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Food & conversation

Posted on 11 Jul 2023 @ 10:39am by Ensign Teton & Ensign Drevas

1,956 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: Just before Into the valley of death JP


-Mess Hall-

With his shift over Teton decided he needed his quoter of sustenance. Before fleeing the Andorian home world Teton had considered food just a replenishment for the body’s fuel system. But now after over 11+ years he had begun to develop a taste for certain foods over others. At the moment he was trying an old Earth dish called Garlic and Cheese filled Ravioli. Even though it resembled the creatures who invaded Deneva killing Captain Kirk’s brother and sister in law. He found it quite exceptional.

After ordering a plate plus a glass of ice cold spring water. He took his usual place at the back so he could watch the room. Teton noticed he was not the only person from Security coming in.

"You're always sitting by yourself. Always here, at the back, where you can observe the room in its entirety and against the wall." The colleague of his that joined him shortly afterward was one of the newer members of the crew: the Kelpien Drevas, who carried what appeared to be a steaming hot bowl of noodles on a tray. It seemed that Teton wasn't the only alien with a taste for human food tonight. He spoke Andorian, fluent and free of accent; though his words were the slightest bit accusatory if taken out of context, his expression was kind.

"You remind me of myself when I was a cadet, you know, and wasn't nearly as confident when it came to interacting with people." He continued as he reached the table and paused there. "Would you mind some company?"

Teton narrowed his eyes but nodded. However under the table he undid the top of his trouser pocket. It was here he kept his knife. The Andorian was instantly suspicious of this person. Speaking his own dialect to him without any trace of an accent. Had Tetons older brother and uncle finally discovered he was alive and sent this person to kill him? He wondered.

“ Who are you? I warn you I am armed and will defend myself to the death. Did they send you here to kill me?” Teton replied in Andorian.

Drevas had had a few different reactions to him being able to speak fluent Andorian with no trace of an accent in his lifetime, but none of them so far had been 'identify yourself, because I can and will kill you if I have to'. You know, something exciting. The Kelpien did a double take, genuinely befuddled at this stranger's reaction.

"My name is Drevas. I am a security and tactical officer." Paranoia. The entire encounter smelled (figuratively, of course) of paranoid fear. This Andorian's reply told him that there was a rather good chance that many, many attempts had been made on his life, by his own people no less, for reasons only known to him - which meant that he would need to be careful in his interactions with the man. Caged animals were capable of anything, after all.

"How about you? What shall I call you?" Denying involvement with this 'they' would only sow distrust, he reckoned. Likely many, many people had done the same only to turn at the next convenient moment. It would therefore be better to answer neutrally; neither confirming nor denying.

Teton narrowed his eyes. He was not sure about this person.

“ If we are to converse in a conversation I would prefer to speak in Federation Standard if you please. My name is Teton and I am a security guard.” He replied curtly.

"Very well. Standard it'll be." Drevas replied, in Standard this time. That Teton might be uncomfortable speaking his own language should have been obvious from the second he acted so hostilely to having it spoken to him, he thought with a twinge of guilt. Just what had happened to him to make him fear his own culture and people so much, to the point of paranoia, he wondered.

"Security officer. We might be working together quite often, then." He reckoned as he sat down, respectfully one table away but within speaking distance. Sitting down directly across from Teton might make him feel trapped, and that wasn't what he wanted. "How long have you served aboard the Tomcat, Teton?"

“ I have been here 734 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes and 54 seconds. As I am on Beta shift that would be unlikely for now. Unless of course one of us had a change in shifts or there was an incident that required our shifts to merge.” Teton said.

If it wasn't already blindingly obvious, the concern on Drevas' craggy features deepened considerably. Could there be deeper meaning as to why Teton counted his time on board so precisely, he wondered. 734 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes and 56 seconds of no one coming to kill me, he suspected it was more like, or I have survived 734 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes and 56 seconds. Both were equally likely. Both left the same sharp pang of sympathy for this man in his heart. This cycle couldn't have been good for him, not in any sense.

"Ah. I see. Still, I sense that somehow or other, we might just find ourselves working together - by chance, or perhaps not." Drevas mused. "Well, whatever the case is. You've been here longer than I. You know this ship better than I. Therefore, I stand to learn much from you and your experience. Don't you agree?"

