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Star Love

Posted on 10 Jul 2024 @ 9:56pm by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

4,077 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Hewitt's Quarters, Deck 04
Timeline: Current


Thyra stood in front of Todd's quarters. She had her hair loose over her shoulders. This was a first for her. She usually had it tied up in a pony tail at least. It felt welt weird. And wore a cute white dress, reaching just over her knees and had spaghetti bands. The white dress was laced with lilac thread. The white clashes nicely with her blue skin. She was also wearing white flats underneath.

She pulled on the dress a little. She never wore anything like this before. It would be very cold on Andorra Prime. She hit the door chime. And then started to pull her dress again nervously. Strangely enough she felt alright about her hair now.

Todd finished setting the table with white linen and candles. The food would be further prepared after talking, drinking, and relaxing on the Sofa section with Thyra if she would like.

Hewitt put on some relaxing Andorian music in the background. He finished preparing dinner in his tiny kitchen to the side. He augmented a cooking area beside the replicator. The steaks just needed to be searched and then plated. Everything else is waiting.

Stopping at a reflective stainless steel wall surface, Hewitt ran his fingers through his hair and then rushed to spray on a sprint of cologne. Nothing heady, and was species approved for Starfleet.

Tagging the door, Hewitt greeted Thrya. His eyes and face showed complete surprise, delight, and impressive hints of thought at the sight of Thrya, dressed classy and not used to their usual attire.

"I… WOW." Hewitt let out. He couldn't muzzle his feelings at seeing Thyra dressed in after-hours gown. He liked this very much! "Thrya.... Please. Come in. This is my quarters." Hewitt did a slight turn of a circle from where he stood—the partitioned rooms hidden. Standing at the entrance, the music and smells of food lent a relaxing moment. The candles lit throughout Hewitt's quarters, keeping a warmer heat for Thrya to her Andorian preferences.

Thyra put her hand shyly behind her head. "Thank you," She said as she walked in to his quarters. She looked around. "This is really nice here." she sniffed a little. "What smells so delicious?" She asked as she looked around the room one more time. She moved around nervously. More because she didn't know how to act and she really had problems with placing her hands. Eventually she just folded them and held them in front of her.

Hewitt could immediately sense that the Andorian Female was nervous. He understood and wanted to help Thyra relax and be comforted.

“Thyra. I am cooking an Andorian herb and vegetable stir fry and small shavings of authentic Earth steak.” Hawksley looked at the kitchen and began to get the small grill ready to cook.

"Ooh, sounds delicious," Thyra said. "I can't wait to try it."

“I hope I chose pleasant music; it’s an older Folk Andorian artist. The computer recommended it.” Leland then gestured for Thrya to have a seat.

Thyra sat down. "The music is alright, you really didn't have to go all out like that for me, I am good with whatever. Dinner is not really about the food, it's more about the company." She smiled.

“Can I get you a small glass of wine, water, or seltzers?”

"What is seltzers?" She tilted her head a little. She honestly didn't know.

Seltzers are a fusion of oxygenated water and carbonized. And usually, lime or lemon is added. However, I don’t mind mine as Strawberry. How about a Strawberry seltzer?”

Thyra nodded, "Oh sounds, nice, lets try a Strawberry Seltzer. I like trying new things."

Hewitt then made Thyra's request drink, and Hewitt went to the sofa. Sitting beside Thyra but not causing her claustrophobia, he relaxed.

“Good company, I can appreciate.” Hewitt had replied.

Thyra scooted a bit closer to Todd. "You seem a little nervous, are you alright." She took his hand. "I am curious about the food you have cooked. Are you as passionate about cooking as I am about painting...oh... I painted you something, I forgot it in my quarters. Maybe we could get it after dinner."

Todd was reading signals in his head. It had been a long time since he had played the dating game. He was rusty and always clueless about the opposite sex, let alone the species.

