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Please Enter at Your Own Peril

Posted on 06 Oct 2023 @ 1:18pm by Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Edited on on 08 May 2024 @ 12:39am

955 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Zes Office

Ze had been In his office straight after his initial meeting with the new master chief petty Officer. He had brewed himself a fresh cup, of coffee as he looked over a fresh batch of entrees from his new security officer Drevas. A kelpian he hadn't seen or heard of one in a long time.

He fastened him self up and got his coffee ready </\>"Ensign Drevas Please Report To Lieutenant Ze's Office Please"</\> He reordered his padds on his desk and sorted some room out for rather expansive kelpian that would be arriving pretty soon.

As it turned out, the Kelpien ensign that entered through the office door and stood at attention wasn't all that 'expansive'. Tall, yes, but not wide, more lanky, with bright, serene amber eyes that studied the Betazoid with interest. "Ensign Drevas, reporting as ordered, sir." He said smoothly. "How may I be of assistance?"

Ze smiled "Please come and take a seat Drevas" He said sipping from his cup of coffee "Please Help yourself to any refreshments you'll need" he said smiling "I Asked you here as I hadn't had chance to catch you when you got aboard the tomcat"

"Indeed not. Sir." Drevas said as he sat down across from the Betazoid man in stoic silence, hands folded in his lap. "It is a pleasure to meet you at last."

Ze smiled at the Kelpian "So Ensign Drevas I've looked over your file its quite the impressive record" he sad sipping from his coffee "So I've never really met kelpian tell me about your species?"

"Well." Kelpiens were rarely seen off Kaminar, and Drevas knew that well. He'd had the 'tell me about your species' talk many, many times by now. Not that he minded giving them, but eventually it did get just the teensiest bit repetitive. Thank goodness he didn't need to say all that much about the specifics of his people, you know, 'we are mammals' and so on.

"We hail from the planet of Kaminar. I understand we are rarely found off our homeworld. I, for one, was born on a Federation Starfleet vessel." The Lieutenant wanted to hear about his species, of course, not him. And so he moved on. "We are still largely agrarian, though slowly modernizing as the Federation progresses. Have you ever had fredalia tea? It is and has been one of our biggest exports since we formally joined the Federation."

Ze took it all in, being a betazoid he had rarely been away from a starship or betazed for that matter to meet species such as kelpians "I had seen in the records that your homeworld exports tea" he said wit ha wide smile " I havent enjoyed the beverage my self but I will definitely par take in a brew or two" he said with an even wider smile.

"I however am I man who drinks far too much coffee so a nice change too a tea would be nice" he said looking over the file once more " so how long have the kelpians been in the federation its been a while since I've looked over the Archives" he said taking a sipp from his coffee.

"Several decades. I don't know exactly," Drevas admitted. "Though I do know it hasn't been that long. We are one of the newest members of the Federation to my knowledge, in fact, having modernized only quite recently. My mother and father were senior enlisted Starfleet personnel of good standing. We haven't spoken in some time, though I'm sure they somehow know how far I've come." His expression grew somewhat wistful. Perhaps 'some time' really meant 'a long time' - perhaps years.

Ze looked up and smiled "Well I look forward to learning more about the kelpians and your ways" He said as his black eyes grew to a wide stance "So looking at your file how much in field experience have you had Ensign?" he asked drinking from his cup of coffee.

"Since I commissioned, actually. I undertook most of the away missions the Babylonia was assigned to." Drevas explained. He recalled it (not quite so) fondly: being rostered on away mission after away mission without much time to rest. 'You'll get used to it, think of it as constant training', lieutenant Dahlmer had said. Fresh-faced and not quite as comfortable with speaking his mind then Drevas had complied, trying very, very hard to meet the standards set for him, and his file reflected as such. He'd only realized too late that Dahlmer had had far more nefarious reasons behind pushing him so hard. "Nearly the entire length of my service, in short."

Ze took a sip from his drink, Listening intently to Drevas "So we have a wealth of Experince here" He said with a brief smile "As I am the department head for security and tactical on occasion we will be running drills with the tomcats marines I want both departments to run in synch so to speak I still have to speak to captain and get approval from the marine CO but how does that make you feel? is it something you'd be interested in?"

Drevas nodded. "I would be, yes." Training with the Marines was a rare and coveted opportunity for most Starfleet tactical and security personnel after all. "I would be honored to learn from them."

Ze smiled as he took a sip from his drink "Right ensign I think that concludes our meeting" He said looking over the file once more "You are dismissed" He said smiling "I'll see you bright and early for Alpha Shift"

"Of course, sir. I'll be there." Drevas promised as he stood and departed the office.



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