“I do not wish to sound rude. But it would be best if you sought someone else up to learn from. My situation is very complicated and dangerous. It would be safer for you to keep your distance from me. As the humans say I have a price on my head.” Teton warned

"Crewmates look out for each other, do they not?" Drevas countered gently. "If your... pursuers... seek out my head by way of associating with you, rest assured I am capable of defending myself. I will be fine. We are colleagues. We are meant to work together, even if indirectly - and does it not make sense that having another watching your back will improve your chances of survival?"

Teton relaxed a bit. Maybe he had at last found an ally?

“You must excuse my rudeness it has been a long time since I have found someone who I can trust. So long as my family do not discover that I live. Then we will not be in danger. I have kept my distance from my home-world and any fellow Andorians. Apart from the one serving on this vessel. Come, let us forget our harsh greeting. Please sit.Sit.” Teton said

Drevas sat - though part of him worried that it'd seemed a little too easy to get Teton to warm up to him. JUst a few minutes ago this man had been threatening to defend himself from him with lethal force if necessary; now they were about to sit and share a meal like old acquaintances. For someone who lived in such paranoia of having his life taken away from him at any moment, he seemed unusually swift to trust.

"One? I don't think there's just one," He remarked. "There are at least two, both of which I've met. They seem quite agreeable, both of them. I'm sure the new one - Thex is her name - can mean you no harm,"

Teton had learnt that when a potential threat was at ease they tended to let their guard down. This was why he changed his tactic. The Andorian still did not trust this person. But by asking them to sit he could still easily defend himself if needs be. Under the the table Teton put his left hand on the knife he had hidden.

“ I have only interacted with Thex. Sadly her family situation is the same as myself. Whose is this other Andorian you spoke of?” Teton asked.

"The head of intelligence. Thyra is her name. I am surprised that you have never heard of or seen her before." Drevas remarked. For someone who'd been on board at least two years it surprised him that he'd never even seen her in passing so as to differentiate her from Thex. But then again Teton did seem to spend quite a lot of time in seclusion and watching his own back for his own safety; perhaps that was why. "She's pleasant enough. We met at the ship's bar a few days ago."

“ I do not visit the bar. Alcohol lowers your reaction times should an attacker surprise you. In my situation a drop of combat ability by 90% could prove fatal. I realise there are other drinks that do not contain alcohol but in a relaxed atmosphere such as the bar. It would be easy to add a suppressant to a drink. Without the person whose drink it is having knowledge. This is why I prefer staying on Beta shift. If an enemy did get into the Tomcat it is easier to see them. When the vessel is less full during the off hours.” Teton said

For someone so paranoid about attempts on his life, he should've expected to hear that from his mouth. Desperation drove people to do incredible things - though incredible had wildly varying meanings depending on the case. Again Drevas felt a pang of worry for this poor Andorian. Just what had he done to warrant a life lived in constant fear?

"Well. I suppose the two of you might meet eventually." He remarked. "For better or for worse. She is quite nice to be around - though, of course, I'll let you make judgement on that for yourself. Have you made any other... acquaintances... on board? Surely in your two years here you must have made some connections, no matter how superficial."

“ No I prefer to keep my self to my self so to speak. It is easier that way plus the risk of discovery from those who wish me harm that I am alive. Is a lot lower if I keep my list of acquaintances lower. Although I did speak with Thex. But that was only to have a weapon of mine repaired. It is very important my uncle and brother do not know of my existence. Until I am standing over them with their hearts freshly ripped from their chests in my hand.” Teton said.

People having poor relationships with their parents was nothing new to Drevas. He'd had a few classmates like that at Starfleet Academy; a majority of those in this group sought nothing more than refuge and escape from their families' shadow, preferrably forever. None had wanted to rip their hearts from their chests like gory spoils of a manhunt. He may not have had his ganglia anymore, but the thought of it made Drevas' skin crawl.

"Well, I suppose that does make sense." He replied lamely. How else could he respond to a statement filled with such hatred and bloodlist and so dripping with paranoia? "I suppose I can't change your mind about your circumstances, not now at least - but you may trust me to look out for you, even if you don't want me to."

Drevas' amber eyes glanced towards the chronometer at the wall. "I think this is where we part ways - at least for the night." He commented. "I'll be seeing you around, then. Hopefully under better circumstances."

“ Yes.” Teton said as he also got up to go.




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