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The fight with the Pirate Carrier

Posted on 13 Dec 2023 @ 4:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson

4,601 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Hydrandz System

"We are about to arrive at the location where the Pirate Carrier has been doing a large number of attacks. The Roosevelt's crew will be tested hard.

But if this sector of space is to be safe for space travel we must be successful at all costs. Captain Cahill is wondering how her new crew will react to the pressure of being in combat. For some it will be their first time, and she hopes her seasoned crew members can help carry them through the battle.

As we arrive at the coordinates she prepares herself for the fight."

Cahill orders the ship to drop to .5 impulse and they begin the hunt.

Cahill orders, "Helm bring us to .5 impulse and be ready for for any attacks. Begin long-range scans to search for the Pirate Carrier.

Yellow Alert!!!!

"They have to be out there someplace. Lt. Thompson, is it possible they are hiding inside one of the debris fields? That is something I would try to do if I was hiding."

"It is likely Captain, Long-range sensors do detect several coded transmissions from the area of the asteroid field. They know we are here," Matt said.

Thinking for a brief moment as she brought the ship to .25 impulse, she thought strategically and tactically. "Captain, Lt. Thompson, I was just brainstorming. Were I the pirate captain, and I wanted the best cover yet close enough to where I could do the most damage, I would use a debris field for camouflage," said Serina. "Being as how the nearest debris field is closest to the fourth area of the most attacks," she added.

"Confirmed Captain there is a communications satellite relay in that debris field," Matt replied. "We are being actively scanned, Sir, " Matt added.

"Which helps with smaller craft or a squad of them. Very effective. Not completely a free pass either. We can go with that, I'd say flood the area with tachyons as well as plasma trails." Faith wiggled her fingers at them.

"That could give us the tactical advantage in this situation captain," Matt said agreeing with Faith.

As the Roosevelt arrived and dropped out of warp we get a good look at all the destruction that has been done to all the ships in the area.

Cahill replies, "I agree. If a ship lowered all life support and other systems to the lowest level to still allow the crew to survive. It would allow them to hide amongst the damaged ships. Good thinking Serina.

"Lt Thompson, what are your sensors picking up?

"Sir, I am now picking up Tacyons and Leptons, I think they are flooding the area to obscure our sensors," Matt reported.

"Copy that LT," Cahill replied.

Faith shifted a little bit, "Except for one thing, no one thinks about. Gas. Not just ships, plasma, which we use. Natural gas. Methane. Not to mention oxygen. Mass as well, because, being alive in an EVA suit, or a section of a ship powered to that result will have indicators. Hell, just use IR to track heat signatures."

Cahill replied, "That is true, but you also have some of the same gasses coming from the destroyed ships too. As the ships breakup they also allow the gases being held in pockets of the hulls to escape.

And heat signatures can be hidden by lowering the temperature of the ships to extremely lower temperatures. And that allows for the body heat signatures to be harder to see and locate.

This was taught to me in Star Fleet Academy when I did my medical training there."

"What if the signatures were masked? You can fool sensors by masking their true output. Any good engineer can accomplish that. Just use the right combination of chemical compounds will fool Federation sensors. I know of a few but off the top of my head I don't remember and I am no engineering officer but that I do remember," Serina mentioned.

"I can easily but up the heat signatures of the local area on the screen," Matt said.

He flicked several keys on his console and then superimposed his findings onto the view screen.

The screen was a kaleidoscope of colors.

Multiple thermal variations.

"What are we looking for? Heat signatures or turbulence, perhaps vector analysis?" Matt asked.

"How about an old Klingon trick- the mixing of certain chemicals can confuse the Federation sensors. Look for mixtures of achnides and thulium. Mixing these right will sometimes cause a ship to be hidden from from the sensors of Federation Ships," replied Cahill.

"We would need a lot of these particles to cover such a vast region. It's not something that we can replicate in a timely manner. If you really want to confuse their sensors, why don't we send out say a dozen wild weasels to send out a false sensor telemetry? That would make it appear that we were in 12 different places at once. or conversely make it appear that there is a much larger fleet out here, depending on how we program them." Thompson replied.

"How about intensity?" Faith looked up. "The hotter a spot, that means a burst of the engines. Sitting and waiting cloaked, both Klingons and Romulans do. So just as soon as they are ready to move there should be a huge hot spot."

