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Investigations Begin

Posted on 23 Dec 2023 @ 4:47pm by Ensign Autumn Cole & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle

1,413 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Before Mission with Tosrol


Alexi had moved to the small area in security and had logged into the terminal to begin on her first task. Which would be to familiarize herself with all current security reports.

And there at the very beginning was a huge file labeled "AmbAbd" and case was listed as 'open'.

She accessed the file and began to read what was a report of a kidnapped ambassador, and Tal Shair involvement. It was evident that she would need assistance to investigate this event. But as of this moment she had no idea whom she could enlist to aid.

A redheaded Ensign stepped into the security level taking a look around, she'd not been here yet, and determined to see what security for this ship was like. It was also partly for her to find out who amongst the security personnel she may or may not be working with. She accidentally bumped into something causing a slight amount of noise.

Alexi heard something and quickly turned off the terminal screen. She stood up and turned, stepping out from the alcove. "Identify yourself," She said as she caught sight of the redhaired Ensign, "State your business, not doing so will risk a stay in the brig." Yes, Alexi was a bit overzealous in maintaining the integrity of her work and keeping what she was working on from those who were not authorized.

"I am Ensign Autumn Cole of intelligence, and you are?" the red head not making another move towards the in front of her. "I came to see about helping someone out."

CPO Michelle Frowned slightly, wondering who the officer was supposed to be helping. Not that she could direct them in the right direction since she was unfamiliar with most of the crew. "I am Chief Petty Officer Michelle, Security Investigations Officer, Ma'am." She stood stiffly showing respect to the higher ranking officer before her. "I am not sure who you are here to assist, and since I am very new to this ship, I am not able to tell you anyone's current location."

"Actually, I am just offering some help in an investigation, just wanting to be a bit more useful. My Department head is on an assignment I am sifting information but... there is only so much sifting one can do, especially since some of it is above my paygrade. So, want some help in an investigation?"

Alexi debated for a few moments before sitting back down at the terminal, "Well, I am attempting to gather information as it pertains to the events surrounding the unlawful action against the Ambassador." She brought the files back up she'd been reading, " You might be able to shed more light on this."

"Okay then let take a look at the facts are there some reports there?" Autumn asked moving to sit by Alexi. "And an Ambassador had been attacked? Good heavens." Autum exclaimed.

Alexi gave the intelligence officer a side look, "I am more concerned that the Ambassador was kidnapped and about the possibility of the Romulan secret police having a hand in this event. "

"Okay sorry I am just a wee bit scattered brain, I've been worried about the other intelligence officers and I've not really interacted much with them before they went on a mission. " Autumn giving an apologetic smile. "Okay so, back to business. So are there any video feeds of him before he disappeared. Any way to trace his steps."

Alexi pulled up the video feed that had been accessed, "This is the feed I have. Shows the Ambassador and his entourage arriving at the station." She used the controls to change to a different view of the group walking down the various corridors to their assigned VIP quarters, entering and then inside the main area of the common room to show the Ambassador sitting alone in the room and looking at a PADD. Then there was a sort of blip on the screen as she hit the controls once more, "And only a few minutes later the door opens to let in the Star Fleet personnel only to find an aid knock out and the Ambassador missing."

"Okay, that blip it is kinda strange with that happening lets go back to that and play it slowly. " watching as the video moved back to that point. "Did you see that jump? There is something there as if someone tried to hide something or remove something." Autumn's brow furrowing. She peered closely at it. Then magnified that area. "I see an almost ghostly image there like a residue." she commented.

Alexi frowned as they saw *something* that was abnormal on the video. "Let's back it up bit further and then run it frame by frame. We might catch was erased. And Yes, I am certain something was erased from this log."

Autumn nodded, her attention becoming hyperfocused on this. As the frames started to slowly move forward, Autumn began to feed in a set of codes, giving the computer instructions on capturing the little bits of what seemed to be mere fragments of something. Almost like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. There was a fuzzy image of a hand which had a ring upon its middle finger. This ring seemed a bit distinctive as if it had been caught in a reflective surface.

"Computer, pull up any images of the Ambassador at different locations as in dinners he's attended in the past...few weeks? Along with his entourage." Autumn looking towards Alexi.

"What do you think? That could be the clue we are looking for to piece together what has been mostly erased." Autumn raising her eyebrows.

"Make that four-week time period," Alexi stated as she looked at the image of the reflection, "Computer, compensate for curvature distortion in the reflected image." The image flattened a bit and the hand was much more visible although still blurred. The ring on said reflected hand definitely showed what appeared to be some sort of stylized crest.

Alexi leaned closer as she rested her elbow on the desk and nodded to Autumn, "I believe you may be correct. I will most definitely pass this information up to my superiors. Hopefully this will allow us to identify the culprit or culprits. In the least, we may have a witness who can provide additional information."

In her enthusiasm Autumn raised up a hand to give Alexi a high five. "This is looking promising. So four week period, you know if it weren't for this sort of event, we'd be out of a job, but political intrigue keeps us both working." the redhead giving a one shouldered shrug.

Alexi smiled and high-fived Autum's raised hand. "Well, it keeps you in a jog. This is more political intrigue than I am used to. It's usually investigating run-of-the-mill types crimes that I am used to," she said with a small chuckle. Alexi downloaded the information to two separate PADDs, one for her Dept head, and one so she could keep working on identifying the mystery ring and it's wearer. "I might have to wait until the CoS returns, but I think this is a very good start," She said as she stood from her seat, "And now I think we can celebrate with something to eat. I just realized I never had breakfast and it's well after lunch.

"That is a great idea, mind if I make a copy too? I want to take another look at that as well. And lunch sounds like a good idea I am very hungry." Autumn responded. "This sort of thing builds up an appetite." giving a grin to Alexi."And you are great investigative partner as well."

"that's not a bad idea," Alexi said as she found another PADD for Autumn, "With both of us studying it and comparing notes I am sure we will find even more clues."

When she received the padd, Autumn smiled once more, then rose from where she was sitting. "Okay food time. And I am glad I met you, thank you for letting me help out."

Alexi smiled, "You were a big help. And yes, lets go grab something to eat." She shut down the terminal, then turned and led the way out.





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