Mirror, Mirror Final Part
Posted on 28 Apr 2023 @ 6:34pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze
3,062 words; about a 15 minute read
S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Various
Timeline: MD: 25.1
With a nod she looked at Haze which of these devices will do a rapid data dump onto them?" she asked and Haze with a shaky hand held out the device and Alex took it, she looked up at Donovan who had turned to watch "Major, I want you to get K'Ruuras and Haze back to the ship along with the Lieutenants here and get the ship ready to leave" Alex said looking at the countdown timer.
S'arila looked at the timer and then back at Alex "You are a crazy woman regardless of what reality you exist in!" she said "Understood" she added and looked at Silver and Thyra "Okay Lieutenants, get your stuff together and be prepared to move rapidly back to the ship I will carry our wounded, Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir you take the lead Mr SIlver you bring up the rear, now let's move we only have four and a half minutes" Donovan said.
“I am on it.” Somehow seeing what had happened to Haze had sent Mr Scaredy-cat Silver away and brought forward Mr Blood and Guts Silver.
Thyra put her tricorder back on her belt and then pulled her rifle out. "Let's go!" She started running ahead towards the shuttle.
With that done she watched her crew head back to the ship, she picked up a download device and hooked it to her combat EVA suit and pulled her Phase Pistol versions of her Desert Eagle Pistols and set them to frag and headed to the Command centre.
With all targets achieved, the team were in the Engineering Section downloading any data, Laying mortally wounded Lieutenant Haze had been unlucky and had taken a disruptor blast and now was being tended to by Major Donovan as was K'Ruuras who had sustained head trau8ma and was put into an induced coma to save high brain functions all knew he was not going to make it, now here she was alone in engineering download device clipped to her belt and Phase Pistols that were replicas of her Desert Eagle pistols and they were weighted to copy the weight of the real ones she headed out after looking at the timer she only had just over four minutes, as expected as she rushed forward she was met by Terran assault forces, but in any reality, she was an expert shot and they went down quickly, she paused long enough to call a lift when she entered she altered her voice to sound like her Mirror duplicates just to be sure and the lift whisked her up three levels where it opened out onto an eerily quiet command centre she quickly used internal sensors and found no one else, sighing she holstered her weapons and plugged in the device and using a trick her husband had shown her managed to do a massive data dump, and then looking at the timer which was at 3:50 and counting down, she run to the lift and entered.
She copied her earlier actions and was soon stepping out onto the level she started on she looked at the dead Terran officers "Such a waste" she said and as she moved quickly she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Donovan, get her warmed up and has everyone strapped in, it is going to be a close one I am on my way back with the data and no friend in time =/\= Somers said.
- Talon Class Scout ship -
=/\= Acknowledged Colonel, Donovan out =/\= S'arila signed off and started the pre-flight and looked back "Lieutenant Silver, secure the late Mr Haze and Ensign K'Ruuras in Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir, get on the Communications and Sensors, set sensors to record everything and get a secure line to the Tomcat" Donovan said.
Anger. As a Cadet, they teach you that allowing your feelings to cloud your mind was a bad idea. A Starfleet Officer does not rain a ****storm down upon those who have wronged them. They take a deep breath, count to ten and either smile if it’s a higher-ranking officer or turn the other cheek. If someone has been either badly hurt or killed. But seeing Haze and K’Ruuras Ted wanted to go back out of the scout ship armed with two blazing phasers. He secure their bodies then bowed his head and whispered.
“ Rest in peace my friends we will avenge your deaths.” Silver whispered.
Catching what Silver said Donovan looked back "Um Lieutenant Silver, Lieutenant Haze may be dead, but Ensign K'Ruuras had to be placed in a medically induced coma for his own safety and to prevent any damage to his higher brain functions, he is not dead simply in a coma," S'arila said.
“ It’s still a fate worse than death. Plus Haze is still dead. These Terrans can’t be allowed to get away with this. We owe it to Haze to avenge their death. I know I am just a blue-shirted scientist. But even I can see if we let those people get away with this. They think we are weak and be back in higher numbers.” Ted replied
*Smiles sadly* "The intention was to blow up the outpost, but the Colonel's double has saved us that job, have you managed to rig it so the anomaly closes too?" Donovan asked.
