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Time Will Out

Posted on 01 Apr 2023 @ 10:25am by Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Edited on on 01 Apr 2023 @ 1:17pm

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: ACMO quarters/ Sickbay
Timeline: Current


It was hot in bed as it was every night. Despite an hour of pushing gently against the warm fur of Puss in an effort to get him to sleep elsewhere. Dex lay on her back and looked at the ceiling, then, rolled over onto her side. Her old wind-up clock ticked the seconds, minutes and hours away until her next shift. She felt unbearably tired, the kind of tired that made your teeth feel loose and your arms and legs not quite your own. The soup that was the current state of her brain slipped from side to side in an effort to find its own equilibrium.

She sighed and rolled over onto her other side and pushed against her bedmate. A rising growl made her aware of his distaste at being woken. “Look, it’s up to me whether you get fed and walked, you have your new sleep tree so give me a break.” Puss yawned and stretched disinterested in anything but his continuing dream of the Chase.

She sighed again and climbed out of the inferno. Slipping on her silk nightgown she walked to the window glad of the breeze the gown made as it played around her legs. “Computer play Vocces level 3” she announced. The soaring sound of the 21st Century choir filled the room with the sounds of peace. She sighed again, this time a happy sigh. She sat on the couch and sipped ice-cold water. Taking her PaDD off the table she studied the reports of a paper she had authored before coming to the Tomcat. It related directly to her new job as it was a study of long-term stress in Marines on board a Starship. Her findings had been interesting and she was looking forward to talking to Captain Jepson about stress in his regiment.

She was beginning to cool down and relax. The sound of loud snoring from the bed acknowledges that her bedmate was also relaxing. She decided to try and meditate and took out her lamp and Tholian silk cloth, sitting cross-legged on the floor she placed the lamp on the silk and lit the taper. “Computer pause music” she intoned as silence wrapped itself around the room. The light flickered around making strange shapes on the walls, noting the snoring had stopped she looked down to see Puss looking at her. The large Sehlat took a position on the other side of the lamp and began to purr, a low slow deep sound that began to resonate within Shon’s brain. She began to breathe deeply concentrating on her breathing, focusing on her abdominal breathing. She let all thoughts slip away and dismissed external thoughts that began to enter her mind letting them flow away and dissipate.

For once it began to work as a sound matching the sehlat’s vibrations came from Shon as she slipped into a deep meditational state. In Shon’s mind, it was blackness, swirling and deep but, from somewhere came the slight sound of what sounded like scratching. She pushed it away but it returned this time louder and became an insistent beeping. Puss growled and she gave up opening her eyes. Her communicator was beeping and she grabbed it from the table, she tapped it.

=/\= This is Dex=/\= she announced.

=/\= Doctor this is nurse T’Rohan, I’m sorry to bother you but can you come down, we are having some trouble with a patient =/\=

=/\= I’ll be right there don’t worry Dex out =/\= she said.

Blowing the light out she dressed quickly and left. On his own now Puss wandered around the room, ate something and climbed back into the bed this time shuffling to the middle. Within a few minutes, he was asleep.




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