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At the bar

Posted on 26 Sep 2023 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno
Edited on on 01 Oct 2023 @ 2:40pm

1,966 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Roosevelt Ten Forward
Timeline: Before the marine mission


A drink was poured, scotch on the rocks, the ice cubes making muted clinks when the synthehol was poured. Joe gave a slight sigh as she lifted the drink to her lips. She wished this was the real thing, just to give her nerves a bit of calmness, to stop her worry and concern about the upcoming leading a team of marines into a battle.

Joe had that video exchange with Jane and put on a brave face for Jane. Joe honestly felt at that moment that she could move forward, she could, maybe not right away. After a sip of the drink, feeling the coldness upon her lips, Joe sighed heavily. Glancing at herself in the mirror, Joe had to shake her head, she was moping around. That was just being stupid. She turned around to check out who was there. To see if there was someone who wanted to chat or to maybe dance. The toe of her foot bounced in the air in time with the music. She was wearing a black dress, with red trim, of which Joe thought looked rather cute on her.

Faith just needed a break at this point. Too much going on. Pulling herself too thin. It was just exactly that, she repeated in her head. A damn break. What better place was in Ten Forward? Though she didn't feel much in the way of changing out of her uniform for now. Coming in and looking around. At random just picked to sit next to Fina.

Fina's eyes were drawn to the woman in the yellow uniform, she'd not seen her around before. Then again, with being in the Marines, Josefina hadn't thought to mingle with those who were on the other part of the crew. As far as Josefina knew, the woman seated nearby could be part of the crew of the Roosevelt. Well why not be friendly, she was pretty. Haven't seen her eyes as of yet but the profile was lovely.

Turning a bit more towards the woman she spoke quietly. "Hi, I'm Josefina Macapuno, how is it going for you?"

For the moment, she just wanted water. Faith might get something else later. She turned her head a little to look at Fina. "Hello, Lieutenant. Things are going fine for the most part. How are they for you?"

"Oh a little bit stressful. What's your name, Lieutenant?" Josefina tried hard to not stare at the eyes of the lieutenant who sat beside her. She couldn't help herself "I love the color of your eyes. Very pretty."

"Faith Benson." Smiling lightly at the compliment. "Thank you, and you are? I know most of the crew either by record or in person."

"1st Lieutenant Josefina Macapuno, a marine." she motioned to her attire. "I just wanted to take a step out of my green uniform to unwind a little bit, having to pretend Scotch. You look like you are under some stress." the marine observed.

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Fina." Yup, Faith just gave me a nickname. Too bad if Josefina didn't like it. It was there now. "Nothing wrong with that, and I'm always under some sort of stress."

Earlier Josefina had gone by the nickname of Joe, but the nickname that Faith had referred to her as, just something about that, made Fina, (yes she liked that a lot), feel pretty. "Fina, I like that," she remarked to Faith. "Care to drop the ranks and we just talk without them?" still looking into Faith's eyes. "Maybe at a later time, I can give you a massage, to help work out the kinks, or help destress." Fina was also thinking she was developing a crush, on the violet-eyed woman. Then again Faith might not be interested. oOToo soon Fina, too soon.Oo

"Yeah, dropping the ranks is fine, it's not like we're on duty at the moment," Faith smiled lightly. Tilting her head a little bit, "A massage?"

"Yes a massage, I am skilled in the technique of massage therapy, of different types, something I had learned in my off-time hours. " Fina replied. " I can work the kinks out."

Faith raised an eyebrow slowly, "Huh. Interesting, not the first time I've heard that though, however. I suppose I could think about it."

Fina raised an eyebrow at Faith's remark, going over what had been said. "Woah that sounded like a pickup line," she remarked. "And probably a bad pickup line." giving a wry smile. "Truthfully though I do know how to give massages, got the gear and the oils." She took a sip of her drink, to cover up her slight embarrassment.

"Maybe you meant it to be a pickup line? Or practising it on me for the real usage on someone else," raising an eyebrow and taking a look at the menus.

Fina just waved her hand slightly, "Nah I'm not good where pickup lines are concerned. And practising on you, erm..." She looked around the lounge taking a drink of her 'scotch' then looked back at Faith, "Anyway, guess I probably should let you be. Unless you want to talk about the weather back where you are from?"

"You're fine where you are. Practicing on me, erm....?" Faith raised an eyebrow a little with a smirk. Setting the menu padd down.

The man behind the bar took a look at the woman in front of him. "What would you ladies like to eat?"