Thyra looked over at Silver and then at Donovan. "You guys didn't notice the Colonel leaving us there did you? While we are here talking, she has gone to the command centre. I am also saddened by Haze's death, and I also believe their death needs to be avenged but if we don't act we have to avenge the colonel's death too." She grabbed her tricorder and tapped on it. "The colonel's twin wasn't kidding when she said the data could only be retrieved from the bridge. She cut off commands from engineering to the bridge. I know how to hack my way through most systems. But this was way above my pay grade. Also, the self destruct was also managed by the command centre. If only we had gotten here a little sooner I could have gotten the data before she did that." She hit her fist against a panel. She took a deep breath and said, "But don't worry, if this thing is going, so will that rip they made." She walked into the shuttle and dropped herself down on a seat as she kept looking at her tricorder. She was really peeved that she was outsmarted by that Terran Colonel clone.
"Yes Lieutenant I had noticed the Colonel's double, and good to know, but the Colonel will deal with needed information from the Command Centre," Donovan said.
“ Well, at least mine seems to be dead. In the other universe, I never survived my fall as a kid.” Ted replied.
- Terran Outpost -
Alex finally made it to the command centre and quickly located what she wanted and just did a data dump she looked at the timer, just over two and a half minutes remaining, then it caught her eye, a simple button to press which would make any device Lieutenant Silver set up to destroy the anomaly more potent, so pressed the button, she did, then looked at the time "oh crap!" she exclaimed and run out of the command centre to the nearest lift, she entered "Engineering level" she said and the lift quickly took her down two levels and the moment the doors opened she runs out and followed the same route they took coming in, along the way she tapped the sub-dermal behind her ear "S'arila, that ship better be ready to go, I am about one minute away from you" Somers said.
=/\= Acknnowledged Colonel =/\= Somers heard Donovan say.
- Talon class Scout ship -
On the scout ship, the pre-sequence for the ship had just finished and she was ready to go when her sub-dermal communications activated.
=/\= S'arila, that ship better be ready to go, I am about one minute away from you =/\= her commanding officer said.
Donovan sighed "Okay the Colonel is on the route, make sure everything is strapped down," she said then activated her sub-dermal "Acknowledged Colonel" She finished and brought the powered ships up to full readiness.
Alex quickly looked at the time as she ran to the bay where they entered "dammit cutting it close" she said and rushed through the room and dived head first into the ship "I am in the close hatch and get us the hell out of here!" Somers commanded and S'arila wasted no time as Somers picked herself up and strapped in "Mr Silver I hope you have a way of closing that anomaly!?" Somers asked.
“ Yes. We need to fire three tornadoes at three separate points at the same time. The feedback will close that thing up quicker than a parrot's beak.” Ted replied
With a nod, the ship put space between it and the station, just as the base exploded, while their ship was fast and had a head start the concussive force rattled the ship a little "Okay Ted let's blow this thing and go home!" Somers said.
Ted's hands ran over the console. Within minutes the three torpedoes shot out from the scout ship. Hitting three separate areas of the Anomaly it shuddered its shape changing violently. Blue lightning sparked crazy patterns that hurt the eye. Then like water going down a drain they were sucked inwards. Then the anomaly imploded vanishing in a very tiny blue dot.
“ That’s one for you Haze,” Ted said.
As she sat in the co-pilot seat Somers looked "Nice one Mr Silver, nice one, now let's go home, I will contact the Tomcat" Somers added and activated the ship's communications.
=/\= Somers to Tomcat, you there Commander? =/\= Somers asked.
=/\= Colonel, I am here, what can I do for you, ma'am? =/\=
=/\= What is the ship's current location? we are coming to you have a medical team with two hover stretchers waiting we have casualties =/\= Somers said as they cleared the now destroyed base and resulting explosion.
=/\= We are still in orbit of Starbase 39 Sierra, preparing to track the rogues. I have sent a scouting team to get the location for us to pursue them. Medical teams will be ready for your arrival and we await your docking in hanger one. It will be prepared for your arrival. =/\=
=/\= Dodd to Sickbay, prepare to have a medical team in hanger one with two hover gurneys. I want them on full stand-by ready for the arrival of Colonel Somers' team. =/\=
=/\ medical team will be standing by as well Sickbay =/\= She immediately swung the team into action collected her trauma kit and headed to the hangar bay followed by the two hover gurneys. Sickbay was now standing by to receive casualties.
=/\= Dodd to Hanger One staff, prepare the hanger for the arrival of Colonel Somers' team by making space for a wary team and quick triage by the medical team. STAT. =/\=
=/\= Thank you, Commander, will see you in a bit, Somers out =/\= Alex closed the link "Okay S'arila I will take over, keep an eye on Silver he seems very upset at the loss" she said quietly and the Major changed flight control to Alex's console and nodded and awkwardly on account of her height moved to the rear of the ship.