Todd relaxed. oO Ok. It’s ok that Thyra is sitting right next to me. Oo He looked over to Thyra’s eyes. Those deep blue piercing eyes said she wanted to try new things. Todd swallowed. “I can teach you new things!” He blurted out, speaking right from his thoughts of the moment. oO You idiot! You let it spill out. That you like Thyra Oo

Todd Handed Thyra the seltzer of Strawberry. The tall tumbler glass is clear and bubbly. The hints of Strawberry mash lightened the glass and oxygenated the red water. Taking a drink, Hewitt swallowed and relaxed. "Thyra. That is kind of you to do. I can't wait to see it is what you paint. I like artists. Where does your inspiration behind your paintings come from?"

"Everyone and everything around me. I paint landscape mostly, sometimes people. And from memory too. I see something and it just follows me in my mind as clear as day and then I have to paint to get it out of my head." She smiled and then said, "Feel free to speak your mind around me, Todd, I already learn so much with you." She put the glass to her lips and took a sip. "Mmm, this taste good." She winked at him. I am curious about you too. What you like to do and who the man in general is behind the personnel file."

Hewitt relaxed. He cleared his throat. “I like Hockey and sports a lot. I spend time with Hawksley. He is my best friend on the Tomcat, plus we have many interests that are the same.”

Changing the music to a very thoughtful, cerebral orchestral sonata, Todd turned on the candles in the room and lowered the lighting to a conversational mode. “I am a big movie fan, especially of the old Earth 1900s to mid-2040s, a culturally significant time for Humans. I like working on mechanical things. I work on old guns and muskets from the civil wars. I refurbish holodeck-generated versions. I like woodworking. Right now, I am working on a tree horse for Leland and Lilli’s new baby coming. It will be my gift to them. It can hold the baby’s clothing.” He chuckled and shrugged.

“Tell me about yourself. I have little time for hobbies when I am not immersed in my shifts. Besides exercise on the holodeck, I jog cardio to my music tunes from Earth.”

He watched Thrya, her serene, warm, yet blue face innocently listening to him. Hewitt felt like he had a jewel captured for his own company. “What do you do for a hobby when not on shifts? Have you found any good friends on the Tomcat?”

Thyra smiled as she listened to him. "I have several good friends, well I hope they are, but on the other hand they don't complain in my presence, so I guess they are good friends, right?" She giggled at the remark and then continued, "As for hobbies, aside from painting, I like to cook, but mostly I like music and martial arts. I actually learned and Earth's martial arts. I have a friend that trained me. She called it Vovinam, it's a martial arts from her home country Vietnam. Do you know of that country?" She looked at him as she tilted her head.

Hewitt nodded with a smile. “I have heard of Vietnam. However, I am unaware of that type of martial art. How does it differ from traditional mixed martial arts?” “You are lucky to have several good friends on a smaller ship like the Tomcat. I have a few, always looking to make more.” He winked, looking at Thrya. Not so much a sexual tone, but moreover a relaxed one.

“So I have made caramel-seared salmon. And have vegan and vegetarian sides.”

Thyra blinked. "Ehm, I thought you made Andorian herb and vegetable stir fry and small shavings of authentic Earth steak, or are we getting an entire buffet and you actually still holding back more food from me. " She looked confused to him. "Are you alright, Todd?"

He paused. "It is just one plate I have for you this evening. The stir fry comes next." Hewitt had plated Thyra a modest-sized serving of salmon with caramel drizzle.

"I must admit." Hewitt then sat down at the table and took a drink himself. "I like to cook."

Thyra sat down next to him and looked down at the plate. "That looks really delicious, Todd." She took in the aroma of the dish. She then moved her hand over to him and put her hand on his hand and gently squeezed. "Cooking is an art too, I love how passionate you are a bout it."

Todd swallowed when Thyra had seated herself beside, closer to him at the table. He almost choked on his drink. He enjoyed the move immensely. It just happened!