Cahill replied, "The Pirate Carrier does not have cloaking capabilities. But it is a good idea though. The pirate carrier has always tried to hide from warships. No matter where they came from. That is why they have not been destroyed yet. But today their time is up, they will surrender or die today. And we will return in victory."

"What if there is more than one pirate cruiser, there could be several which is why they are able to take so much damage. They could be using a similar ploy as we are." Matt said.

Cahill replied, " There could be but right now we know we have a target to fight. Scan to see if there are any other Pirate signatures in the area. And I don't want this one getting away. If there is only one of them then we have to hunt it down again."

"All true Captain but that ship could just be bait or even more worrisome a false projection," Matt said. "It's what I would do," Matt added.

Suddenly Cahill spotted a slow movement from the corner of her eyes on the screen. "Weapons lock on that movement it is not a natural drift of debris. It is moving in the opposite direction. Communications hail them and give them a chance to surrender. But I suspect they will come out fighting. Helm move to intercept them. They will not get away. Launch all remaining fighters to help provide cover."

Faith gave a little nod, making sure that all weapons were locked separately to cover the wide area of debris-about them. "Working on it."

Cahill stood up and moved around looking at things on the screen. She always did work better on her feet than sitting. Guess it was due to her being a Dr and not getting to sit much doing her duties.

Something had her hair standing up on her neck but she was not sure what was causing it. Usually, when this happened it was because she was missing something.

"Are there any other signs of movement in the debris field that are out of the ordinary?"

"There is a considerable amount of displacement, Captain," Matt said.

Cahill replied, "Launch probes into the suspected areas you think they are in and get all sensor data you can raise, LT Thompson.

Chief Aux Pilot holds this position till we get the data from the probes. We are in a position that if they try to they will not escape. Do not let them get by us."

"Yes, ma'am," came Maggie's reply. Her own display was alight with various instruments going haywire. "The atmospheric pressure is increasing a bit; the debris field is dense."

"Ready the remaining Marines for possible invasion if it is needed."

"Probes launched Captain. Receiving telemetry." Matt advised.

Cahill repiled, "Let me know what information comes back when you get it Lt Thompson."

"I recommend we stay out of the asteroid field, there are at least six planetary-grade defense platforms in there," Matt advised. Not detecting the cruiser though, perhaps they mean to draw us in there," Matt added.

"I agree". replied Cahill.

Cahill replied, " that is a ploy I would use if I was in their place. First it is hard to detect them. And second it limits the maneuverability of the ship coming to attack you. Making it easier to destroy them. But it is also a 2 way street, when they do finally come out it will limit their maneuverability as well. they will have a narrow corridor to come out of and we will be in position to take advantage of it."

"Find me something to shoot at, Benson," came the pilots plea. She was bored as hell, just hovering there. Dogfighting was her favorite, but she was also ready for a REAL fight. Though she was mostly a shuttle pilot, she liked to pretend she was an old-school Top Gun aviator. It suited her personality.

Faith wasn't going to even bother pointing out that she was the one who would be doing the shooting. As long as it made Maggie happy to get into it they could split the difference. "Alright, alright. Given the choke point, and a lot of people, other than you, girlie girl. Forget that we do move in three dimensions. 249 mark 063 negative 167 elevation. Right under them instead of head on."

"Thank you," the Lieutenant said, from the comfort of her cockpit. "I owe you," she said, her voice a bit sing-songy as she moved her vessel to the proper position. "Standing by for your mark," she said.

Pirate Carrier

On the Pirate Carrier, "Captain they are very close now. If we make a mistake they will have us in their sites. I think it is time to go out and meet our Federation enemy head on. Before they locate us and completely block our escape path."

PC Captian replied, "Not yet. if the change position a little more to their port. We will have them in our sights and can deliver a very damaging barrage on them before they can react to it, number 1. The ship they sent is a very formable and strong ship. It carries a lot of very strong weapons on it. It is a very strong match to us. And it could very well destroy us if we make a mistake against it. Ready all weapons but do not power them up yet. Doing so will give away our position."

Pirate First Officer, "Aye Captain, you have never let us down before."


Faith smirked, "It doesn't particularly matter now at this point. I already have all the data I need. If they sneeze, I've got them.
If they get the carrier position it would allow us to attack them from here and force them out of hiding. And then we would have them in our sights and ready for whatever they try."

Cahill replied, "Lt Benson continue my orders and remember something about this fight we are in. That Carrier is superior to us and even with the upgrades we have on the Roosevelt we are still outgunned. We need to be tactful. With the carrier trapped in the asteroid field, we have the upper hand. They cannot maneuver as freely as in open space and this gives us and advantage right now.