Now she was alone Alex thought the mission results through as she piloted the ship as it entered warp after adjusting heading for SB39 Sierra, thankfully it was about three lightyears jump at the ship's maximum warp. Before too long the ship dropped from Warp and outside the defence perimeter of 39 Sierra, she sent the ships IFF code and was granted permission to close in, so at full impulse she approached the Tomcat at the rear of the ship and slowed down as the Tomcats Flight Control spoke.
=/\= Talon scout alpha-119 prepare to go to automated landing procedures =/\= the voice said.
=/\= Negative control I am bringing her in on manual, make sure the medical team is ready =/\= she said in earnest.
=/\= I am sorry Talon-119 auto landing is mandatory and... =/\= the voice trailed off as the pilot's name came up on his screen Alex heard him clear his throat. =/\= Ahem... Sorry Colonel, landing granted flight control out =/\= the voice said then signed off.
"Sometimes I like being me!" Alex said with amusement as she had to go slow, or else her cousin might have issues if she did not.
- Tomcat Shuttle Bay -
While she brought the ship in slow it was at 1/3 impulse, more than what was legally allowed, but dammit she had wounded on the ship and she was eager to find out the latest information on the mission, it seemed not much had happened in her time away.
Dex and her team were waiting for the wounded and saw the ship heading into the land. It seemed to be coming in too fast and she stepped back gripping her kit rather too tightly.
The Talon Class ship sped it came to an abrupt halt did a 180 hover turn so its nose pointed out the way the ship entered and gently landed on the deck without a scratch.
"Still got it, can fly any auxiliary craft Starfleet has in service, now Mr Silver, Sh'shraaqir when you have changed and freshened up write out an action report and file it with the ship's computer then both of you set up data retrieval for the intelligence and Science data we got including this one," Somers said handing over the data storage device she had to Thyra.
“ Affirmative,” Silver said
Ted lifted his helmet off and took a breath of air. He didn’t how they managed it. But the air on the Tomcat always seemed to smell fresh. Silver closed his eyes counted to twenty then left the shuttlebay.
Thyra had gotten her helmet off and loosened her hair. She then took a storage device. She nodded and said, "On it ma'am." She then walked away. She would be so happy to be out of this suit. And she was already thinking of a nice cool bath. Nothing to distress better than a nice ice bath.
With that done she lowered the ramp and exited the ship, she looked over to see a Medical Officer she had not met, so she walked over to her "Who are you, Lieutenant?" She asked.
Dex stepped forward already looking for her casualties. “Doctor Shoniara Dex Lieutenant Colonel.” She said wanting to get whatever passed for pleasantries in this situation over.
"Ah, Lieutenant Dex the new DCMO, pleased to meet you, I am Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers acting commanding officer of the Tomcat, I have two casualties, one fatality and the other serious injury to the cranium. My second Major Donovan has some basic field medic training and Ensign K'Ruuas sustained a serious life-threatening head injury and she had to put him into an induced coma to save his higher brain functions" Somers said as a tall Major exited gently carrying a Catian that had a device on his head.
S'arila Donovan walked over to the nearest hover bed and gently placed him down and looked at the Lieutenant "Lieutenant this is the officer that needs urgent medical attention" she said to Dex.
Dex opened her tricorder and set it for Caitian bio signs and began her scans.
Then with a nod, Donovan returned to the ship as Silver and Thyra exited, they headed quickly out of the shuttle bay as they had things to do, now Donovan came back out with a limp body, the corpse had a blanket over it out of respect, she placed the body on the second bed and looked at Dex again "that is all of us Doctor" she said.
Dex nodded and scanned the body just in case. She noted that Lieutenant Haze was in fact deceased and there was no more she could do for him. “Please take the Lieutenant's body and prepare him for autopsy,” she asked the nurse and orderly. She turned back to her critical patient. “I want a level four nuncial series immediately, use the level one biobed.
"I have to return to the bridge, so I will leave Ensign K'Ruuras in your capable hand doctor, you might want to find a way to contact Second Lieutenant Cassandra Matthews, she is his sister, but for now..." she pauses as she sniffs her armpits "ew, I have to get a shower, be seeing you, doc" Colonel Somers said and left Lieutenant Dex there along with Major Donovan who quickly left with a nod.
Dex swung into action, as they transferred the patient to Sickbay she continued to assess his condition and she had decided, by the time they reached Sickbay to continue the induced coma to allow his brain to rest. His raised intracranial pressure was worrying so she was actively considering surgery.
Somers Quarters - Tomcat -
Alex finally arrived in her quarters and stripped out of her uniform and underwear at this point she was as naked as the day she was born she grabbed a towel and headed to the sonic shower to get rid of the smell, it took her twenty minutes, she used some arm freshener and got out of the shower and dressed again into a clean uniform and before too long she headed to the bridge.