Hewitt then felt his large hand holding the blue hand of Thyra. He smiled, feeling her smoothness, her body so fluid and feminine yet alien to him, simultaneously as he held her fingers intertwined into his relaxed. He smiled, admiring Thyra. "You have nice Antennae." Hewitt swallowed, hoping that he had hot said anything wrong. He indeed found them beautiful, like all of her and her personality. The Antennae added to Her exotic nature.

"Oh," Thyra said as she slightly blushed, making her face turn a darker blue. She reached her hand up to the antennea. They moved around softly. "Thank you. Would you like to touch them, but gently, they are highly sensitive." She reached over a little.

Hewitt smiled. Curious, yet I find them quite attractive.
“You don’t mind?” He asked again, not wanting to treat his date as odd.

"Well... I wouldn't offer it if I did. And just so you know, I don't offer that to just anyone, so that should tell you something." She was still blushing.

Todd first leaned forward face to face with Thyra, and then he placed his left hand, the tips of his fingers gently, soft, felt Thyra’s blue antennae. “You have beautiful antennae. Do you follow your mothers?” Todd chuckled, not sure if Thyra would find the joke humorous.

Thyra didn't understand him really. "Do you mean if they are like my mother's?" She was really unsure and nervously touched her antennae. "I don't really know. I always thought they were kinda like my father's."

Hewitt was smitten. He couldn’t believe that Thyra was willing to spend time with him, to listen to him, and seemed to like him. “Like your mother, yes.”

“Your Antennae, they're so delicate, Thyra.” Todd let his large, bony fingers gently trace Thyra’s right Antennae. He then couldn’t help but slowly become engrossed as Todd gently leaned in and slowly planted a kiss on her.

Thyra put her arms around holding him in an embrace. She tried leaning back as she felt like it, pulling him close, but then she fell of her chair on the floor. She looked up to him laughing nervously. "Well, that went well. Could you..." She she reached out to him trying to get up.

Hewitt’s face burst red with embarrassment. He didn’t want his first kiss to end up like this with Thyra.

“Thyra.” Todd then relaxed. “I am so sorry.” He heartily helped
Thyra scooped her back up with his muscular forearms. Todd smiled.

“I hope my kiss didn’t send you recoiling on the floor from me.”

Thyra put her hands on his arms. Her face a darker shade of blue. "Oh no, that was really clumsy of me, I don't know what I was thinking there." She leaned over to him and said, "maybe we should redo that, something tells me the couch would be a much safer place."

Todd nodded in agreement. "I think so."

Hewitt then lent down Thyra, gently to the couch sitting beside her. He paused, his eyes gazing into Thex's bright, twinkling brown eyes.

Slowly, Hewitt softened before leaning in closer to the incredible Andorian female. Letting his hand slip through Thyra's snow white shoulder-length hair, to hold her neck as he took the pace and gently placed his lips to hers. Thyra tasted sweet, as she smelled like lilacs. Todd's eyes gently closed, as he breathed in her scent, tasted her soft, sweet lips... Sending his mind off into a dream-like state at that moment of kiss.

Feeling the subtle support of the couch, she was pretty much engrossed in the kiss that Todd gave her. His soft warm touch on her her much cooler skin. It gave a pleasant tingly sensation throughout all her senses. She liked how his hands went through her hair. Leaning back smiling as he let her go. For the first time in her life she was speechless. She bit her lip as she kept looking at him. Just slightly tilting her head but not taking her eyes off him.

“How was that?” Hewitt gently opened his eyes, paying attention to Thyra’s brown eyes. Todd’s relaxed face formed a smile across it. He felt relaxed around Thyra. “Would you mind if I place my arm around you?” They sat on the comfortable couch in the living room.

As he stated, the screen of an environment of a warm, errant rainforest. Mist clouded above the treetops.

Thyra tilted her head and leaned against him as she enjoyed the environment. "Of course you can, but don't forget the food. I believe you were cooking something real nice. Would be real bad if it got burned."

