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Inside a blue girls head.

Posted on 16 Mar 2023 @ 7:33pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Counsellor’s Office


Thex waited outside of the councillor's office slowly wearing a hole in the carpet. She'd never liked people picking around inside her head. Well other than her mentor of course. She did wonder where that orion who had put her back on track, probably off saving the federation on some mission worthy of a holovid.

The door to Lamia’s office opened, and Lamia popped her head through. “Lieutenant, please come in.” She smiled warmly as she motioned Thex inside. “Please sit down and make yourself at home.”

"Thank you" Thex said nervously as she stepped inside and looked around before sitting on the couch.

Lamia could see that Thex was nervous. “There’s no need to be nervous. Please feel free to call me Lamia.”

Thex nervousness still showed but she did seem to calm. "Thank you Lamia. I'm sorry for my behaviour. If you've read my files you know I really had a bad childhood and don't like people trying to be in my head."

Lamia nodded. “That’s fine, I completely understand. I am a Betazoid, but I will not be in your head at any point. I can sense your emotions but I won’t be reading your mind, so don’t worry about that. Would you like anything to drink?”

" A sythahol of andorian ale." Thex replied. " Despite her up bringing her homeworlds prime beverage always did bring her comfort even the alcohol-free version."

“One Andoria ale coming right up” Lamia smiled as she headed over to the replicator, it wasn’t long before she returned with Thex’s ale placing it down on the coffee table in-front of Thex before sitting in her own seat. “So how are you settling in?”

" I've settled in well enough I think. Mostly been replacing out the gel packs. The Tomcat feels like a great ship and I can't wait till I start meeting more of the crew." Thex said after taking a sip of her ale. The familiar taste putting her ease.

“That’s good” Lamia smiled as picked up and she sipped her own drink, which was already on the table. “Tell me about your fears, what is it that worries you?”

Thex sipped her drink as she thought it through. " What really scares me? Going home. I still have nightmares about my family dragging me back there. I want to be out here among the stars not stuck amount some religious nutters. Besides that, the overwhelming dread of knowing that my people are a couple of generations away from extinction unless we get the population rate stabilised is a constant nagging at the back of my head."

Lamia nodded. “That I can understand. The worry about your people’s population is a justified one, as for you being dragged back home, you’re part of Starfleet. Part of a bigger family, who will protect you.” She smiled warmly.

" I know, but it's one I can't shake from my head. No matter what I do it is still there in the back of my mind. Well unless I throw myself into my work or my hobbies then I can seem to bury it." the blue girl added her antennae moving slightly towards each other.

“Did you talk, and I mean honestly talk, to any Counsellor’s about your childhood?” Lamia gave Thex a curious look.

" I did back at the academy, but it was Nainaa who managed to get my head on straight. No offence to the counsellors of course. She was more of a mother to me than my own quad was. " Thex replied her tone showing how much she cared for and missed her.

Lamia nodded. “Tell me about Nainaa, Do you get to talk with her much?”

" No sadly. She's in intelligence undercover operations so she tends to be away for a long time. I've not heard from here in over a year and a half. I hope she's okay." Thex responded. Her antennae dipping as she spoke.

“She sounds like someone who can take care of herself” Lamia smiled. “Intelligence operatives are normally very resourceful. I know you said you’ve seen Counsellor’s before, I’d like to try and be the one you feel you can come and talk to.”

" I'll try my best lieutenant. " the sapphire girl replied with a genuine smile.

“That’s all I can ask Thex” Lamia smiled warmly. “Please call me Lamia, or Mia, either is fine I don’t mind. Is there anything you’d like to talk to me about? Anything on your mind right now?”

" Okay, Mia." Thex replied with a smile. " At the moment I'm just hoping to make a good impression. Don't want to mess up my promotion so early after getting it."

Lamia nodded. “That’s understandable, I was worried about the same thing when I requested transfer to this position from Chief Ops. There’s nothing more embarrassing than making the wrong impression!” She couldn’t help but grin. “I wouldn’t worry too much, just do your best.”

" I always do my best. " Thex responded. " Or at least try to. If that be my work or my hobbies."

Lamia gazed at Thex curiously. “What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing on your time off?”

" I have several though I'm often up for anything my friends want to try." Thex replied with a grin. " As for my own I have a few. Swimming, martial arts and messing with old tech, but my main hobbies are dancing. I've actually trained in two of the orions dancing styles."

“Wow!” Lamia grinned. “You must be very good. It’s good to have a wide range of hobbies, it gives you plenty of scope for relaxation.”

Thex blushed slightly. " Oh, I'm not that good at it. Nainaa the one who taught me them and I'm still a rookie compared to her.”

Lamia smiled. “Fair enough. So is there anything that you feel you need to talk about before I wrap up? Anything that unsettles you, or that is particularly bothering you right now?”

" No nothing other than my hopes of giving a good impression," Thex replied with a happy smile.

“Wonderful” Lamia smiled. “In that case I’m happy to pass your evaluation.”

Thex smiled as she stood up. " That's great Lamia. Any advice for me before I go?" She enquired.

“Just be yourself Thex” Mia smiled warmly. “Don’t be afraid, or try too hard. You’ve done just fine here.”

" That I will. If I see you around I owe you a drink Mia." Thex added as she headed for the door.

“In that case I’ll see you around Thex, and remember my door is always open!” Lamia smiled as she watched Thex go.

" I will. Thank you for your time Mia." Thex said as she headed through the door. Time to get back to her quarters.





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