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Medical Matters - MCPO Armitage

Posted on 25 Apr 2023 @ 11:26am by Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex

1,037 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: During Main mission


Dex sipped her fourth coffee of the day having poorly slept once again. Sickbay was quiet and after ensuring everything was ready for whatever trauma might come their way, she organized breaks for her staff. She found this was an excellent way to ensure they felt rested. Who knew what might erupt through the doors and claim them for hours? She hoped the CMO would continue it on her return. Although she had not yet met her she was feeling more settled in her role as CMO until the time she returned. Dex was currently checking the list of those who were behind in their mandatory medicals.

The next was MCPO Lucy Armitage. Dex thought for a minute and did not remember her, so, she probably had not seen her about. She drained the drink, tapped her comm =/\= Doctor Dex to Chief Petty Officer Armitage =/\= and waited for a reply. She smiled wryly waiting to add another excuse to her list of the five best crew excuses for missing or putting off their medicals.

Lucy was taking care of some paperwork for the Captain when her Commbadge sounded, startled she tapped it =/\= Go ahead doctor, what is it? =/\= Armitage asked.

=/\= I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news but you are due for a medical within the next couple of days. When would you be available to come to sickbay?=/\=

Lucy sighed she had managed to put it off for some time, but she should have known that one can only escape something like this for so long =/\= I can be there in an hour, how is that Doctor Dex?=/\= she asked.

=/\= That would be wonderful=/\= Dex out she said rather more curtly than she had wanted to and decided to apologize.

Closing the link on her end Lucy sighed and tidied her small desk and headed to the turbo lift, she entered and when the lift doors closed "Medical" she said and the lift whisked her to her requested destination.

- Medical -

When the lift door opened she stepped out and walked a few paces into Medical, she paused to look around "Doctor Dex!" She said calling the DCMO's name.

Dex appeared from the office and smiled at seeing her. “Glad to see you at last, we don’t bite. This medical is mandated yearly by the Federation medical council for all starship Personnel. It is not meant to do anything other than indicate your fitness to continue in your role. If we discover problems we resolve them as quickly as possible so you can return to duty. Now, hop up onto the biobed and we can begin. Do you have any allergies, injuries or current illnesses?” She smiled again.

Hiding a sigh "I know the reason for a check-up doc, please be as quick as you can I have lots of work I have to get done before I go on my shore leave" Armitage said, without any nastiness.

Dex nodded and opened her scanner, “You didn’t answer my questions, if you do so we can get this over quickly and we can both go about our business Chief Petty Officer.”

"What was that question again Doctor please?" Armitage asked, "I am somewhat scatterbrained at the moment!" She added.

Dex continued her scan switching to neural, “I asked if you have any allergies, or injuries or current illnesses?” She smiled.

"No allergies or any of that stuff doc, I am the Captain's Yeoman, I have never been on an away mission so the only injuries I could get would be on the ship and I am too careful for that," Lucy said.

Dex looked amused at the Yeoman, so self-assured, so young. “Sometimes you can spend your time being too careful to explore life, Yeoman,” Dex said as she began a neural scan.

"Well, I have always wanted to go on an away mission, but I never majored in anything just a Yeoman's job so sadly I get stuck on the ship while the rest of you go off on adventures, makes me wish I had taken classes in another subject," Armitage said wistfully.

“Surely there must be other courses you could take externally from ‘Starfleet, how about applying to the Academy?”

*Looking surprised* "I had thought of that, but have yet to look into it further, but perhaps I will make some inquiries on that, but I might be too old now for it I am 34 and all Academy Cadets are like 17 to 18 standard years, I would be like a dinosaur to them," Lucy said.

Dex began entering the results into her records. “I place a lot on life experience and so will the Academy. Also, I think you might find a lot of students do also.” She finished. “Right, you are as fit as the proverbial flea. You will also have to make an appointment with the Counsellor for your general mental health evaluation. It was lovely to meet you. Do you have any questions?”

*Looks at the Doctor* "There is nothing wrong with my mental health doctor!" she said puzzled.

“I am sure there is not, but it is part of the requirements of working on a starship that all crew have a mental health evaluation once every two years and, I do not see one in your records?”

*grumbles* "Not needed one until now *grumbles again* okay then, I will set one up with Lieutenant Arderne after the current mission," Armitage said looking at the doctor.

“Well, that’s all I have for you unless you have any questions you would like to ask me ?” Dex smiled.

*suddenly feeling the need for an Exit stage right* Lucy looks up "No I have nothing further, thank you Doctor" she said getting off the biobed and standing as she did so she tugged her tunic down, she nodded once "I will see you around doctor and thanks" she said with a small smile and was gone.




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