Hewitt grinned and nodded. “How about a drink?” He asked Thyra, unsure what the Andorian’s drink of choice would be. He decided to turn to the small kitchenette that was installed in his quarters. Leland helped him devise the mechanics of the small kitchen.

“I’m baking a honey-glazed salmon. With a variety of mixed Andorian coniferous vegetables in a balsamic sauce. Desert is New York cheesecake.” Todd had ensured that he researched palatable meals for Andorian/Human cuisine.

“Please. Come and join me.” Todd had gestured for the island table and chairs set up in the kitchen, so he could cook and talk.

Thyra got up and walked to the table and sat down picked up her glass. I would really like some more of this strawberry seltzer,is that right? I really like it. I have learned on Earth I really like fruity stuff. Earth has so many fruits we don't have on Andorra. Nice and sweet and refreshing." She swayed a little as she said that.

“Fruit. The forbidden pleasure.” Todd paused as he had the cooking checked the fish broiling. He then decided to take out two wine glasses, and his vintage of Canadian Ice Wine.

“This is ice wine. A Canadian delicacy.” Hewitt then poured a small amount into each glass.

“It is grapes that are used to ferment into alcohol. The first frost is when they are picked at their ripest, where the natural sugars get frozen. It creates a lovely wine.” The small glass was then given to Thyra.

“Humans often raise their glasses of spirits, wine, to say cheers. And add a wish to it. What do you wish, Thyra.” Leland held his glass half at pensive. His eyes searched Thyra’s blue and white face, angelic as it was.

"Humans can be such an inspiration," Thyra said as she raised her glass. "I wish for a long and fruitful relationship. Whatever it may bring us. In good times and bad times." She smiled. "And you, Todd, what is your wish?"

Todd breathed relaxed outward. He bites the lower bottom of his lip. A blushing smile formed across his face. "I..." He then paused re-thinking his words carefully. "You took the words right out of my mouth."

"To what may come." Hewitt then raised the glass and gently clinked his ice wine to Thyras's. He then sipped slowly the delightfully sweet, wine. He let it linger, the feelings of home, being back in Canada.

"Thyra. Have you ever visited Canada back on Earth? It is one of the old nations, long before the confederated United Planets." Hewitt was thinking of upcoming shore leave, perhaps a visit home would be welcome.

Thyra thought a moment. "Oh yes, I think I have once during my time at the academy a classmate took me there. But it was summer and she said it was more breath taking duringt the winter, with a snow blanket covering the town and the mountains. I really wished to have seen that." She smiled.

“Perhaps we could go for a holodeck adventure sometime.” Todd smiled. “A nice warm lodge in the Rocky Mountains. A hot tub on the porch. My parents have a family lodge in Jasper. It’s some of the most pristine, untouched wilderness. You can even see Moose, Black bears, and the occasional lynx. A Wild Mountain cat, a very breathtaking creature. If you see one, you make a wish because it is that lucky to spot one.” Hewitt had chuckled.

Just then, Todd had paused and then turned to the kitchenette. He plated the salmon bake, along with coniferous vegetables from the Andorian home world. The computer helped Todd choose a suitable pairing for their dish. He ensured that there would be no issues with human food.

Setting down the warm plate. Todd had lit two tapered candles. He then poured a less sweet drink, a mix of cocktail and club soda. “Computer. Turn down lights by 75 percent.” The room was then lit dimly with dim candlelight. Sitting close to Thyra at the table, Hewitt breathed in the smell of the meal. The scene dimly lit golden Hughes lighting the features of the impeccable Andorian Woman seated across from him. “I hope you enjoy the meal.”

"I hope so too. Everything does smell so nice." Thyra took in the smells. She took a little bite from the salmon. "Oh that is so nice. I love the flavors." She put her fork down and took a sip from her drink. "You are a wonderful cook."

Todd had blushed at the comment. “You barely have tried the meal.” He winked.
Taking a drink himself, he then swallowed the wine in the glass.