Fina thought for a moment, "I'd like a sandwich with roast beef, pastrami and ham with a slice of cheddar cheese, with grilled onions." she stated.

The man looked at Faith. "What would you like?"

Faith wasn't going to stop, or at least right now on the 'practising' thing. Well... Fina got a reprieve for now, looking to the bartender. "Twelve-piece bacon sandwich with mayo, soft white bread and fried cheese sticks. Thank you."

The man nodded, his name being Sam, and turned to put in the orders for the ladies.

Back to the talk about line practising Fina spoke, "So, are there pick-up lines that work or are they just cheesy? I heard tell that Captain Jackson put out a line towards Captain Falk on the station in the Aurora Lounge. It went something like this." she cleared her throat, then said,

'Boys, you better call the bomb squad. Because this little lady planted a thermite charge so big it could melt any man's heart. And her fingers on the trigger ready to blow.'

"That story went like wildfire amongst the men and also ladies, as they thought it was pretty interesting," Fina remarked with a laugh. "From what I had been told Falk had been talking to the men near her about bad pickup lines."

Faith about choked on her drink, or was going to snort it out of her nose, or both. "My god that was horrible."

Fina grinned, "Yes, but also creative 'cause Falk is into explosives. Anyway, there probably isn't a good pickup line but plenty of bad ones." She picked up her drink and took a slip.

"Would you use a pickup line for someone you were wanting to meet or would you just be direct or, just sit down and chat?" Fina changing her position to be facing Faith now.

Her composure was brought back, mostly. "It was a decent attempt I guess. I feel they are better used when you're already with someone. That way it's more endearing cheeky fun, than a bad pickup line. So direct, or sit down, spending time together, not just things in common but things the other one likes and vice versa."

Fina nodded, "I prefer the direct approach of talking to someone, getting to know them or even helping them out on something. It just takes me some time to build up some nerve to even start." giving a wry smile. "Well minus the part of helping someone out. I don't have trouble with doing that. Just maybe striking up a conversation and well-"

Fina was interrupted by Sam, placing the plates of food in front of the two ladies. "Cheers" he said then turned to go about helping another customer.

"Thank you" she called after Sam. He just waved.

"Thank you," smiling lightly to Sam. Returning her attention to the food and Fina. "Well see, there you go." Giving a motion for Fina to continue before Sam politely interrupted.

"As I was saying, me getting up enough nerve to approach someone, takes time. Though I am talking to you, there's a plus. " She picked up her sandwich and took a bite of it. She moaned slightly muffled through her sandwich. "This is so good."

"That only pegs it one of two ways though, given some..not so subtle slips here and there, just looking for a friend or in addition to the conversation. Trying to know more for a deeper reason." Faith smirked a little bit and took a big bite, "Told you."

"Well, I am also worried about oversharing. Not everyone wants to hear too much all at one time." Another bite of her sandwich, just enjoying the flavours. "I am going to have to make something like this. When we get back from the mission, I've got a hankering to do some cooking, It's been way too long." Fina commented.

"You cook also?" She tilted her head a little bit.

Fina gave a nod, "Yes I do, I love to cook. Do you? Do you cook?" taking another bite of her sandwich.

Faith gave a little bit of a nod to her head, "Yes. I love cooking and eating... well I think you figured the first part."

Fina flashed a brilliant smile. "I do like eating as well. As long as it is good-tasting food. What do you like to cook? Any specialities?"

"There's a Deanwich, but also I cook all kinds of things, to be honest. I guess depends on the mood, or what is asked for."

"I would like to have a chance to sample your cooking sometime. Hopefully, that will happen when I get back from my mission." Fina replied, having a slightly nervous expression in her eyes. "I will be leading my team in taking back one of the mining stations. Captain Falk decided that I was capable, I am a bit nervous but she and the sergeant felt I was ready so, here is hoping that I get back." She picked up the drink that the bartender had given her. "I will make it back." she also said with great determination.

"Well, then you will make it back, just like you said." Faith gave a smile, "You wouldn't have been picked to start with. How long before you are supposed to go? We can go work on training in the holodeck if you want, or something. One does learn how to do a lot of things very well in 400 years."

Fina took a glance at the clock on the wall. "I leave in twelve hours, I've already got things packed and ready to go. I just need to unwind to get some sleep before I go. Maybe a little bit of training in the holodeck would help out. Tire me out enough to sleep." Fina gave a small smile.

Faith smiled in return a little. "Well I don't know about sleep, but it should tire you out."

Fina gave a smile and nodded. "Let's go do some training then." she finished up her drink and rose from her chair. "I'm ready to go."






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