I was younger I served on a cargo vessel. The first mate was an expert on old Earth movies. Especially the War movies of the 20 to 21st centuries. There was one I believe it was called Full metal overcoat. Where the recent recruited soldiers had to give their rifle a name. As they would be living with it. Curios indeed. So how will you proceed with repairs of my rifle?” Teton asked.

" Well...." Thex began as she carefully began to disassemble the rifle scope placing each part carefully and neatly on a cloth she had laid out. " We'll start by checking for any defects in the components of the scope which is the most likely cause. Picking up a small hand scanner she began running it over the parts projecting a hologram onto above each component.

“ Although my speciality is not Engineering I can see by your holographic displays. That there is a high percentage you may be correct in your deliberations. Memory serves that this problem happened before. But that was due to this rifle being hit accidentally by a phaser beam.” Teton said.

" I believe this is the culprit," Thex said highlighting the lens and zooming in showing a small crack in it's surface. " Let's get in a fresh lens and see if that fixes the issue."

“ Interesting indeed. Is there any stronger alternative to the materials used to construct the lens. I would prefer this problem not happen again.” Teton said

" Depends," Thex said her antenna shifting slightly as she spoke. " I can give it a thicker lens, but it could affect it in other ways. Do you want me to replicate one to see if you can feel the difference?" she added.

“ A possibility indeed. But tell me what would the effects be if the lens was thicker? My eye sight is 100% for our species so any vision loss would not impact on my eyes. However it is very important that when in a shooting solution one needs one’s equipment to work at 100% or the consequences could be mortal.” Teton replied.

" The effects would be related to the zoom function. A thinner finer lens will let it zoom further, but it breaks easier. If I make it thicker it is harder to break, but not such a good zoom." The andorian explained.

" Then keep it as before and I will have to be more careful in its use and storage. One of the advantages of the sight on this rifle is the long zoom function." Teton said

" On it." Thex replied as she hurried over to the replicator before returning in a moment. " Give me a moment and i'll have the scope working again."

Teton looked around him.

“ So tell me how do you find working in this environment. Does not the heat get to you?” He asked

" This?" thex said looking around. " Compared to some places i've been this is nothing. What about you how are you handling it?"

“I to have had my share of different environments so adapting to new conditions be they hot , warm or cold comes as second nature to myself. How do you find the crew?” Teton asked

" Only been here a while, but they seem a pleasant enough bunch. Other than my paranoia about other andorians i've never really meet anyone in the fleet i don't like. What about yourself how are you finding them?" The sapphire girl inquired.

“ I find them interesting but their duality can be a worry. At least with our people you know where you stand. If someone wishes you harm they show their anger towards you. Not hide it behind some smile saying how nice it is to know you. It seems as the humans say we are in the same boat. I to share a paranoia against meeting other Andorians with the exception of yourself. No one from our home world must ever learn that I still live. My real death would follow a few days later. My uncle and older Brother have become powerful. But one day there heads will adorn my trophy cabinet. For the deaths of my Mother and Father.” Teton said

" I hope you are able to avenge your family. The last time i saw my own quad was when they and the rest of the cult were trying to shoot me as i ran for it. " Thex responded.

“ I have not been back to our home world in over 11 years. The last image of my parents was their bloodless corpses laying on the floor. But one day oh yes one day. Vengeance. But let’s not tell our colleagues. Starfleet does not approve of Personal vendettas.” Teton said

" I won't. I'm sorry to hear about your parents. " Thex replied as she finished the scope. " Here you go this should do the trick." She said handing it over.

Teton tested the scope and nodded.

“ Yes this is very exceptable indeed. My thanks to you.” Teton said

" No problem. Come back if you have any other problems." Thex said as she watched him go before turning back to her work.





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