“May I propose a toast to us.”

“To new friends and whatever may come!” Hewitt thought that would be an appropriate comment, given they were still new to meeting each other.

He watched the flickering across Thyra’s face in the room's light. She was angelic. Hewitt stopped catching himself watching her.

Thyra raised her glass too all the while smiling. "The food is good, the company is better." She put her glass back down and continued eating her food, which was pretty good. She didn't feel uncomfortable expressing that.

Eating their dinner, Hewitt smiled. "I will be temporarily transferred to the Sovereign Class that Commander Dodd is taking temporary XO. I am looking forward to the change of scenery. Will you be joining the mission?" Todd had only assumed that she would be.

"I have not received my orders yet, but it is quite possible as the intelligence chief to be asked to join the mission. I mean I assume so." She smiled. "We maybe working close together on this one then."

"That is good. I don't think we will have any problems." Hewitt had only considered a few interests on the ship close to him, and Thyra was one of them. "What do you think our mission is regarding our return to Arth?" Hewitt had asked in return. He was curious as to what she thought.

She slowly put down her fork. "I haven't read the entire intell and briefing report. But, let's just say, it is definitely of interest to return there, but I have no idea what to expect. And what do you think?"

"That is good. I don't think we will have any problems. What do you think our mission is regarding our return to Arth?" Hewitt had asked in return. He was curious as to what she thought.
She slowly put down her fork. "I haven't read the entire intell and briefing report. But, let's just say, it is definitely of interest to return there, but I have no idea what to expect. And what do you think?"

“I am looking forward to the new mission. I am excited about the potential engineering experience I will receive being on a Sovereign Class vessel.” He nodded.

“Oh. I met Maggie. Just a visit. I just thought I should let you know.” He felt bad. He didn’t want Thyra to think any less of him. Perhaps he was being way too honest.

"I..." Thyra didn't know how to think about what he said. They just had a very intimate moment on the couch. Importantly she needed to think how to respond to this. "It depends on how you view this relationship. Where do we want to take it. If the other date was just a date. Then I think there is not harm in socializing with other crew members. It is bound to happen. But I think it is maybe prudent to see what social status we give this relation in order for us to proceed."

“I like you,” Todd acknowledged and smiled. He turned to his meal, which he had prepared. He had hoped it was just as good as the company he had with him.

Thyra was a moment without words. "I-I like you a lot too. I would like to see you more too. I want to get to know you better. I hope this will become something beautiful." She smiled.

Todd nodded. In truthfulness, he had met with Maggie just once. Not a kiss, not even a look. It was just a meet-up, as Leland had told Hewitt about Maggie.

Being self-aware, Todd began to realize that he had been too forthright with information. It really was his business; he should have kept his mouth shut.

Thyra tilted her head as he spoke. He had already explained that he had been seeing another officer. Why would he bring that up again? She took a deep breath as she continued. "You are the one in turmoil here, Todd. Not me. You have to choose what you want with this relationship. You expressed you wanted to be with just me. Give all your life for just one person. I am not taken with hurt or jealousy. I come from a very extended family as you know. And it is also up to the other officer what she wants as well. But you either make a choice either me or her. or you make it work. Or maybe I am to forward as an Andorian. That I find no fault or guilt in you having multiple partners. And maybe this other officer would find it a problem as well. I don't know, but it is something we will need to discuss and it is up to you what you decide."

“No jealously involved. I was just nervous, that’s all.” Finishing his plate and taking a drink of wine from the glass, he set it back down. He nodded with a slight smile. “If anything, I enjoy our friendship and candidness with each other.”

“Cheers.” He cocked his head sideway. “To friends and good food.”

"Yes to friends." She then put her glass down. "So you made your choice." She got up and walked to the door to his quarters. "I am just...I think I will go now. Thank you for a wonderful evening. I will always remember the kiss we shared." She then walked through the door and left.







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