In open space, they can maneuver more easily and they can outshoot us. Ad this would be devasting to us on the Roosevelt causing more damage and casualties. And likely result in us being destroyed.

Being tacticful is sometimes the best fighting stance."

"LT Thompson, How do you feel about a couple of fighters going into the asteroid field to do some recon? When they locate it they would be able to maneuver easily to escape the Pirate Carrier due to their small size and escape them. Then return for helping to defend the Roosevelt. And would give us an advantage in the early stages of the fight." Replied Cahill.

From her plane, Maggie was impatiently listening. "I can do it. Send me a backup and we'll go. In, out, down and dirty." She was bored to death, just hovering there, and bored Maggie equalled a trigger-happy one and that wasn't good. She was trying hard to maintain professionalism, but it just wasn't easy for her. She had to be constantly doing something to keep her brain sharp.

"Sitting here is not going to find that bloody carrier," Serina said. Pulling out and away from her squadron, she made it clear that no one was to follow her while she did a little recon of her own. =/\= Roosevelt, Serina here, gonna do a little recon alone in the asteroid field. I know it is sudden but something tells me she is hiding in there waiting to get a bead on us. The rest of my squadron have their orders so you are covered=/\= killing the comm and going radio silent. oO Now either I'm gonna get my ass killed doing this or they are gonna give me a medal. The worst would be a court martial but for now there is no other way around it, so it might as well be me doing it.Oo thinking to herself as she headed for the nearest entry point to the field.

Cahill replied, "Copy that Serina. Be careful and get in and out fast. Transporter room 1 keeps a tight lock on the pilots. If their fighter gets damaged beam them straight to Sick Bay. I want everyone back in one piece."

"I still don't think that's a good idea." Faith sighed a little. "I already had everything set up for us and where we needed to go, how to approach it."

"Captain, the pirates are launching three-man attack craft analogous to scorpion class fighters, Matt said.

Cahill replied, "Your thoughts are noted Lt Benson. This is a situation that needs tact."

"Donovan, I-" Maggie sighed deeply, then opened a channel to the Roosevelt. ==/\==Should I follow her?==/\== She asked, drumming her fingers on the panel. ==/\==My fly bys are clear. We're alone out here besides whatever is cloaked there. AND I am bored.==/\== Hovering in deep space wasn't exactly what she'd joined the Fleet to do.

Faith just pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. "Did she really just say cloaked? They aren't cloaked, just hiding and we figured out where." Looking to Cahill, "Do I need to mention again the plan I had. They and a lot of others forget that we do move in three dimensions. 249 mark 063 negative 167 elevation. Right under them instead of head on."

==^==Whatever!==^== Came Maggie's reply. ==^==Alright. I am going in. I'll get what info my sensors can and get out. At any rate, a few of us in there will distract them.==^== And if not, there was always "flash them your boobs", right?! ==^==I'll see if I can find the Commander, as well,==^==she said, with a deep sigh. Crazy Klingon. She flipped some switches, and made sure that she was traceable by the Roosevelt, and set off for the debris field. She had to apply all of her skills-this wasn't an air show. She was quiet in her cockpit-she need to focus. The first thing she did was turn on the atmospheric sensors and debris shields so she could maneuver more safely. She wasn't trying to die out there.

___Pirate Carrier____

The Pirate Carrier Xenophong maneuvered deeper into the asteroid field, the sensors of the Federation vessels must be confused by now, as they had activated considerable ECM. They might not even be visible to the Federation starship's sensors. If they followed they would walk into a trap.

"Captain they have launched fighters and will find us soon we must do something now." And slammed his fist on a console. In doing so actives the weapons and tracking systems.

"XO you are a fool and have given our place of hiding away. Now they will know our exact position and will have the upper hand when we go to engage them."

I have launched fighters 3 squadrons, they will be overwhelmed, Captain.

"Prepare the drones for launch as well we may have to make our escape and I don't want them capable of following us.

------Roosevelt ----

Cahill was looking at the monitor and suddenly saw a power source active on it. She jumped to her feet.


"There they are and we got them trapped now. Move the Roosevelt into a blocking position all weapons lock on the power source," Cahill ordered.

"Weapons locked on target, I am reading a signal. Target is an asteroid reading mass .7, Sir," Ops reported.

This is what I have been working on. Reports from computers of attacked ships said they would wait to activate their power systems just before they were attacked.

