Final Plans
Posted on 08 Apr 2023 @ 2:09pm by 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno & Captain Mazal Falk & Sergeant Major Bronco (Bronc) Hardway & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Sergeant Connor Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & 1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Gunnery Sergeant Ernst Rommel & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
2,535 words; about a 13 minute read
S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: Marine Meeting Area
Timeline: Current
It was now time to have another meeting, the final meeting before they set out to retake the mining stations. There was now a tentative plan and the preparations had been done. Mazal had asked Hewitt to come to the meeting along with the rest of the think tank. Bronco and Jo arrived and were already seated at the table, Jo was feeling a little bit nervous but still up to the task.
Mazal looked at Jo, "Macapuno I have confidence in you, you can do what I've asked you to do."
Bronco looked over at Jo and gave a nod, not saying much, he only sipped at the coffee that he held in his hands.
Mazal sent out another message for those parts of her think tank.
=/\=Okay everyone it is time for the final meeting =/\= then she waited for the rest to arrive.
Jasmine had just finished getting dressed when the call came in, she sighed, picked up her Padd and headed to the meeting, as she left her quarters she did her jacket up and headed to the nearest turbo lift, she still could not get used to the Nebula class corridors, but when she stepped in the lift and the doors closed "Marine assembly area" she said and the lift took her to her requested destination.
When the doors opened she walked out looking around to see most of the Rifles already assembled, she took her place beside Falk "hey Boss, get any information worthy from the Captain?" Allen asked Falk.
Mazal gave a smile towards Jasmine. "I believe I have. We still have to keep a sharp eye out and make certain we can adapt when it is necessary."
Allen nodded in response.
Hewitt was confident that the plan he had discussed with the 1st Lieutenant was solid. A jumper vessel with increased weaponry and ablative shielding would be added to it to pick up the troops when needed.
The work was completed in the vessel’s nebula class engineering hangar. Todd needed to participate in this meeting to determine better when and where to pick up the Marine soldiers when needed. He sat his coffee at the table, along with a briefing PADD he brought. Hewitt took a moment to see the officers around him, many he didn’t know.
Lilli arrived at the meeting with PADD in hand just in case she needed to note anything down. Not that she’d be leaving the ship. She would, however, be briefing the medics that would. She took a seat nodding politely to those who were already there.
Goodwin arrived and was looking forward to getting this mission wrapped up soon as she was hoping to be able to take a leave to get back to Earth for a family gathering. She took a seat towards the back of the group as she always does.
Mazal greeted the others with a smile as they made their way into the meeting.
Mazal did wonder if the others she had sent a message to, would arrive as well. She will wait a few more minutes then Mazal will begin. In the meantime, she decided to ask about people's welfare.
"Everyone serving this trip so far? Any plans once this mission is finished?" Mazal asked.
Lilli looked towards Mazal. “Just looking forward to getting home, and spending time with Leland.” She smiled warmly.
Jennifer smiled after Lilli's reply. "I am going to be heading to Earth for a family gathering. Every five years, my extended family treks back to Earth to do a reunion and to make sure we have some physical contact. However, this one is going to be hard for me as my sister passed away two years ago and I did not go back for the funeral due to my duties. I need to go back now and deal with it and catch up with the family. I am looking forward to this." Goodwin added after Falk has asked and someone else had already replied.
Hewitt added. "Just looking to get home, pop off a beer, and hit the holodeck. I've got a Pontiac GTO, classic that I'm manually pricing metal work together." Todd added anxiously.
Stepping into the briefing room, Connor made his way to the back of the room and waited for the briefing to start. It wasn’t that he was being antisocial, it was simply that he preferred to see things from a distance and on top of that, he was new here and an emergency briefing was not the best place to introduce yourself.
Allen stood silently, she noticed a new arrival enter the room and hung back, she made a mental note to seek him out, but for now, her Commander had something to say.
Coming in at a brisk trot, Gunnery Sergeant Rommel reached the doors and slowed down and made a quick stop and a quick salute as he glanced at the room. "Ma'ams, Sirs." He said and took his seat toward the end of the table. He glanced over to the larger man at the table. "Armory inspection passed muster, Sergeant Major."
Bronco gave a nod in answer to Rommel's report. "Very good, Sergeant," he remarked.
Mazal looked and gave a nod of approval, it look like all were here. She gave paused as she noticed the newly arrived, SGT Connor. "Okay everyone who hasn't taken a seat, please do so. As it is I need to catch everyone up to speed. I asked Lieutenant Hewitt to join us for this meeting, as we'll be working together on this. We've got a few targets to cover and there will be a splitting up of a few that will be taking teams. Now, we've gotten permission from Captain Cahill to utilize a shuttle or two to help us get from one station to the next. In order to keep down the casualties of civilians and other hostages that are hopefully there, we will be utilizing some Anesthizine gas 'bombs' which will be introduced to the life support system once we hack into the computer on the stations. The idea will be that it will knock out whoever is there. " Falk stood up and walked to where she could click up a view screen with the possible plan.
"Granted, there will be those who will be resistant to the gas or even have an environmental suit on. Those we will be needing to take out. The pirates who have taken the station, and have succumbed to the gas, those you will not be killing. Killing a helpless foe isn't honourable nor are we cold-blooded killers, unless we need to be. I draw no pleasure in killing a helpless person, and it is something I abhor." Mazal stated with rather a stern expression.
Falk turned to Lilli. "Sgt Hawksley, I will be needing you to coordinate the medics that you will be sending with us, just to keep a line of communication open, are they prepared and ready to go?"
Lilli nodded. “They will be as soon as I leave this room, Ma’am. I’ll have them briefed and ready to go in time.”
