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On a bad track.

Posted on 03 Sep 2023 @ 5:03am by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson

687 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: Before Valley of death prtII

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-Science Lab-

It was amazing how many pieces a mug could smash into. Ted picked up the pieces. Then placed them in a bin. He was going to use a phaser to disintegrate them. But that would set off the alarm.

Unless……Ted altered the main computer. He sat at a terminal and started to type. But the terminal gave a warning sound. He swore and hit the terminal.

"I would just replicate another one, that is quite a puzzle you got going on there Ted," Matt said.

“ A puzzle……oh this. I was asked to download all the data we received from those murdering evil twins of ours. But I thought it might be prudent to set up a firewall just in case those murdering pieces of lower life forms. Left a virus in their system to knock out our main computer here on the Tomcat. But the science computer is having a hissy fit and won’t do what I ask of it.” Ted explained banging his fist on the table in frustration.

"You are full of surprises. Do you have any reason to belive the ship's systems have been compromised?”

“ These people are capable of anything. They murdered Haze and put another of us in a coma. I just hope when I shut down their doorway. Some of them got trapped inside it and were squashed alive to the size of a dot…… By the way our computer is behaving though, I think it has noticed something it does not like too much embedded in the data I collected over there. Either that or it’s getting lazy and can’t be bothered to do some extra work.” Ted fumed.

"When analyzing new information it is the best practice to isolate it from the main computer. I have been giving a lot of thought to how to reverse entropy in a local region. Have you tried to decipher the code using a compiler?" Thompson suggested.

“ To be honest I have only just started. You see we had some problems with the Tricorder there was a hidden block inside the data we collected. It caused an overload in the circuits. But your idea does sound like a plan. But what type of compiler? Should we base on the usual number code or symbol. We don’t want to be on a bad track.” Ted said

"Then I suggest that you remove the memory core from the tricorder, and analyze it with a machine compiler. All data is ultimately binary anyway, before hooking it up to the isolated module whatever corrupted it should be detectable then you should be able to isolate the aberrant code, Matt suggested.

Ted nodded and began to open the Tricorder. He was just about to remove the memory core. When something caught his eye there was a slight blue tint to it.

“ Boss, should the memory core glow like that?” Ted asked.

Matt grabbed a scanner.

"No, it shouldn't, the memory core seems to be building up an overload. It looks like it is trying to scram itself." Matt replied. "Disconnect it from the power source, before it burns itself out," Matt added.

“ This could be a virus. Only the backup tricorder also would not work. Thex is working on it now.” Ted said as he moved to disconnect it.

As Ted touched the power coupling he felt a sharp pain in his hand. There was a flash and Silver was knocked backwards. He literally cartwheel and ended up flat on his back.

“ …..but mummy I can’t go to the fair without my bonnet.” He said in a daze.

"Are you okay, Ted? That was quite a spill," Matt said.

Silver gave a shake of his head.

“ I think I’ll head off to sickbay only I don’t feel so great…” Ted replied.





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