We got them trapped and they will have to come straight at us. Prepare to fire weapons when they clear the asteroid field. Launch all fighters. set up a full defensive grid around the Roosevelt.

They do not know what they have coming to them yet."

On one particular point, Faith just wanted to hit her head on a desk, ha an asteroid mass .7. Her plan completely ignored. It was a good play or at least she thought. Gave them a much better surprise attack than this one. Either way, it didn't matter, Cahill was in charge. "Weapons are ready already. On your order."

=/\=Roosevelt! Heads up! Movement in here. Carrier located hiding. Am sending coordinates now. Will continue shadowing until you can get here, =/\= Serina said calmly. Switching frequencies, =/\=Serina to Maggie get your rear end over here and shadow the carrier with me. We need to know where they are going to poke their heads out and send their fighters to also=/\=Serina finished her statement.

==/\==On my way, Ma'am==/\== She was dodging debris, laser fire, and actual missiles as she spoke, trying to make her way to where Donovan was. Finally, she met up with the Klingon. ==/\==I've got your left flank. I took a small hit to my left hull but I am still in the air. Let's go.==/\== Very few things would cause Mags to turn tail and return-the shuttle was hit but the damage was minimal. ==/\==Waiting for orders. Out.==/\== FINALLY. Some action!

"Captain Fighters have line of sight on the Carrier" MAtt reported.

"All weapons fire phasers and fire 2 spreads of photon torpedos. Fighters attack the Pirate carrier. Extreme prejudice is authorized by Star Fleet. They either surrender or we destroy them. No other options."Replied Cahill.

=/\= All fighter attack and do what you can. We will prevail. It is a good day for the Pirates to die.=/\=]

Faith unloaded both spreads of torpedoes toward the Carrier. Aimed at the bays first. The phasers were aimed at more target sub-systems like the engines, auxiliary power core, and weapons grid than just the hull in general.

Maggie didn't need to be told twice. With a quickness, she fired her torps and lasers, at full power. ==^==Direct hit to the left Nacelle==^== She shouted to Donovan. ==^==Take out the right. They're dead in the water, and the Roosevelt will handle the rest.==^== She was about to move when her shuttle shook. ==^==Damn it, they got my left hull. Running diagnostics.==^==

She pulled the shuttle lower in the sky, so she could take a moment to check that she was still fly-able. She was. She re-joined the fight, coming face to face with one of the pirate's dogfighters.

==^==Serina, I am cornered. Cover my six, I got this.==^==

=/\=Gotcha Maggie=/\=said Serina as she brought in her fighter to give her a hand.

She hoped. She fought back with all she had, plus a couple of fancy flying maneuvers, dodging laser beams and missiles with turns, twists, raises and lowers, only taking small hits that didn't render her useless. Yet. With Donovan's help, they were able to disable the fighter, and she watched as they fell out of the airspace.

==^==Threat eliminated. Benson, how's it look?==^==
She let out a deep sigh. The worst part of her job was that...

Cahill continued, "Fire phasers at will. All fighters continue your assault. We will prevail. Star Fleet will prevail. And the pirate reign will end today. Victory will be ours."

Maggie continued to give it all she had, which wasn't much, considering it was a big shuttle and not a little dogfighter, but she still did her best.
==^==Donovan...check in. Where'd those other fighters come from?==^==
That was not good.
==^==I'm taking direct hits to my hulls. I'll stay airborne as long as possible.==^==
This is what she trained for, what she LIVED for, always sucked when she had to DO it.

=/\= No idea. They had to be launched from one of those damn asteroids Maggie=/\=

The ship shutters from some minor hits.

"Incoming fighters," Matt exclaimed. "They are firing torpedoes..." The ship shuddered much harder as the shields tried to absorb the damage, Then another hit on the port quarter. "More fighters coming in from 295 mk 7. It's a trap we are surrounded, "Matt said.

"Captain the pirate carrier is moving deeper into the asteroid field trying to evade our fire," Matt said. The ship lurched hard to port as another barrage of torpedoes hit the starboard side.

"Shields are down to 47 percent we are taking damage, and lateral phaser array down, shield generators 2 and 5 are fluctuating. Structural latching systems failing." Matt added.

Cahill replied, " Engineering I need more power to shields/ And weapons. I understand Lt Thompson, It appears he wants to draw us into the asteroid field to limit our maneuvering also. What do you think, Lt Thompson? If we go in there he will have the advantage, Because the Carrier is stronger than us."