Mazal also turned her attention to the newest person, the marine that she knew had just arrived.
"Also going to take a moment for those of us to actually state your names. As I hadn't done that last time." Mazal gave a smile.
Hewitt was pleased to see the leader of the unit, Mazal, stating that they would not be killing any anaesthetized pirates on the station. The last they wanted was to turn a tactical weapon into something larger for them to complete. Anxious to get on the replication and construction of the anaesthetizing bombs. He held his hands together clasped.
Taking that as a cue to introduce himself, Connor stood up straight, “Ma’am, Sergeant Connor Sharpe reporting for duty. I am a qualified designated marksman and have several years experience in both border patrol and front-line combat”
Goodwin noticed the new Sergeant and felt a positive vibe radiating from him.
Allen looked at him "Mr Sharpe, glad to have you with us, welcome to hell, surprised you were sent to us so soon after arriving on Starbase 51, still we need good Riflemen, I am Firat Lieutenant Jasmine Allen, this is Captain Mazal Falk, she may show First Lieutenant rank, but she was Breveted Marine Captain before we embarked on this mission, so she is acting MCO and I am acting MXO, well for this mission, then it is back to the shadows for me, pleased to meet you" Allen said holding out her hand.
Taking the offered hand, Connor gave a smile at her words, "the shadows huh LT? Sounds like fun, mind if I join?"
Mazal listened in on the introductions. "Shadows, you won't be disappearing completely," she remarked. "However we are now down to the wire, and now it's very close to going time. We have shuttles, provided by the Roosevelt and Captain Cahill. Lieutenant Hewitt, would you enlighten us about what the shuttles are capable of?"
*Looks at Falk* "sadly Captain, I may end up that way, but that is in the future, we are currently in the present and should deal with things we are able to deal with" Allen commented.
“The cloaking idea is a mismatch of deflector field properties, modified.” Hirsch held his hands, gesturing at the table. “I attenuate for forward dorsal emitters with a 16 MW graviton polarity source. I am using the 450 Mille Cochrane subspace field as static amplifiers.” Hewitt pulled up the graphics on the boardroom monitor.
“The resonance ricocheted creates a field of molybdenum-jacketed waveguides across the hull. This is the cloak effect.”
Secondly, as a jump vessel, you must beam out as fast as possible. “Scout class ships are each outfitted with the latest beam technologies from Starfleet Corps with zero latency.”
“You will be energized aboard the scout vessel via hyper primary energizing coils in a sub-set of condensed molecular imaging scanners.”
“The electromagnetic accelerator for the warp drive has been replaced with SIF and IDF cruising mode parameters.” Hewitt punched a few buttons, changing views on the boardroom monitor of the jump vessels updated capabilities.
“Any questions?” Todd cleared his throat, swallowing.
"I got none, then again I am a rifleman, not an engineer," Allen said with a smile.
“I’m good. I trust Mr Technobabble knows what they’re talking about” Connor said
Mazal gave a chuckle, "Well Lieutenant Hewitt does know his stuff. Are there any questions you have for me?" the Breveted Captain asked those gathered.
Bronco raised his hand.
"Yes, Sergeant Major?" Mazal looks with curiosity towards Bronc.
"I do have one question, how soon are we going to head out and go do our job? I am sure the rest of us are wanting to know." Bronc looking around. "The quicker we get done Captain the sooner we can get back to the SB51."
Joe gulped as she was getting a bit nervous, she wanted this to be over with as well, as soon as it could be done.
Allen looked at the Engineer, wow so technical Mr Hewitt" she said in a friendly manner, which bordered on flirty.
Kildare was there and rolled his eyes "oh for all that is holy El-tee now is not the time for flirty banter" Kildare said to Allen in a deadpanned tone who looked at him a little taken aback.
"Why Sergeant Major Kildare, you need a bell put around your neck," she said defensively "I am a demolitions expert and I am average so I can blend in and become invisible," Kildare said, Allen shut up like a clam.
Mazal gave out a laugh. "Sergeant Major Kildare, you can't be called average. I heard the rumors of you dressed to the nines and causing a few people to walk into walls when you passed." grinning ear to ear. "Anyhow, if everyone is ready to head out I say we can call this meeting adjourned. "
Mazal paused as something or rather someone caught her eye.
Cassandra had remained silent through the whole thing. She didn't have anything to add. This wasn't her element really. Or maybe she was still distracted by everything that had been happening to her lately. All she was sure of was that she needed to get her head back in the game and stop worrying about her damn brother. The silence of the room as the meeting drew to it close was deafening. oO say something..oO her mind urged. But what? Exactly. The plan was far from perfect, but it was a solid one.
Noticing another had joined them Kildare looked "hello Lieutenant Matthews, how have you been Sir?" Kildare asked Cassandra.
Cassandra startled a bit then nodded in acknowledgment to her name, she wondered if they had noticed her distraction and tried not to look away in embarrassment as she replied. "Busy as the rest. A lot to get done before the attack. I can say with confidence that the field gear is prepped and my team is on stand by waiting for our orders to come through."
"That is always a good thing El-tee, as is mine" Kildare said then looked at Allen, the flirt was unusually silent, he gave her one of his smiles and she blushed oO I still got it Oo he thought to himself and realised this was the longest he had been away from his Imzadi, she was probably worried as was normal for her these days.
Having said her piece Cassie went back to her thoughts. Her mind went over the details of the plan over and over. The hours in the holodeck practicing the needed maneuvers, yeah, she was as ready as she was going to be. She'd make sure to sit down with her team and give them another run down and address any new concerns that might have come up since the last meeting.