"I recommend we turn his strength against him, use the tractor beam to change the trajectories of the asteroids. We could even use them to protect ourselves," Matt said. "Perhaps we can even use them to smash his ship up a bit," Matt added.

I agree with you, replied Cahill. 3 good hits will destroy the carrier. And the fighters will run for safety in hiding.

==^==LeFebvre to Roosevelt. What's happening there? I can only hold them back so long; Donovan's got them held back in the field but where are they getting so many fighters? Get them out of the sky!==^== More fighters approached from the port side, and she was almost outmaneuvered. She was determined to stay up as long as she could-"quit" wasn't in her genes.

=/\= We are attacking now. All our fighters have joined you in the attack LeFebvre. =/\= Replied Cahill.

==/\==Alright. I'll stay as long as my engine holds.==/\== Maggie replied.

Cahill made a calculated attack plan. "Fire 3 volleys of photon torpedos and continue firing phasers If they are going deeper in it looks like we will have to go in and get them. The Carrier may have another way out to escape. More power to forward shields and be ready to go in on my orders. Helm lay in a course to enter the asteroid field on my orders."

"Still firing. Apparently, I can't tell from our sensors if my shots on the specific sub-systems worked or not. It may be magnetic interference from the mineral composition of the asteroids," Faith paused a moment. "We could use the torpedoes as mines. If I set them to a proximity mode then they will stop and lay there waiting on carrier or fighters to get close before they go off. It would also visually show us where they are, regardless of sensors."

Under stood replied Cahill. Keep it up.

Maggie, for her part, was giving it her all. Out here, she was a pilot, a badass, confident, smart. Everything she wasn't otherwise. She fired as she could, doing flips and raising and lowering her hovers to dodge fire. If she took any more hits, it could be a disaster. She sent a quick message to Donovan. ==/\==If something happens, I have an uncle on Alpha Centauri. Alain LeFevbre. He can have the house in Lyon. ==/\== With that done, she prepped to eject, just in case, all the while continuing to fight.

Serina heard Maggie's message and opened a com transmission to Maggie, =/\= Serina to Maggie, "Get outta here. You've done enough already. Take your shuttle and get back to the Roosevelt", Serina said.

Maggie was about to reply when out of nowhere, she felt a sharp ram to the side of her shuttle. Crap. The red alert chimed. ""I have to, I am dead out here. Be safe. I'll send someone out." She turned her shuttle around. "Roosevelt, LeFebvre returning. I took a hit to the aft hull. Alert the CAG that I am dead in the water out here. I may need an escort," she said. Dammit.

"Three more torpedo hits on the port nacelle, shields down to 16 percent captain we are taking hull and systems damage, " damage control teams reported.

Ok, let's try something new. See those 3 large asteroids on their port side. Lock onto them with a tractor beam. And draw them into position. Modify their approach so they impact the carrier. They are large enough to destroy the carrier when they collide with it. Replied Cahill.

As Maggie flew the shuttle towards the Roosevelt, a flying piece of debris hit her front window. The shaking of her already-badly-damaged plane caused her to be ejected from her seat for a brief moment. Ouch. She was too old for this shit anymore! FINALLY, she was close enough to dock.

=/\=LeFebvre to Hangars. I am prepped to dock...need a transport to Medical, too.=/\= Damn it. She was a bit woozy and her head wound bled a little. She wasn't too badly hurt-just a concussion. She'd had enough of them to know what to look for.

=/\=LeFebvre to Medical. I need a transport.=/\=

As the trajectory of the asteroids was accomplished, they began to strike the carrier. The first 2 did major damage and when the 3rd one hit the carrier exploded in a blinding explosion.

All remaining fighters ran for a place to hide.

"Recall all fighters and shuttles. Engineering begin repairs on the Roosevelt. "Replied Cahill.

Watching the tremendous explosion of the carrier, it gave Serina a sense of accomplishment in that her fighters and Maggie was alive and safely aboard the Roosevelt. Damage to several fighters was repairable and the best news of this battle was, she lost no pilots. She guessed all those hours drilling and busting backs with simulations paid off. She was going to ask Capt Cahill that Maggie get a commendation for her actions in piloting her shuttle in the way she did. In all actuality, Serina was going to recommend that the fighter squadrons get some type of recognition door this mission. Everybody deserves some praise for risking their asses.

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OOC: I am sorry I took so long to reply. I was walking and got hit by a car. It was hard to sit at my computer for any amount of time.



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